4 research outputs found
Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna di Kota Mojokerto
Tujuan pemberdayaan "masyarakat" miskin yang menggunakan "Teknologi Tepat Guna", adalah: 1). Mempercepat pemulihan ekonomi, meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kegiatan USAha ekonomi produktif "masyarakat", memperluas lapangan kerja, lapangan USAha, meningkatkan produktivitas dan mutu produksi. 2). Menunjang pengembangan wilayah melalui peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara bertanggung jawab menuju keunggulan kompetitif dalam persaingan lokal, regional dan global. 3). Mendorong tumbuhnya inovasi di bidang "teknologi". Model tipe kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, berusaha untuk menggambarkan fakta dan fenomena yang terkait dengan model pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna. Populasi penelitian adalah semua lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat yang berbasis penerapan teknologi tepat guna di Kota Mojokerto dan masyarakat yang mendapatkan hibah/bantuan penerapan teknologi tepat guna. Sampel diambil secara random di masing-masing Kecamatan. Teknik sampel menggunakan teknik insidental dan purposive random sample, dan analisis data menggunakan analisis Kualitatif pada 100 responden. Simpulan penelitian: 1). Memberdayakan masyarakat adalah memampukan dan memandirikan masyarakat hingga muncul Perubahan yang efektif dan efisien. 2). Dalam meningkatkan kapasitas dan kemampuan perekonomian sangat diperlukan dukungan teknologi tepat guna yang relevan dan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat. 3). Implementasi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui teknologi tepat guna cenderung mencari jalan "termudah" dalam menentukan sasaran atau penerima /calon adaptor teknologi tepat guna. 4). Terjadi masalah ke "Tepat gunaan" teknologi karena ketidak sesuaiannya antara teknologi tepat guna yang di implementasikan dengan kondisi lokasi. 5). Keberlanjutan USAha agar UMKM mandiri, perlu pendampingan teknis dan non teknis. 6). Peran Pemerintah adalah hal yang mutlak harus ada dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui penerapan teknologi tepat gunaKeys word: Pemberdayaan masyarakat, teknologi tepat guna
Analisis Efektivitas dan Efisiensi PDAM Kota Mojokerto
This research was done in PDAM Mojokerto city. This PDAM is a company which monopolizes the water supply to public so that it can supply and distribute water according to the public weeds.The problems in this research are : a. How is efficiency the performance rate analysis result of PDAM as one of BUMD in Mojokerto city ?. b. How is the effectivity performance of PDAM as water supplier for public in Mojokerto city? The purpose is to analyze the performance efficiency rate of PDAM as one of BUMD in Mojokerto city, and for knowing the performance effectivity of PDAM Mojokerto city.The research result of ROE (Return on Equity) PDAM always get loss increasingly. Cash ability for paying the short debt is very low.The collection of receivable in the year of 2010 increased 32.325,760, in the 2011 increased 18.337,450, in the year of 2012 increased 73.819,330., this showed that there was receivable abundant and there was no effective collect receivable, while in the year 2013 there was better collect compared to the previous year. The soluability ratio increased in the year 2009 with the amount 3.63% that meant every debt of one unit would be guaranted 3,63 unit asset and in the year 2010 with the amount of 4,20%. In the year 2011 would be 6,16% in the year 2012 with the amount 5,52%, in the year 2013 in 13,06%. Based on the result of performance effectivity PDAM Mojokerto city, it is still not effective. We can see from the ratio of the population with customer, the rate of water loos is about 50% and water quality and water wetae also the were so many complaints, showed that there is still not effective the PDAM performance Mojokerto city. The recommendation of PDAM Mojokerto city must work harder to increase the performance efficiency and effectivity
Pengaruh Investment Decision, Financing Decision, dan Makro Ekonomi terhadap Good Financial Governance Serta Value Of The Firm dengan Unsystematic Risk dan Profitabilitas sebagai Variabel Intervening
The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of investment decision, financing decision, andmacro economy toward good financial governance and value of the firm with unsystematic risk andprofitability as intervening variable. This research is conducted at Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) to allmanufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2016. The sample used is 27manufacturing companies in Indonesia stock exchange in 2013-2016. The results showed that Based on theresults of data testing that has been carried out, a conclusion can be drawn on the results of hypothesistesting: Investment Decision has no significant effect on Unsystematic Risk and on Financing Decision buthas a significant effect on Profitability, on Good Financial Governance, Value of the Firm and on GoodFinancial Governance through Unsystematic Risk. Financing Decision has Significant Effect onUnsystematic Risk, Profitability, Good Financial Governance but has no significant effect on Value of theFirm Macroeconomics has a significant influence on Unsystematic Risk, Profitability, Investment Decisin,Decision Financing, Good Financial Governance and Value of the Firm Unsystematic Risk SignificantlyAffects Profitability and Good Financial Governance Profitability Significantly Affects Good FinancialGovernance, and Value of The Firm, and Good Financial Governance Significantly Affects Value of TheFirm Financing Decision has a significant effect on Good Financial Governance through UnsystematicRisk.Macroeconomics has a significant effect on Good Financial Governance through Unsystematic Risk.Investment Decision affects the Value of the Firm through Profitability.Decision Financing on Value of theFirm through Profitability.and Macroeconomics affects the Value of the Firm through Profitability