119 research outputs found

    Continuous and Discrete (Classical) Heisenberg Spin Chain Revised

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    Most of the work done in the past on the integrability structure of the Classical Heisenberg Spin Chain (CHSC) has been devoted to studying the su(2)su(2) case, both at the continuous and at the discrete level. In this paper we address the problem of constructing integrable generalized ''Spin Chains'' models, where the relevant field variable is represented by a N×NN\times N matrix whose eigenvalues are the NthN^{th} roots of unity. To the best of our knowledge, such an extension has never been systematically pursued. In this paper, at first we obtain the continuous N×NN\times N generalization of the CHSC through the reduction technique for Poisson-Nijenhuis manifolds, and exhibit some explicit, and hopefully interesting, examples for 3×33\times 3 and 4×44\times 4 matrices; then, we discuss the much more difficult discrete case, where a few partial new results are derived and a conjecture is made for the general case.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proc. of workshop on Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems (July 17-19, 2006; Coimbra, Portugal), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    B\"acklund Transformations for the Kirchhoff Top

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    We construct B\"acklund transformations (BTs) for the Kirchhoff top by taking advantage of the common algebraic Poisson structure between this system and the sl(2)sl(2) trigonometric Gaudin model. Our BTs are integrable maps providing an exact time-discretization of the system, inasmuch as they preserve both its Poisson structure and its invariants. Moreover, in some special cases we are able to show that these maps can be explicitly integrated in terms of the initial conditions and of the "iteration time" nn. Encouraged by these partial results we make the conjecture that the maps are interpolated by a specific one-parameter family of hamiltonian flows, and present the corresponding solution. We enclose a few pictures where the orbits of the continuous and of the discrete flow are depicted

    B\"acklund Transformations for the Trigonometric Gaudin Magnet

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    We construct a Backlund transformation for the trigonometric classical Gaudin magnet starting from the Lax representation of the model. The Darboux dressing matrix obtained depends just on one set of variables because of the so-called spectrality property introduced by E. Sklyanin and V. Kuznetsov. In the end we mention some possibly interesting open problems.Comment: contribution to the Proc. of "Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries 2009", Prague, June 18-20, 200

    From su(2) Gaudin Models to Integrable Tops

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    In the present paper we derive two well-known integrable cases of rigid body dynamics (the Lagrange top and the Clebsch system) performing an algebraic contraction on the two-body Lax matrices governing the (classical) su(2) Gaudin models. The procedure preserves the linear r-matrix formulation of the ancestor models. We give the Lax representation of the resulting integrable systems in terms of su(2) Lax matrices with rational and elliptic dependencies on the spectral parameter. We finally give some results about the many-body extensions of the constructed systems.Comment: This is a contribution to the Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue on Integrable Systems and Related Topics, published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    What is the relativistic Volterra lattice?

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    We develop a systematic procedure of finding integrable ''relativistic'' (regular one-parameter) deformations for integrable lattice systems. Our procedure is based on the integrable time discretizations and consists of three steps. First, for a given system one finds a local discretization living in the same hierarchy. Second, one considers this discretization as a particular Cauchy problem for a certain 2-dimensional lattice equation, and then looks for another meaningful Cauchy problems, which can be, in turn, interpreted as new discrete time systems. Third, one has to identify integrable hierarchies to which these new discrete time systems belong. These novel hierarchies are called then ''relativistic'', the small time step hh playing the role of inverse speed of light. We apply this procedure to the Toda lattice (and recover the well-known relativistic Toda lattice), as well as to the Volterra lattice and a certain Bogoyavlensky lattice, for which the ''relativistic'' deformations were not known previously.Comment: 48 pp, LaTe

    Algebraic extensions of Gaudin models

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    We perform a In\"on\"u--Wigner contraction on Gaudin models, showing how the integrability property is preserved by this algebraic procedure. Starting from Gaudin models we obtain new integrable chains, that we call Lagrange chains, associated to the same linear rr-matrix structure. We give a general construction involving rational, trigonometric and elliptic solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation. Two particular examples are explicitly considered: the rational Lagrange chain and the trigonometric one. In both cases local variables of the models are the generators of the direct sum of NN e(3)\mathfrak{e}(3) interacting tops.Comment: 15 pages, corrected formula

    Integrable discretizations of the spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider models

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    Integrable discretizations are introduced for the rational and hyperbolic spin Ruijsenaars--Schneider models. These discrete dynamical systems are demonstrated to belong to the same integrable hierarchies as their continuous--time counterparts. Explicit solutions are obtained for arbitrary flows of the hierarchies, including the discrete time ones.Comment: LaTeX fil

    Separation of variables and B\"acklund transformations for the symmetric Lagrange top

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    We construct the 1- and 2-point integrable maps (B\"acklund transformations) for the symmetric Lagrange top. We show that the Lagrange top has the same algebraic Poisson structure that belongs to the sl(2)sl(2) Gaudin magnet. The 2-point map leads to a real time-discretization of the continuous flow. Therefore, it provides an integrable numerical scheme for integrating the physical flow. We illustrate the construction by few pictures of the discrete flow calculated in MATLAB.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, Matlab progra

    Quantum B\"acklund Transformations: some ideas and examples

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    In this work we give a mechanical (Hamiltonian) interpretation of the so called spectrality property introduced by Sklyanin and Kuznetsov in the context of B\"acklund transformations (BTs) for finite dimensional integrable systems. The property turns out to be deeply connected with the Hamilton-Jacobi separation of variables and can lead to the explicit integration of the underlying model through the expression of the BTs. Once such construction is given, it is shown, in a simple example, that it is possible to interpret the Baxter Q operator defining the quantum BTs us the Green's function, or propagator, of the time dependent Schr\"odinger equation for the interpolating Hamiltonian.Comment: 14 pages, contribution to Solitons in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions. DS, KP and all that, conference in honor of the 70th birthday of Marco Boiti and Flora Pempinelli, Lecce, 2011 September 13-1