9 research outputs found

    The Effect of Environmental Knowledge and Perceived Value on Visitor Experience in Forest Recreation

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    Vandalism and environmental degradation pose challenges in natural recreation areas, prompting the need for interventions to promote environmental consciousness and nature appreciation. This study investigates the role of knowledge and perceived value in enhancing ecological experiences. A five-point Likert scale survey was distributed to 235 visitors at Djuanda Forest Park in Bandung, Indonesia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) was employed to analyze direct and indirect influences. The results demonstrate that enhancing ecological perceived value positively impacts visitors' interactions with nature. Moreover, increased actual knowledge regarding environmental degradation enhances the perceived value of outdoor recreation in natural settings. These findings highlight the importance of developing educational programs in natural recreation areas to support sustainable environmental practices

    Integrasi Analisis Preferensi Visual dan Bahaya Lanskap dalam Perencanaan Wisata di Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda, Bandung

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    Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park, is a natural tourism destination located in Bandung, West Java and in low land parts of Gunung Pulosari, passed by Cikapundung river stream. This research aimed to recommend the appropriate tourism planning to be implemented in the Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park. Through landscape hazard analysis within slope gradient and soil element contained, we developed landscape sensitivity map. The result shows that 65,508% from the total area is a high sensitivity land. Beside that, only 4,335% from the total area is a low sensitivity lands and can be explored for active tourism attraction. The visual preference analysis was held to identify the potential attractiveness of many tourisms object in this area. The high potential object is dominanated with natural landscape objects and man-made object is the less potential. Almost all of the potential objects are located in high sensitivity land. Unfortunately, the uninterested object with unclear function is located in low sensitivity land which it is suitable for intensive recreation activities. The planner of this area should consider the role of limited activities and facilities development in low caring capacity land. For conservation purpose, planting endemic vegetation in sensitive landslide land should be carried out in order to maintain forest sustainability.Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park, is a natural tourism destination located in Bandung, West Java and in low land parts of Gunung Pulosari, passed by Cikapundung river stream. This research aimed to recommend the appropriate tourism planning to be implemented in the Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park. Through landscape hazard analysis within slope gradient and soil element contained, we developed landscape sensitivity map. The result shows that 65,508% from the total area is a high sensitivity land. Beside that, only 4,335% from the total area is a low sensitivity lands and can be explored for active tourism attraction. The visual preference analysis was held to identify the potential attractiveness of many tourisms object in this area. The high potential object is dominanated with natural landscape objects and man-made object is the less potential. Almost all of the potential objects are located in high sensitivity land. Unfortunately, the uninterested object with unclear function is located in low sensitivity land which it is suitable for intensive recreation activities. The planner of this area should consider the role of limited activities and facilities development in low caring capacity land. For conservation purpose, planting endemic vegetation in sensitive landslide land should be carried out in order to maintain forest sustainability


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    River is one of a recreational resource potential of watersport in Indonesia. The growing trend of sports tourism in water-based recreation, making some rivers and rapids with unique morphology, being developed by the local community as a tourism destination. Furthermore, comprehensive planning and meticulous study, is the key to develop sustainable sports tourism. This study was conducted as a series of special interest travel planning process-based education that used the river with River Tubing Activity as an attraction. The sample was taken on Santirah River which is currently growing as one of a favorite attraction in West Java, Indonesia. The survey was conducted through observation of the physical condition of the river and the readiness of human resources management. As a result, Santirah river has high potential from the physical aspect, however the readiness still low on aspect of human resources to provide safe and convenient service. The role of governments and professional organizations in the field of sports recreation are essential in providing assistance to the managing authority in this river

    Navigating Conservation Access: Unraveling Ignorant Tourist Behavior and Typologies in Komodo National Park

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    The impact of access policies on the influx of ignorant behavior in conservation areas is still understudied.  This research aims to detect this ignorant tourist behavior in the conservation areas by analyzing perceived accessibility and examining the tourist typologies. The study was conducted in Komodo National Park, one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, which has experienced high accessibility development. The research method employed tourism policy and factor-cluster analysis to examine the tourist typology. Accessibility constructs and hedonic tourist motivation were used as the variables in the analysis. The total respondents were 534, and the data were analyzed using a non-hierarchical K-means cluster analysis. The result showed that three aspects were considered in managing the accessibility in the conservation areas. The aspects included destination, individual, and conservation accessibilities in the national park.  Further, four tourist typologies were found in this research.  Two new typologies, hedonistic adventure tourists and high-risk hedonistic tourists, indicated ignorant behavior. Two others, such as real ecotourists and nature-relaxing tourists, presented general nature-based tourist characteristics in the existing literature.  The managerial implications of this research are providing practical insights for planners and destination managers to improve conservation awareness for remarkably ignorant tourists. &nbsp

    Analisis Daya Dukung Wisata Lava Tour di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM)

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    Dengan kemajuan pariwisata yang pesat dan pengembangan wisata melalui aktivitas wisata Lava Tour di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM), manfaat ekonomi telah terwujud melalui peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan. Namun, peningkatan kunjungan  juga berpotensi menimbulkan dampak negatif karena dapat menyebabkan gangguan terhadap sumber daya. Memperhitungkan potensi pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh TNGM dan keterbatasan sumber daya alamnya, diperlukan analisis yang mendalam dengan mempertimbangkan potensi fisik dari kawasan tersebut. Analisis daya dukung pariwisata menjadi suatu keharusan untuk mengidentifikasi sejauh mana kawasan ini dapat menanggung tekanan pariwisata. Penilaian daya dukung dilakukan untuk mengetahui batas maksimum jumlah pengunjung yang berada di area tersebut pada satu waktu. Perhitungan daya dukung pada penelitian menggunakan rumus Cifuentes yang terdiri dari Daya Dukung Fisik/PCC, Daya Dukung Riil/RCC dan Daya Dukung Efektif/ECC. Pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi foto, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Hasil Perhitungan daya dukung wisata dengan aktivitas wisata Lava Tour memperoleh PCC sebesar 4.340 pengunjung/hari, RCC sebesar 3.181 pengunjung/hari, dan ECC sebesar 882 pengunjung/hari. Nilai daya dukung tersebut jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah wisatawan aktual 1.000-1.500 pengunjung/hari, maka untuk PCC masih dibawah nilai daya dukung fisiknya, sedangkan secara aktual untuk RCC dan ECC telah melampaui batas jumlah kunjungan dalam sehari


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    ABSTRACT Patuha Mountain Cluster is a part of South Bandung Region which has beautiful scenery of mountainous forest landscape. The uniqueness and its beauty become the main factors of its popularity as nature based tourism area. But the characteristic of mountainous region make this area stated by the government as preservation area (PP. No.72 th 2010), so the management should has specific program that appropriate for preservation function also for tourism purpose. This research is conducted to develop the visitor management concept of nature based area with preservation function and high visitor intensity. Visitor intensity is the frequent of use and visitor density analysis (Pfluger, Yvone (2004). Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to develop the visitor management model, and also by the spatial analysis to develop the map of preservation area. Visitor intensity was found by using carrying capacity analysis and survey method (questionnaire). The result show that according to spatial and regulation analysis, all of the objects study in Patuha Mountain Cluster are categorized as preservation area. Most of them have medium visitor intensity, and one of it (Kawah Putih forest recreation), which is the most popular one has high visitor intensity. Identification of landscape characteristic and regulation of nature based area are the first step to develop an appropriate model of visitor management. Visitor density and visitor used also become the important factors that influence the environment quality of nature based tourism area. The high visitor intensity could pressure the physical condition of the area so the program of visitor management should implemented structurally. The development of interpretation program and media should be implemented especially to educate visitors to be more care and friendly with the environment. Another visitor management program that could implemented regarding this findings are limiting the accessibility to the main and sensitive attraction, activities decentralization and develop the tourism education program. Keywords : Mountain based tourism, tourism intensity, visitor managemen


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    Pengembangan desa wisata mempunyai peranan penting dalam pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia, terutama seiring dengan dilaksanakannya program Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif yang membuka lapangan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan menganalisis Perda No. 7 Tahun 2020 guna mencapai tujuan pengembangan pariwisata di Desa Wisata Mekarlaksana. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan studi kasus di Desa Mekarlaksana. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada Pokdarwis dan masyarakat Desa Mekarlaksana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perda Nomor 7 Tahun 2020 cukup efektif dalam mencapai tujuan pengembangan pariwisata daerah khususnya dalam meningkatkan perekonomian daerah dan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Desa Mekarlaksana. Berupa keberadaan UMKM dari masyarakat, terbentuknya homestay dari rumah masyarakat dan pengabdian masyarakat yang dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan pariwisata di Desa Mekarlaksana. Perda tersebut memberikan landasan hukum yang kuat bagi pengembangan sektor pariwisata, menetapkan peraturan dan pedoman yang jelas, sehingga menciptakan kepastian hukum bagi pelaku usaha dan masyarakat, serta memberikan landasan bagi pengelolaan destinasi pariwisata secara terencana

    Applying knowledge, social concern and perceived risk in planned behavior theory for tourism in the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Purpose – The paper aims to examine the effect of physical distancing control on the intention to travel during the pandemic and to assess the influence of knowledge, social concern and perceived risk on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Design/methodology/approach – A total of 1,068 Indonesian respondents through a purposive sampling approach, filled out online questionnaires during the pandemic. The collected data were analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling. Findings – The results indicated that subjective norm as the external factor of the TPB has a stronger effect than the internal factors; attitude and behavioral control. It appears that in a collectivist society, prohibition enforced by family and friends, as well as the government’s sanctions have a stronger influence on one’s decision to travel. The findings also suggested that knowledge, perceived risks and social concern effect tourists’ behavior. Uncertainty and inadequate knowledge will decrease the level of perceived risk, which leads to lower control in practicing physical distancing and increasing intention to travel during the pandemic. Research limitations/implications – The research has limitations in its use of a convenient sampling method. This method may not represent the whole population, causing the results to be difficult for generalization. There is also the need for extending the TPB model with different variables in the context of tourism and pandemic. This study enriches the existing tourism literature by applying TPB to examine tourists’ behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on knowledge, social concern and perceived risk theory. Practical implications – This paper offers useful insights for tourism planners in the government and private destination management levels. It is crucial for a destination management organization to understand the relationship between knowledge, perception and social concern with tourists’ behavior while traveling during pandemics. The understanding of tourist’s behavior when traveling during the pandemic will assist in developing and creating activities and designing health protocols at tourist attractions. Originality/value – This study extended the TPB to analyze tourists behavior during the pandemic by applying knowledge, social concern and perceived risk elements