112 research outputs found


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    This research aim to know performance of market and competitivenessof commodity tobacco as impact alteration of climate in Grobogan Sub-Province. Research is performed with survey method, which is performed to tobacco farmer andmarketer of tobacco. Location was determined by sampling stage from district level and countryside at area sentra production tobacco that is Tanggungharjo District, Tegowanu, Purwodadi and Toroh, at each of district is taken by random2 countryside and is taken by respondent farmer 30 at each of countryside at simple random sampling, so that the total respondent 120 farmer.Respondent marketer is taken snowball method (snow-ball sampling).Analyse performed by at (1) production and tobacco agribussnes, ( 2) performed of tobacco market;( 3) competitiveness tobacco commodity. Result of study ( 1) There is difference of quality and amount yield tobacco as impact alteration of climate impacting to by the price of tobacco, ( 2)tobacco agribussnes still be efficient to be performed although already happened difference of price which is caused by alteration of climate (3 ) performed of tobacco market and marketing of tobacco there is 5 marketing channel and channel marketing of 1 most efficient is compared to other channel with farmer'sshareequal to 38,65%; ( 4) Agribussnes competitiveness and industri tobacco still high.Suggestion of study is still being be required study continuation about market and marketing of tobacco and competitiveness as impact alteration of climate so that can become power the price of tobacco and prosperity of farmer at the same time strengthens position of tobacco commodity which will by strengthen from economic social aspect of farmer and development of agriculture of Grobogan Sub-Province

    Aplikasi Peta Kendali p sebagai Pengendalian Kualitas Karet di PTPN IX Batujamus/Kerjoarum

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    The increasing of global rubber consumption is an opportunity as well as a challenge for Indonesian rubber produsers to increase the quantity and the quality of production. Faced the competition between countries, the quality of rubber products should be enhanced adapted to consumer demand. This study aims to determine whether the quality of the rubber produced in PTPN IX (Persero) Garden Batujamus/Kerjoarum still within the control or not. This study uses time series data, in the form of rubber production data during March 2012 - February 201, that were analyzed descriptively using Control p Chart Analysis. Control p Chart describe the proportion of production damage that can be tolerated as a tool for statistical Control p Chart Application as Quality Control Tools for Rubber Production in PTPN IX Batujamus/Kerjoarum process control. This study shows that the quality of the rubber produced by PTPN IX (Persero) Garden Batujamus/ Kerjoarum is out of the control. The Control p Chart proves that there are still many points that are outside the production control line. The production domination of the third RSS type (RSS 3) cause this problem, so that the profit and the efficiency of the company can be increased if the RSS 3 product can be controlled and be changed with the production of RSS 1


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    This study was aimed to determine the amount of revenue and profit of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation, to identify the profitability of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation, and to determine the efficiency of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation. The basic method used in this study was descriptive, analytical method. The research location was determined purposively. The type of data in this study was secondary data. Methods of data analysis used were analyses of total cost, revenue, profit, profitability and efficiency of coffee cultivation. The results of analysis showed that the average total cost of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation was IDR 5.879.062.630,00. The average of revenue obtained was IDR 5.879.076.254,00, so that the average of profit obtained by PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation was IDR 13.624,00. Profitability of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation was IDR 54.495,00 which means that the coffee cultivation was profitable. Coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation has more than efficiency value more than one, that is, 1,000002. This means that each IDR 1.00 cost spent in the initial cultivation will provide revenue by 1,000002 times of the cost spent. Keywords: Coffee, Profitability, Efficienc

    Poverty Analysis of Cassava Farmers in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

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    Poverty is a central issue in development programs in Indonesia. Most people still depend on agriculture for their livelihoods with relatively low productivity and business income, so poverty are common in rural areas. Most of the Wonogiri residents work in agriculture, where one of the superior products is cassava, the largest producer in Central Java. Poverty reduction in agriculture is a critical factor in reducing poverty in Indonesia. This study examined the poverty status and determinants affecting the poverty status of cassava farmers in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia. Purposive sampling techniques were used in 120 cassava farmers in Wonogiri Regency. Primary data were obtained with the aid of well-structured questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed using Foster-Greer Thorbecke (FGT) index and logistic regression (logit). The result of Foster Greer-Thorbecke's (FGT) analysis showed that headcount index (P0) was 0,3417, poverty gap index (P1) was 0,2092, poverty severity index (P2) was 0,1280. The logistic regression (logit) showed that determinants of the poverty status of cassava farmers were education, land area, household size, and farming experience. There needs to be an increase in education, land area, farming experience, and reduce the number of family dependents with family planning government programs

    Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Bunga Kol (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) Di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Indonesia merupakan negara agraris karena memiliki lahan pertanian yang cukup luas, yaitu mencapai 7.463.948 Ha (BPS 2020) dan sebagian besar penduduknya bekerja di sektor pertanian. Seiring berkembangnya kebutuhan konsumsi hasil pertanian, salah satu komoditas yang banyak dibudidayakan petani Indonesia adalah sayuran. Namun demikian terdapat beberapa sayuran yang harganya terbilang cukup tinggi ketika sampai ke konsumen seperti halnya bunga kol (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), yang dapat mencapai harga Rp. 30,000 / kg di pasar tradisional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi saluran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh setiap pelaku pemasaran bunga kol di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Boyolali dengan menggunakan margin tataniaga, farmer share, dan rasio keuntungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pelaku saluran tataniaga yang ada di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Boyolali. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian sebanyak 30 responden petani dan 15 responden pedagang besar dan 20 responden pedagang pengecer. Analisis data menggunakan metode purposive untuk pedagang besar dan snowball sampling dari pedagang pengecer hingga petani. Adapun hasil penelitian ini terdapat tiga saluran tataniaga bunga kol di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Boyolali dengan tingkat efisiensi tataniaga bunga kol yang dinilai paling efisien adalah saluran II yaitu pada saluran pedagang besar memiliki hasil margin sebesar Rp. 2,500 dan efisiensi sebesar 1,107. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan analisis lebih terkait pengembangan strategi pemasaran komoditas bunga kol di Pasar Tradisional Kabupaten Boyolali terkait kegiatan dan saluran tataniaga


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan petani kedelai, distribusi pendapatan petani kedelai, dan kontribusi pendapatan petani kedelai dalam pendapatan rumah tangga petani. Metode dasar yang digunakan adalah metode analytical description. Metode analisis data meliputi: (1) analisis pendapatan usahatani petani kedelai; (2) analisis pendapatan rumah tangga petani; (3) analisis distribusi pendapatan; (4) analisis kontribusi pendapatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) pendapatan usahatani kedelai sebesar 1.293.375,68; (2) Pendapatan rumah tangga petani sebesar 13.639.050,80 jumlah dari pendapatan usahatani kedelai dan pendapatan non usahatani; (3) Distribusi Pendapatan usahatani kedelai dengan gini ratio sebesar 0,44 yang menunjukkan kemerataan sedang; (4) Kontribusi pendapatan usahatani kedelai terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga petani sebesar 9,49% menunjukkan kontribusi sangat rendah

    Analisis Risiko dan Distribusi Pendapatan Budidaya Bandeng (Chanos chanos) Kabupaten Pati

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    Pesisir Kabupaten Pati sebagian besar digunakan sebagai budidaya bandeng. Terdapat faktor-faktor penghambat proses pembudidayaan hingga penjualan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biaya, pendapatan, risiko (produksi, harga dan pendapatan) dan penanggulangannya, serta distribusi luas tambak dan pendapatan. Proporsi sampel ditentukan melalui proportional sampling. Metode analisis data berupa Analisis usahatani; Analisis risiko; Analisis deskriptif analitis; serta Indeks Gini dan Kurva Lorenz. Hasil penelitian per luas rata-rata menunjukkan risiko produksi dan risiko pendapatan yang tinggi. Risiko produksi dan pendapatan per ha dan risiko harga tergolong rendah. Nilai batas bawah pendapatan per luasan rata-rata adalah negatif sedangkan per ha bernilai positif. Upaya penanggulangan risiko dilakukan melalui tindakan pencegahan. Nilai IG distribusi luas tambak dan distribusi pendapatan usahanya berada dalam tingkat ketimpangan sedang. Distribusi pendapatan diluar budidaya bandeng bernilai tinggi, karena sumber pendapatannya berbeda. Tingkat kelengkungan kurva Lorenz menunjukkan kecenderungan yang sama dengan nilai distribusinya


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    Kemampuan bahasa yang rendah pada anak usia 4-5 tahun TKIT Sultan Jakarta Utara menjadi latar belakang dari penelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa dengan metode bercerita pada kelompok usia 4-5 tahun di TKIT Sultan Jakarta Utara. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu anak usia 4-5 tahun (Kelompok A) TKIT Sultan tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dua siklus digunakan dalam desain penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi.  Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif yaitu membandingkan hasil antar siklus. Hasil penelitian pada pra tindakan diperoleh persentase sebesar 47% dilanjut dengan siklus I sebesar 60% dan pada siklus II  persentase indikator keberhasilan tindakan menjadi 81%. Sehingga terlihat adanya peningkatan kemampuan bahasa anak dengan menerapkan metode bercerita pada kelompok usia 4-5 tahun TKIT SultanKemampuan bahasa yang rendah pada anak usia 4-5 tahun TKIT Sultan Jakarta Utara menjadi latar belakang dari penelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa dengan metode bercerita pada kelompok usia 4-5 tahun di TKIT Sultan Jakarta Utara. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu anak usia 4-5 tahun (Kelompok A) TKIT Sultan tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dua siklus digunakan dalam desain penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi.  Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif yaitu membandingkan hasil antar siklus. Hasil penelitian pada pra tindakan diperoleh persentase sebesar 47% dilanjut dengan siklus I sebesar 60% dan pada siklus II  persentase indikator keberhasilan tindakan menjadi 81%.  Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Bahasa; Metode Bercerita; Kelompok Usia 4-5 Tahu
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