173,467 research outputs found
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Design of bent photonic crystal fiber supporting a single polarization
In this work, it is shown that the differential loss between the TE- and TM-polarized fundamental modes in a highly birefringent photonic crystal fiber (PCF) can be enhanced by bending the fiber. As a result, a design approach for single-mode single-polarization operation has been developed and is discussed. A rigorous full-vectorial H-field-based finite element approach, which includes the conformal transformation and the perfectly matched layer, is used to determine the single-polarization properties of such a highly birefringent PCF by exploiting its differential bending losses
Dietary polyphenols mediated regulation of oxidative stress and chromatin remodeling in inflammation
The paper looks at the current status of Bangladesh-EU relationship, identifies the salient features of the new Cooperation Agreement and looks at some of the important emerging challenges in the context of the evolving Bangladesh-EU relationship. The paper also focuses on the trends and structure of aid from EU to Bangladesh over the past years and Bangladesh - EU trade relations.WTO, Trade, Globalisation, Cooperation
Is straight the new queer? David Beckham and the dialectics of celebrity
In his book, Understanding Celebrity (2004), Turner provides a comprehensive overview of the vast literature which has developed on issues of celebrity and fame, painting a broad picture of concerns divided between the significance of the apparent explosion in celebrity 'culture' and the focus on celebrities themselves. Within the literature on the social significance of celebrity culture, we can discern two key themes. First, celebrity culture is a manifestation of globalised commodity consumerism in advanced capitalism and second, its social function as a system of meanings and values which is supplanting traditional resources for self and social identities in late modern culture, including structures such as class, gender/sexuality, ethnicity and nationality. Whilst the authors mentioned above both draw on and contribute to these arguments, their focus remains broad, citing Beckham as a key manifestation of the complex interdependence between globalised sports and media industries, and transformations in gender and consumption. For example, although Cashmore's book is solidly researched on the impact of media finance on football and has a sound argument on the significance of consumerism, he is prone to generalisations about the transformations in masculinity and celebrity culture which he suggests are central to understanding Beckham's significance
On the validity of Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture in presence of Dirac fields
A well posed theory of nature is expected to determine the future of an
observer uniquely from a given set of appropriate initial data. In the context
of general relativity, this is ensured by Penrose's strong cosmic censorship
conjecture. But in recent years, several examples are found which suggest
breakdown of the deterministic nature of the theory in Reissner-Nordstrom-de
Sitter black holes under the influence of different fundamental fields.
Nevertheless, the situation has been reassuring for the case of astrophysically
meaningful Kerr-de Sitter black hole solutions which seems to respect the
conjecture. However, the previous analyses were done considering only the
effect of scalar fields. In this paper, we extend the study by considering
Dirac fields in Kerr-de Sitter background and show that there exist a parameter
space which does not respect the conjecture.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, Accepted in European Physical Journal
Voices: Silences and Sexuality in 19th-Century Women's Slave Narratives
In my paper, I look at the connections between silences and sexuality in 19th-century women's slave narratives, focusing on Mary Prince's The History of Mary Prince: A West Indian Slave, Related by Herself and Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. The silences in these narratives were enforced by notions of chastity at the time, as well as the immediate danger posed against Prince and Jacobs. While sexual labor was very much a part of both British and American slavery, instances of sexual abuse in women's slave narratives were encoded in the language within women's slave narratives. It is these encoded scenes that I analyze in my senior thesis, examining the strategies used by both Prince and Jacobs to convey instances of sexual abuse experienced by themselves and other enslaved people. I aim to build a theory as to how these instances were communicated in each narrative, as well as look at similarities in how both texts approached the issue.No embargoAcademic Major: Englis
The Uniqueness of Hypergravity
We show that consistent interactions of a spin-2 and a higher-spin Majorana
fermion gauge fields in 3D flat space lead uniquely to Aragone-Deser
hypergravity or its generalization. Our analysis employs the BRST-cohomological
techniques, and works in the metric-like formulation under the assumptions of
locality, parity and Poincar\'e invariance. Local hypersymmetry shows up as the
unique consistent deformation of the gauge transformations. An extension of the
theory with fermion flavors does not change these features, while a
cosmological deformation becomes obstructed in the absence of other degrees of
freedom and/or non-locality.Comment: 40 pages, minor changes in the text, references adde
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