30 research outputs found

    Taking care of a patient with type 2 diabetes as part of visiting nurse’s work

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    Introduction. Type II diabetes is a disease whose range of influence is very large. Currently, over 3 million people suffer from diabetes in Poland, of which approximately 2,1 million suffer from type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is a commonly occurring disease and the somewhat responsible lifestyle of the patient is responsible for its development. Her treatment is based not only on pharmacotherapy, which allows to maintain the state of normoglycemia, but also on non-pharmacological methods that enable healthy life. Due to range of influence and the possibility of care in the patient’s environment, the family nurse plays an important role. Her professionalism and preparation of the patient for self-care, can affect the beneficial effect of treatment and adapt the patient to live with the disease at home. Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to duscuss the care problems of a patient with type II diabetes in a home environment, including the care of a family nurse. Case description. The work was based on the individual case method. The data collected about the patient come from own observations, conversations with the patient, analysis of medical records, measurements, and interview with the patient and his family. Discussion. Patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes often feel confused, they do not know where to go for help. It happens that they do not follow the recommendations, especially those regarding the diet. In addition, patients rarely attempt to change behaviors aimed at preventing complications of diabetes. It is also influenced by their fitness level and age. The role of the nurse at this moment is large. Thanks to the observations and methods used, the nurse allows the patient to meet the deficits in self-care. Conclusions. The effort undertaken by the family nurse brought benefits but did not cause immediate results. Although in most cases the patient was willing to change, he required frequent reminding, instruction and control of the activities undertaken


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    The article presents research on the erosion of the metamorphic rock - marble by the Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ). The fragmentation of abrasive grains during the erosion process is demonstrated. The effect of the cutting process's most important parameters as traverse speed, nozzle ID, and abrasive mass flow rate, on the maximum cutting depth, is shown. To create a mathematical-statistic model of the erosion process, the methodology of the response surface (RSM) was used for modeling. The polynomial equation of the second degree is chosen for developing the regression model. Studies have shown the optimal parameters of the process, to reach the highest depth of the cut. Additionally, the erosion wear of a focusing tube under different process conditions is presented

    Don’t tell me stories – the narratives of retirement and their relation with brand associations

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    Purpose: The concept of cultural branding based on various narratives has been established in the marketing literature, but there is a lack of studies linking this concept with brand-related effects. The aim of this paper is to explore and explain the possible relationships between various brand narratives based on the changing meaning of retirement and brand associations. Design/methodology/approach: An experimental design was used to test the proposed conceptual model and examine the impact of brand narrative on brand associations. Data were collected using an online survey from a random group of 432 respondents and analyzed using MANOVA. Findings: Our research did not confirm that in the case of financial products, brand narratives represented by distinctive retirement cultural codes had an impact on brand associations. Partial relation was found only for brand personality. Originality: This is the first study that explores brand narratives’ based on cultural codes relations with brand associations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The paper introduces the study on the cutting of the industrial composite phenolic resin, based on the thermoset materials reinforced with cotton cloth by the Abrasive Water Suspension Jet (AWSJ). The size reduction of abrasive grains during the formation of the jet and the erosion phenomenon are shown. The results of the machining process's critical factors as nozzle length, nozzle diameter, and abrasive mass flow rate on the maximal cutting depth, are indicated. To build a model of the process, the method of the response surface (RSM) was applied. The second-degree multinomial equation is selected for creating the cutting model. The research indicates the optimal control factors of the process, to achieve the best cutting depth performance

    Selenium bioisosteres of functional groups used in medicinal chemistry

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    Różnorodna i szeroka aktywność biologiczna związków selenu została wielokrotnie udowodniona przez liczne badania. Sprawia to, że związki selenu cieszą się dużym zainteresowaniem pod kątem możliwości zastosowania ich w medycynie. Jednym z rozwiązań, wychodzących naprzeciw takiej koncepcji, jest podstawienie bioizosteryczne, które stanowi skuteczną strategię, wykorzystywaną w projektowaniu nowych leków. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano wybrane informacje na temat selenu, jak i jego związków, omówiono główną ideę podstawienia bioizosterycznego oraz scharakteryzowano receptor 5-HT6 i jego ligandy. Co więcej, w pracy została przedstawiona strategia syntetyczna, którą przyjęto w celu otrzymania potencjalnych ligandów selenowych receptora 5-HT6.The diverse and broad biological activity of selenium compounds has been repeatedly proven by numerous studies. This makes selenium compounds of great interest in terms of their potential medical applications. One solution, facing such a concept, is bioisosteric substitution, which is an effective strategy used in the design of new drugs. This paper presents selected information about selenium, as well as its compounds, discusses the main idea of bioisosteric substitution, and characterizes the 5-HT6 receptor and its ligands. Moreover, the paper presents the synthetic strategy adopted to obtain potential selenium ligands of the 5-HT6 receptor

    IT services management standards

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    Usługi informatyczne stanowią powiązane ze sobą komponenty, które współpracują, aby osiągnąć założony cel biznesowy organizacji. Standardy zarządzania usługami informatycznymi to zbiory dobrych praktyk służących podnoszeniu jakości usług informatycznych. Stanowią one istotny element przekształcania potrzeb i wymagań biznesowych organizacji na konkretne usługi informatyczne.IT Services are interlinked components that work together to achieve this objective of the organization. IT Service Management Standards are a set of best practices for improving the quality of IT services. Standards are an important element of transforming the needs and business requirements for IT services

    Selected models of information warfare in cyberspace

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    One form of activity in cyberspace is the information battle. One of the proposed definitions will define it as a negative co–operation in the sphere of information acquisition, information distortion and information defense, where each side of the action is subordinated to the antagonistic side of the other. It leads to the achievement of political objectives and is aimed at overthrowing the systems of the state responsible for the state of its security. It is important that this condition is at a high, or at least acceptable, level. To ensure this level, it is important to define cybersecurity fighting models that are adequate for the threats and to determine their impact on the level of national security risk in cyberspace. Literature on the subject contains many models of cyberwarfare information that have been shaped in recent years. However, there is no assessment of the adequacy of these models for the risks and risks associated with national security threats. It should be noted that information security itself, as part of national security, is variable. New threats are emerging and, at a very high rate and with high activity in cyberspace, they are capable of destabilising the security of key state administration bodies, military facilities and other important state– run infrastructures. It should be emphasised that existing cyberspace fighting information models are not universal and cannot be used for any type of threat to national security. They need to find, organise and evaluate those that would be the most appropriate not only for national security threats but also for geopolitical determinants. Assumptions for the research and its results are a noticeable increase in the number of cyberattacks, some of which are important from the point of view of national security – the military system and critical infrastructure elements of the state. The following subject of the research was adopted in the article – models of information fight, related to threats to national security coming from / to cyberspace. The purpose of scientific research is to define models of information combat and to determine the suitability and evaluation of these models for the purpose of evaluating the risks of national security threats. Identifying the subject and objectives of the research led to a general research question: What appropriate models of information fight in cyberspace can be defined and used for the risks of national security threats? The research method applied theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalisation, abstraction, inference, analogy and comparison) as well as the empirical method of dialogue and the method of participant observation

    NASA Space Laser Communications System: Towards Safety of Aerospace Operations

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    Bidirectional space communication is a fundamental prerequisite for maintaining contact with objects performing missions in space, whether manned and unmanned. Until recently, it relied solely on the propagation of electromagnetic waves (the radio) using frequency bands dedicated for objects outside the Earth's atmosphere. However, modern space technologies are subject to ongoing development as they are being fitted with advanced communication systems. Given the constant enhancement of our technological capabilities, the traditional radio-based communication shows a glaring inadequacy and contributes to the widening of a gap between this and the high technology of on-board devices installed on modern space crafts. The technology that complies with the up-to-date requirements of space communication is optical space communication. It is expected to provide for high-speed data transfer and increase the band-width several times, while ensuring immunity to common cyber threats, including jamming, spoofing and meaconing. The deployment of laser - based optical communication will not only contribute to increasing the air and space operation safety levels, but also enable deep space exploration. To this end, NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Project (LCRD) is currently undergoing development and testing. This chapter undertakes to characterize the emerging technology with respect to its operating principles, the future scope of applications and involvement in currently conducted experiments. The results from the analysis are presented in the form of scenarios outlining possible applications of laser communication

    Application of RSM Method for Optimization of Geraniol Transformation Process in the Presence of Garnet

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    This paper presents the results of tests obtained for the transformation of geraniol in the presence of garnet as a catalyst by the response surface method (RSM). The method analyzed the influence of the following parameters: a temperature of 50–150 °C, a catalyst concentration (garnet) of 1.0–10.0 wt% and a reaction time of 0.25–24 h. Response functions included the conversion of geraniol (GA), selectivity for conversion to neral (NE) and selectivity for conversion to citronellol (CL). In addition, the influence of all control parameters on each of the response parameters is presented in the form of second-order polynomials. The optimal parameters of the geraniol transformation process were a temperature of 55 °C, a catalyst concentration of 5 wt% and a reaction time of 2 h, for which high values of the GA conversion function and the selectivity of conversion to NE and CL were obtained. For the GA conversion, the optimum was obtained at 94 mol% at 60 °C, a catalyst concentration of 5.0 wt% and a reaction time of 2 h. For NE selectivity, the optimum value was reached at 49 mol% at 60 °C, a catalyst concentration equal to 2.5 (5.0) wt% mole and a reaction time of almost 2 h. For CL selectivity, the optimum value of 49 mol% was obtained for control factors: a temperature equal to 20 °C, a catalyst concentration equal to 5.0 wt% and a response time equal to 2 h. The optimal set of control factors for all power factors is characterized by a temperature of 55 °C, a catalyst concentration of 5 wt% and a reaction time of 2 h