46 research outputs found
Ketika mengoperasikan komputer terjadi interaksi antara individu pekerja atau pengguna komputer dengan peralatan kerjanya yaitu meja dan kursi komputer, apabila tidak ada ketidaksesuaian antara peralatan kerja dengan individu penggunanya dapat menyebabkan keluhan musculosceletal . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan kondisi kerja dengan musculoskeletal disorders pada karyawan pengguna VDT di PT X. Penelitian ini adalah explanatory research yaitu bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat yang akan diteliti. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan cara observasi atau pengumpulan data sekaligus pada suatu saat dimana tiap subjek penelitian hanya diobservasi sekali saja dan pengukuran dilakukan terhadap variabel subjek pada saat pemeriksaan. Populasi dan sampel adalah pengguna VDT PT X sebesar 30 responden. Dari penelitian terhadap 30 responden ini didapatkan hasil hubungan antara MSDs dengan postur saat duduk (p-value 0,009), postur saat menggunakan peralatan input dan asesoris (p-value 0,006), serta kesesuaian dan pengaturan monitor (p-value 0,001) dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara MSDs dengan kebiasaan dan metode kerja (p-value 0,538), serta ruang dan susunan tempat kerja (p-value 0,310). Sebaiknya diadakan perbaikan furniture oleh perusahaan seperti menyediakan kursi yang memiliki sandaran tangan bagi karyawan, meja yang memiliki papan keyboard bagi karyawan, monitor adjustable (dapat diatur tinggi rendahnya) sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan kondisi karyawan
Kata Kunci: VDT dan muskuloskelatal disorder
AbstractThe creation of free trade provides a large advantage and role in driving the economic growth of a country, especially for developing countries that have abundant natural resources. One of the systems in free trade carried out by countries in the world in buying and selling produce is known as an export-import system. Where the seller is usually referred to as an exporter and the buyer is referred to as an importer. Like the general trading system, in international trade there are also obstacles that can be detrimental to one party and / or several parties in conducting international trade. These obstacles can be in the form of tariff barriers and / or non-tariff barriers. Non-tariff barriers can take the form of certain discriminations imposed by a particular country, both to protect the value of its production and to redevelop the product into something of even higher value. Both are pursed on one thing, hedging. Discrimination is also imposed by the European Union against the ban on imports of Palm Oil from Indonesia on the grounds that Palm Oil has a negative impact on the environment. Bearing in mind the European Union is one of the countries active in Environmental Health campaigns. Discrimination is also carried out by Indonesia to stop all exports of Nickel Ore and / or other minerals to the European Union with the consideration to hedge minerals that have not been downstreamed. Based on the discrimination actions, the two countries plan to submit complaints and complaints to the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a form of the two countries' objections to the policies taken.Keywords: international trade; mineral downstreaming; oil palmAbstrakTerciptanya perdagangan bebas memberikan keuntungan serta peran yang besar dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, khususnya bagi negara-negara berkembang yang memiliki Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) yang melimpah. Salah satu sistem dalam perdagangan bebas yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara di dunia dalam melakukan jual-beli hasil produksi dikenal sebagai sistem ekspor-impor. Dimana pihak penjual lazimnya disebut sebagai eksportir dan pihak pembeli disebut sebagai importir. Selayaknya sistem perdagangan pada umumnya, di dalam perdagangan internasional juga terdapat hambatan-hambatan yang dapat merugikan satu pihak dan/atau beberapa pihak dalam yang melakukan perdagangan internasional. Hambatan tersebut dapat berupa hambatan tarif dan/atau hambatan non tarif. Hambatan non tarif dapat berupa diskriminasi-diskriminasi tertentu yang diberlakukan oleh suatu negara tertentu, baik untuk melindungi nilai produksinya maupun untuk mengembangkan kembali produk tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang lebih tinggi lagi nilainya. Keduanya mengerucut pada satu hal, yakni lindung nilai. Diskriminasi tersebut juga diberlakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap pelarangan impor Kelapa Sawit dari Indonesia dengan alasan bahwa Minyak Kelapa Sawit menimbulkan dampak yang buruk terhadap lingkungan. Mengingat Uni Eropa merupakan salah satu negara yang aktif dalam kampanye-kampanye kesehatan lingkungan. Aksi diskriminasi juga diberlakukan oleh Indonesia untuk menghentikan seluruh ekspor Bijih Nikel dan/atau mineral lainnya kepada Uni Eropa dengan pertimbangan untuk melakukan lindung nilai terhadap mineral-mineral yang belum di hilirisasi. Atas tindakan-tindakan diskiriminasi tersebut, kedua negara berencana untuk mengajukan keluhan dan gugatan ke World Trade Organization (WTO) sebagai bentuk keberatan kedua negara terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yang diambil.Kata kunci: hilirisasi mineral; kelapa sawit; perdagangan internasiona
Improving The Performance of Informal MSMES Determinate by Digital Financial Inclusion and Digital Financial Literacy
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyses the magnitude of the contribution of increasing digital financial inclusion and increasing digital financial literacy to efforts to increase the employment of Informal MSMEs. The data used is primary data with a closed questionnaire instrument using online media. The study method used is quantitative method. The population of this study is MSMEs in the Bandung City area, where the sample used was 129 Informal MSME actors using a simple random sampling technique because respondents were homogeneous. The data were analysed descriptively and hypothesis testing using analysis path (SPSS version 23.0). Has a result of the study concluded that digital financial literacy has an influence on digital financial inclusion, and digital financial dilution has an influence on the performance of Informal MSMEs, and digital financial iterations have an influence on the performance of Informal MSMEs through digital financial inclusion
The analysis of relationship between experiential marketing, service quality, visitors’ satisfaction, and revisit intention: study on tourism industry
This study aims to analyze the impact of experiential marketing and service quality on revisit intention which visitors’ satisfaction as mediating variable. The sample of our study was the 135 visitors’ of Grand Puri Maerokoco, one of the tourism sites in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The result of SEM analysis on those data shows that experiential marketing and service quality have indirect, positive, and significant effect on revisit intention, using visitors’ satisfaction as intervening variable. However, experiential marketing and service quality are not significantly affected revisit intention. Discussions and implications of this study are presented
AbstractThe law has limited restrictions on such arbitrary treatment and the people have rights which are rights owned by the authorities, especially in accessing the law. Restorative justice is an important approach to improve people's welfare, but its implementation is still limited. Research wants to see how the meaning is in the application of restorative justice. The research was conducted by applying the normative-empirical method by examining at the same time the opportunities for further development of the field of study. Regulations that do not cover all cases that arise in society make the multidisciplinary field of science important and consider, the similarity of the restorative meaning of justice provides an opportunity to carry out a new, more complex definition overall by guaranteeing the welfare and equality of the people before the lawKeywords: psychology law; restorative justice; therapeutic jurisprudenceAbstrak Hukum telah secara tegas membatasi perlakuan sewenang-wenang tersebut serta rakyat memiliki hak yang setara sebagaimana yang dimiliki oleh para penguasa, khususnya dalam mengakses hukum. Keadilan restoratif menjadi pendekatan yang penting untuk mempertahankan kesejahteraan rakyat namun pengimplemantasian masih terbatas. Penelitian ingin melihat bagaimana pemaknaan dalam penerapan keadilan restoratif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode normatif-Empiris dengan mengkaji sekaligus membuka kesempatan bidang kajian yang dapat dikembangkan berikutnya. Peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku belum mencakup seluruh perkara yang timbul dalam masyarakat menjadikan bidang multidisplin ilmu menjadi penting dan dipertimbangkan, keserupaan makna keadilan restoratif memberikan peluang dalam mengusung pendefinisian baru yang lebih kompleks menyeluruh dengan menjamin kesejahteraan dan kesetaraan rakyat dimata hukum
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk objektifikasi terhadap tubuh perempuan dari pandangan male gaze dalam film The Punishment 2021. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori male gaze Lauray Mulvey (1973). Penyajian data dalam penelitian ini berupa uraian analisis dari dialog film The Punishment 2021 dengan teknik baca dan teknik metode simak. Teknik baca dengan membaca terjemahan film The Punishment 2021, dan teknik metode simak dengan menyimak lalu mencatat dialog yang menunjukkan bentuk objektifikasi terhadap perempuan. Objek penelitian ini adalah Film The Punishment 2021 sub Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 6 data, dengan 4 data termasuk pada pandangan laki-laki mengenai bentuk objektifikasi terhadap tubuh perempuan dalam bentuk objek seskual, dan 2 data masuk dalam objektifikasi perempuan bentuk ekspresi. Peneliti menyimpulkan terdapat alasan dari adanya bentuk objektifikasi ini, diantaranya; (1) adanya pandangan laki-laki terhadap perempun, dan (2) pandangan perempuan terhadap perempuan.Kata Kunci : Male Gaze, Kritik Sastra Feminism
There are many branches of law related to business law, including Corporate Law, Insurance Law, Banking Law, Inheritance Law, Commercial Law, and so on. The three systems of inheritance law have different perspectives in determining who is the heir, as well as other matters concerning inheritance. This will be explained in the next chapter. The issue of inheritance law always has its own challenges in every case. Starting from the ones that are easy to handle to cases that cause minor wars between families, sometimes even lawyers seek profit from this inheritance law case
The Use of Kaizala as English Teaching Learning Tool during Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong
The background in this research departs from concerns of Covid-19 pandemic which has made all teaching and learning activities having to be carried out online. Hence in order to decide the spread of the Covid-19 virus, SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong follows the policy of the government to carry out the online learning process. Therefore, using learning tool during the online learning process could be the best alternative choice in order that the teaching and learning process could continue as optimally as possible. One of them is Kaizala. This study aims to elaborate the use of the Kaizala application as a learning tool during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong.This researchisa qualitative descriptive. The instruments are interviews, online questionnaires, and observations. The result are the strength of Kaizala are flexible, has a feature to facilitate teaching and learning activities, and easy to use. Meanwhile the weakness are signal and decrease oral communication.The problem found from using Kaizala is technical and motivation/interest problems. There stages of using Kaizala are create a group, set the rules, set up class use, and assign tasks
This study aims to analyse the impact of experiential marketing and service quality in order to influence revisit intention which visitor satisfaction was used as intervening variable on Grand Puri Maerokoco, one of tourism sites in Semarang. The variables used in this study are experiential marketing and service quality as independent variables, visitor satisfaction as an intervening variable, and revisit intention as a dependent variable.
The population in this study is citizens of Semarang City who have visited Grand Puri Maerokoco at least once. The number of samples used was 135 respondents. This study used Structual Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis technique using Amos 23.0 as the analysis instrument.
The result show that experiential marketing and service quality have indirect, positive, and significant effect on revisit intention, using visitor satisfaction as intervening variable. However, without intervening variable, the direct effect of experiential marketing and service quality on revisit intention are positif but not significant