21 research outputs found

    Suppress Students’ Bullying Through Collaborative Guidance And Counseling Services With Democratic Parenting

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    This study aims to find out: 1) The effect of guidance and counseling services on bullying behavior, 2) The effect of democratic parenting levels on bullying behavior, 3) The contribution of each variable of counseling guidance services and democratic parenting levels on bullying behavior, 4) Contributions together of counseling guidance services and democratic parenting levels on bullying behavior. This research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Mlati, the sample in this study consisted of 77 respondents. This research is quantitative research which means that all information or data obtained is realized in the form of numbers, starting from data collection and results.  Data analysis using multiple regression analysis test.  The results of this study show: 1) There is an influence between counseling guidance services on bullying behavior.  2) There is an influence between the level of democratic parenting and bullying behavior. 3) The variable effective contribution of counseling guidance services to bullying behavior was 5.1%, while the variable effective contribution of democratic parenting to bullying behavior was 1.5%. 4) Effective contribution together of counseling guidance services and democratic parenting levels to bullying behavior   by 7.9%.  The implication of this study is that in reducing student bullying behavior is carried out by improving teacher counseling guidance services in schools and democratic parenting at home

    Seeds of Extremism Amoung Student of Muhammadiyah School of Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to answer the suspicion that there are seeds of extremism in the practice of Islamic education, especially in the formal education path at the primary and secondary education levels. To test the veracity of this allegation, this research was designed in the form of a survey conducted by measuring the level of moderation of students' religiosity in several Muhammadiyah schools of Yogyakarta. The research instrument was arranged using a Likert scale which measures on three dimensions of religious moderation: social action, conceptual chomprehention and belief (Faith). Descriptive quantitative analysis is used to describe the level of moderation of 372 respondents of this cross-sectional study. The results showed that 38% of students had religious moderation in the high category and the rest were medium (60%). It is known that the medium and high level of student religious moderation is more or less determined by the role of the teacher who is still used as the main source for students in obtaining Islamic religious knowledge (50%)

    Pengembangan Minat Baca Siswa Berbasis Psikologi Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstract: Reading is opening the window of the world, finding lots of knowledge and opening up one's insights. So reading is the most important thing in education, but the fact is children's interest in reading, especially in Indonesia is still very minimal. This study aims to find out how parenting was developed by parents of students who excel at the As-Shafa Islamic Elementary School in Pekanbaru, Riau in increasing children's reading interest. The research method used in this study was qualitative phenomenology, data collection was carried out through interviews and interactive documentation in three components of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results obtained in the study that the majority of parents of outstanding students are busy working but still taking the time to give love, protection, guidance, accompany children in learning, direction and education in daily life. While the patterns found are mostly using democratic and situational patterns. This research suggests that parents maintain the quality of attachment with children and spend a lot of time in accompanying them to learn

    Teacher in K.H. Ahmad Dahlan's Perspective; A Study of Historical Reflection

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    Teachers became pioneers of change and awakened the intelligence of the native people in the public sphere in the early 20th century. The journey of the nation cannot be separated from the significant role of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan as a figure in Indonesian Islamic education. He established alternative education and prepared militant teacher cadres. This research aims to uncover K.H. Ahmad Dahlan's response to Dutch colonial education with the cadres of his teachers and his conception of the figure of a teacher. This study employs a qualitative approach with data sources from relevant literature such as books, journals, and newspapers or magazines, with a historical-philosophical approach and content analysis. The findings reveal that K.H. Ahmad responded to the need for teachers with a high spirit of struggle. This led him to establish Al-Qismul Arqa (Madrasah Mu’allimin). In K.H. Ahmad Dahlan's perspective, a teacher is a dedicated educator, progressive, and a good role model in the process of educating, teaching, guiding, and inspiring students to become individuals with noble character, devoted to Allah, possessing critical thinking skills, self-confidence, proficient in religious knowledge, broad-minded, and with a strong determination to serve Muhammadiyah, especially, and the Muslim community and society at large. They are ready to be arrows that disseminate the ideas of Islamic renewal amidst society

    Competence Strengthening of Hard Skills and Soft Skills of Prospective Religious Education Teacher Students through the Introduction to School Field Program (PLP) in Indonesia

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    Purpose – The Introduction to School Field Program (PLP) in Indonesia is mandatory in universities and designed to produce professional teacher candidate competencies. Each prospective teacher-student is equipped with adequate hard skills and soft skills before becoming a teacher in the school environment. Design/methods/approach – This study used a phenomenological approach that aims to obtain an understanding of the hard skills and soft skills taught in the PLP program. Moreover, the study also explained what types of hard skills and soft skills were trained during the PLP. This phenomenological research explored the experience of prospective teacher students participating in PLP. The research data was taken through in-depth interviews with interview guidelines made for 20 PLP participating students at the two host universities in Purwokerto and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data analysis used data reduction, presentation, and interpretation. Findings – The study results found that the teaching of hard skills and soft skills has been integrally applied in the program through the existing curriculum. Methods of mentoring, field practice, evaluation, and improvement have been used in the PLP program. Meanwhile, the types of hard and soft skills provided consist of ethics, communication, learning design, and evaluation making. Research implications/limitations – The respondents of this study were limited to the coverage of two regions, namely Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, leading to the research limitation. Expanding the research location and using other quantitative research can strengthen the results of this study. Originality/value – Future studies should further overcome the shortcomings of this program and improve to be reference for policy-making by the PLP program organizers


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    The concept of clean and renewable energy is currently a focus developed continuously. One of the abundant sources of clean and renewable energy is water. A water turbine is a mechanism to generate electrical energy by utilizing the water flow. Pico or nano hydro turbines produce electrical energy by taking advantage of the flow of water that rotates the shaft of the electric generator. This experimental study aims to analyze the effect of differences in the number of blades on a Horizontal axis drag-type Savonius turbine mounted of water flow in a vertical pipe. The variations of blades number used in the study are 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. The potential energy of the water is kept constant with a constant head of 2 meters. Four main parameters used as a benchmark for the performance of water turbines are rotor rotation, voltage, current and electrical power generated. The results showed that the rotor rotation, voltage, current, and generated electrical power decreased as the number of blades used increased. The water turbine of 3 blades produces the best performance compared to the other one. The magnitude of the rotor rotation, voltage, current, and electrical power generated is 846 rpm, 15.28 volts, 0.61 amperes, and 9.38 Watts, respectively

    Buku referensi cyberzone : membangun bisnis di era industri 4.0

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    Kebijakan yang relevan dan baik selalu ditopang oleh suatu kajian yang baik pula. Artinya selalu ada korelasi positif antara suatu kajian yang berbasis penelitian akademik dengan kebijakan apa yang diambil. Tentu dalam konteks ini adalah yang ada kaitannya dengan pengembangan SMK ke depannya. Kajian NSPK ini bertujuan tidak lain untuk menjawab hal tersebut. Tuntutan pembaharuan kebijakan ditengah arus dan gelombang modernisasi yang semakin dinamis sangat diperlukan terlebih perkembangan revolusi Industri sudah mencapai 4.0 yang berbasis cyber physical system ini. Revolusi industrisangat memiliki keterkaitan dengan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan salah satunya pada aspek penggunaan peralatan praktik sebagai penunjang kompetensi siswa. Inti dari praktik siswa adalah memberikan kemampuan practical dalam penguasaan penggunaan peralatan praktik, semakin alat yang dimiliki relevan dengan perkembangan zaman semakin membantu pula peserta didik dalam upgrading skill-nya


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    Standing frame dibutuhkan oleh Yayasan Pangon Utomo untuk manajemen postural anak penyandang cerebral palsy. Hasil identifikasi masalah dan penelitian yang dilakukan penulis terkait dengan tema kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa dibutuhkan standing frame yang sesuai kebutuhan terapis untuk manajemen postural anak penyandang cerebral palsy dalam posisi berbaring, duduk dan berdiri. Standing frame dibuat adjustable menggunakan actuator linier electric dengan control, reclining jog dan connector. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan terapis tentang standing frame meliputi sistem kelistrikan, reclining jog, actuator linier electric, control dan connector juga meningkatkan kemampuan terapis tentang penggunaan standing frame dalam posisi berbaring, duduk dan berdiri serta cara pemeliharaan standing frame yang benar. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi dan demonstrasi. Tahap pelatihan ada persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi pelatihan terjadi peningkatan 100% dari pre-test ke post-test yang menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan terapis tentang standing frame serta meningkatkan kemampuan terapis dalam penggunaan dan pemeliharaan standing frame. Sehingga terjadi peningkatan pelayanan manajemen postural anak penyandang cerebral palsy di Yayasan Pangon Utomo


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    ABSTRAK Aning Safitri, Enggar. 2012. Analisis Kesesuaian Buku Teks Biologi SMA/MA Kelas X di Kabupaten Blitar dengan Standar Isi Ditinjau dari Komponen Kesesuaian Isi, dan Komponen Penyajian. Skripsi, Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. H. Istamar Syamsuri, M. Pd., (II) Drs. H. Triastono Imam Prasetyo, M. Pd. Kata Kunci : buku teks, standar isi, komponen kesesuaian isi, komponen, komponen penyajian Pendidikan di Indonesia khususnya pengajaran di dalam kelas sangat tidak terpisahkan dari buku pelajaran. Buku teks pelajaran pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah dinilai terlebih dahulu oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) sebelum digunakan oleh pendidik dan/atau peserta didik sebagai sumber belajar di satuan pendidikan. Seperti pada observasi buku teks pelajaran Biologi yang digunakan di SMAN/MAN Kabupaten Blitar, guru cenderung memilih buku teks pelajaran Biologi yang lebih ekonomis dari segi harga yang berkualitas rendah dibanding dengan buku teks yang memiliki harga lebih tinggi namun dengan kualitas yang baik. Banyak guru di Kabupaten Blitar memilih buku PR yang muatannya lebih mirip LKS dibanding dengan buku teks. Buku teks pelajaran Biologi yang lain, dipakai sebagai pelengkap pembelajaran dalam kelas yang kebanyakan terbatas hanya dimiliki oleh guru matapelajaran saja. Alasan mereka memilih buku tersebut adalah karena materi yang termuat dalam buku tersebut banyak keluar di soal ujian semester maupun ujian sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian isi dan tingkat penyajian buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMAN/MAN kelas X dengan Standar Isi di wilayah Kabupaten Blitar. Berdasarkan instrumen yang dikembangkan dari standar isi yang sebelumnya sudah melalui tahap validasi. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif, dengan populasi buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMAN/MAN yang digunakan oleh semua SMAN/MAN (sejumlah 9 SMAN/MAN) di Kabupaten Blitar. Sampel penelitian ini adalah buku teks pelajaran Biologi yang dipakai oleh 5 SMAN/MAN di Kabupaten Blitar yang ditentukan secara acak, buku teks yang dijadikan sampel adalah buku teks yang menempati urutan atas dari sekolah sampel. Buku-buku teks tersebut adalah buku teks pelajaran Biologi untuk kelas SMA/MA kelas X yang diterbitkan oleh penerbit Y, E, B, dan IP. Instrumen dari BSNP terlebih dahulu dijabarkan kemudian divalidasi dengan bantuan validator. Instrumen yang telah valid digunakan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian buku, dengan cara menghitung tingkat kesesuaian dalam persen, dengan menghitung persentase bab yang sesuai dengan deskriptor dibanding jumlah bab yang diteliti. Kemudian menghitung skor kesesuaian buku teks pelajaran, diperoleh dengan mencocokkan persentase yang didapat dengan kriteria kesesuaian buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA. Buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA oleh penerbit E memiliki rerata skor kesesuaian isi dan penyajian tertinggi yaitu sebesar 2,55 (cukup), kemudian buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA terbitan B menempati peringkat kedua, dengan rerata skor kesesuaian isi dan penyajian sebesar 2,5 (cukup). Diperingkat ketiga ada buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA oleh penerbit IP, dengan rerata ii skor 2,2 (cukup), yang terakhir adalah buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA oleh penerbit Y yang memiliki rerata skor kesesuaian isi dan penyajian sebesar 1,8 (rendah). Berdasarkan penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA oleh penerbit E memiliki skor kesesuaian isi dan penyajian yang paling tinggi diantara tiga buku yang lain, dengan urutan Buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA terbitan B, IP, dan yang terakhir buku teks pelajaran Biologi SMA/MA oleh penerbit Y. iii

    The Leadership Values of Sorogan Method as the Platform Salaf Islamic Boarding School in Roudlotul Fatihah

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    Learning in pesantren that lasts twenty-four hours indicates that every activity is education for students. Various characteristics such as religiosity, entrepreneurship, and leadership can be formed through existing activities, especially sorogan. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of hidden curriculum pesantren in instilling leadership values in Roudlotul Fatihah Traditional Islamic Boarding School through learning activities in the form of sorogan. This is because research on leadership through hidden curriculum is rarely revealed, in contrast to research on religiosity and entrepreneurship in the pesantren environment. In addition, this research can contribute to the current leadership crisis phenomenon. The author uses qualitative methods in processing data from field research using a phenomenological approach. The process of concluding the previous steps is data condensation and data presentation. The findings of applying hidden curriculum in the Raoudlotul Fatihah Traditional Islamic Boarding School in sorogan activities include the Quran, tools in the form of nahwu and shorof, and books of worship. Activities in pesantren have instilled leadership values in delegation, responsibility, truthfulness, accuracy, and initiation. The end of the study concluded that the hidden curriculum of pesantren has formed students to have leader values without realizing it with all the activities that have been carried out