4,202 research outputs found
The Aging of Population: Expenditure on Education and Social Security
Treballs Finals del Mà ster d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutors: Xavier Raurich Puigdevall i Montserrat Vilalta-BufÃWe analyze the effects of population aging on public expenditure when government is not fully efficient. We build an overlapping generations model in which government collects money from the households through a proportional tax on wages and distributes the resources in the form of pensions and a subsidy to education. The individual votes for the level of public assistance to receive in order to maximize her utility. We find that the solution of the model depends on the preferences of the median voter and that as population ages, more pensions are demanded in the economy relative to the subsidy to education, which makes the individuals invest less in the human capital formation of their children and lead economy to be less productive. We also demonstrate that government inefficiency plays a crucial role in the redistribution of resources and that the solution of such an inefficiency gap may slow down the negative e¤ects of population aging
Chemical etching of 3D printed α-Al2O3 for catalytic applications
New advances in three-dimensional (3D) printing have made such manufacturing technique suitable
for a wide range of applications. The relatively short time to obtain complex geometries, the possibility
to control the material usage and lower the energy consumption, are some of the principal
characteristics that make the additive manufacturing (AM) an innovative technique to design and
produce final parts. Nowadays, what makes the AM and in particular the direct ink writing (DIW)
technology stands out among the conventional manufacturing techniques is the possibility to print
ceramic materials with lower production costs. The combination of the outstanding properties of these
materials and the possibility to create complex geometries with them, lead to a more popular usage of
ceramic materials in technologic applications, such as bioengineering, chemistry, energy, among
others. In this sense, in several studies it has been demonstrated that, using printed ceramic catalysts
has improved catalytic conversions. DIW isin fact able to produce catalysts with large exposed surfaces
with continuous and predictable airflow through the reactor.
Within the aforementioned information, the purpose of this Bachelor’s project is to enhance the
catalytic performance of alumina 3D printed catalysts with a surface modification process though
chemical etching. The objective is to obtain a controlled and interconnected porosity on the catalysts
surface, in order to increase the internal surface area available for the reaction and the residence time
of the reactants into the catalyst. To do so, hydrofluoric acid (HF) was used to etch the alpha alumina
(-Al2O3) surface. To study the effect of HF on -Al2O3, samples obtained by means of conventional
methods like cold isostatic pressing were etched with HF under both different concentrations (5, 20
and 40 M) and times. The optimal etching conditions were determined analysing the changes in density
and roughness of each sample, with the usage of an optical profilometer. Afterwards, cubic geometries
with 100% infill were printed and etched with the three optimal etching conditions obtained; one per
each investigated concentration. The density, surface roughness, porosity and the mechanical
properties in terms of Vickers hardness and indentation fracture toughness have been investigated
and compared with those obtained for no-etched samples. Finally, rectilinear catalysts with 50% infill
were printed and etched with the same conditions as mentioned above and subsequently the catalysis
reaction of dehydrogenation of ethanol were carried out. The catalytic performance was studied in a
range of temperatures from 200 to 600°C.
The optimal etching time for HF concentration of 5, 20 and 40M are 48, 24 and 5 hours, respectively.
The optimal etching condition is with [HF] = 40M, since it shows the greatest increase of the average
roughness, which suggest that a controlled porosity have been generated on the surface of the
samples. Although these results, the surface modification process by means of chemical etching has
not shown improvement on the catalytic performances of the -Al2O3 catalysts.Los nuevos avances en la impresión en tres dimensiones (3D) han permitido que esta técnica de
fabricación sea la adecuada para una amplia gama de aplicaciones. El reducido tiempo para obtener
geometrÃas complejas, la posibilidad de controlar el uso de material y el bajo consumo de energÃa, son
algunas de las principales caracterÃsticas que hacen que la fabricación aditiva (AM) sea una técnica
innovadora para diseñar y producir piezas finales. Hoy en dÃa lo que hace que la AM, y en particular la
tecnologÃa direct ink writing (DIW), se destaque entre las tecnologÃas convencionales de fabricación es
la posibilidad de imprimir materiales cerámicos con bajos costes de producción. La combinación de sus
destacadas propiedades y la posibilidad de crear geometrÃas complejas con ellos, lleva a un uso más
popular de los materiales cerámicos en aplicaciones tecnológicas, como bioingenierÃa, quÃmica,
energÃa, entre otras. En este sentido, en varios estudios se ha demostrado que usar catalizadores
cerámicos impresos mejora las conversiones catalÃticas. Mediante la DIW es posible producir
catalizadores con amplias superficies expuestas con un continuo y predecible flujo de gas en el reactor.
Dentro de la información mencionada, el objetivo de este proyecto final de grado es mejorar las
prestaciones catalÃticas de catalizadores de alúmina impresa mediante un proceso de modificación
superficial con ataque quÃmico. El objetivo es obtener una porosidad controlada e interconectada en
la superficie del catalizador, para aumentar la superficie interior disponible y el tiempo de residencia
de los reactivos en el catalizador. Para hacerlo, se ha usado ácido fluorhÃdrico (HF) para atacar la
superficie de la alpha alúmina (-Al2O3). Para estudiar el efecto del HF sobre la -Al2O3, las muestras
obtenidas mediante prensado isostático en frio se han atacado con diferentes concentraciones (5, 20
y 40 M) y tiempos. Las condiciones óptimas de ataque se han determinado analizando los cambios en
la densidad y rugosidad de cada muestra, usando un perfilómetro óptico. A continuación, se han
impreso geometrÃas cúbicas con un 100% de relleno y se han atacado con las tres condiciones óptimas
de ataque obtenidas, una para cada concentración investigada. La densidad, la rugosidad, la porosidad
y las propiedades mecánicas, en términos de dureza Vickers y resistencia a la fractura, se han analizado
y comparado con los resultados obtenidos para muestras no atacadas. Finalmente se han impreso
catalizadores rectilÃneos con un 50% de relleno y se han atacado con las mismas condiciones
mencionadas anteriormente y posteriormente, se ha realizado la reacción catalÃtica de
deshidrogenación de etanol. Las propiedades catalÃticas se han estudiado en un rango de temperaturas
entre 200 y 600oC.
El tiempo de ataque óptimo para las concentraciones de 5, 20 y 40 M es de 48, 24 y 5 horas,
respectivamente. La condición óptima de ataque es la de 40 M, ya que muestra el mayor aumento de
rugosidad, lo que sugiere que se ha formado una porosidad controlada en la superficie de la muestra.
A pesar de los resultados obtenidos, el proceso de modificación superficial mediante ataque quÃmico
no muestra una mejora en las prestaciones catalÃticas de los catalizadores de -Al2O3.Els nous avanços en la impressió en tres dimensions (3D) han permès que aquesta tècnica de fabricació
sigui l'adequada per a una à mplia gamma d'aplicacions. Els reduïts temps per a obtenir geometries
complexes, la possibilitat de controlar la utilització de material, i el baix consum energètic són algunes
de les principals caracterÃstiques que fan que la fabricació additiva (AM) sigui una tècnica innovadora
per a dissenyar i produir peces finals. Avui dia el que fa que l'AM i en particular la tecnologia de direct
ink writing (DIW) es destaqui entre les tecnologies convencionals de fabricació és la possibilitat
d'imprimir materials cerà mics amb baixos costos de producció. La combinació de les destacades
propietats d’aquests materials i la possibilitat de crear geometries complexes amb ells, porta a una
popularització dels materials cerà mics en aplicacions tecnològiques com bioenginyeria, quÃmica, o
energia, entre altres. En aquest sentit, en diversos estudis s'ha demostrat que usar catalitzadors
cerà mics impresos millora les conversions catalÃtiques. Mitjançant la DIW és possible produir
catalitzadors amb à mplies superfÃcies exposades amb un continu i predictible flux de gas en el reactor.
Dins la informació esmenada, l'objectiu d'aquest projecte final de grau és millorar les prestacions
catalÃtiques de catalitzadors d'alúmina mitjançant un procés de modificació superficial amb atac
quÃmic. Per fer-ho s’ha buscat obtenir una porositat controlada i interconnectada en la superfÃcie del
catalitzador, per a tal d’augmentar la superfÃcie interior disponible i el temps de residència dels reactius
al catalitzador. S'ha usat à cid fluorhÃdric (HF) per a atacar la superfÃcie de l’alpha alúmina (-Al2O3). Per
a estudiar l'efecte del HF sobre la -Al2O3, les mostres obtingudes mitjançant premsatge isostà tic en
fred s'han atacat amb diferents concentracions (5, 20 i 40 M) i temps. Les condicions òptimes d'atac
s'han determinat analitzant els canvis en la densitat i rugositat de cada mostra, usant un perfilòmetre
òptic. A continuació, s'han imprès geometries cúbiques amb un 100% de farciment i s'han atacat amb
les tres condicions òptimes d'atac obtingudes, una per cada concentració investigada. La densitat, la
rugositat, la porositat i les propietats mecà niques, en termes de duresa Vickers i resistència a la
fractura, s'han analitzat i comparat amb els resultats obtinguts de mostres no atacades. Finalment,
s'han imprès catalitzadors rectilinis amb un 50% de farciment i s'han atacat amb les mateixes
condicions esmentades anteriorment, i, posteriorment, s'han realitzat la reacció catalÃtica de
deshidrogenació d'etanol. Les prestacions catalÃtiques s'han estudiat en un rang de temperatures entre
200 i 600oC.
El temps d'atac òptim per a les concentracions de 5, 20 i 40 M és de 48, 24 i 5 hores, respectivament.
La condició òptima d'atac és la de 40 M, ja que mostra el major augment de rugositat, la qual cosa
suggereix que s'ha format una porositat controlada en la superfÃcie de la mostra. Tot i els prometedors
resultats, no s’ha pogut demostrat que el procés de modificació superficial mitjançant atac quÃmic
presenti una millora en les prestacions catalÃtiques dels catalitzadors de -Al2O3
Novel pathways induced by melatonin on leukocytes: possible pharmacological and inflammatory perspectives
La melatonina, oltre ad essere un regolatore dei ritmi circadiani, è stato recentemente dimostrato essere un modulatore del sistema immunitario attraverso il controllo del comportamento dei leucociti, i quali sono infatti in grado di sintetizzare la melatonina e possiedono specifici recettori di membrana (MT1 e MT2) ad alta affinità (1nM). L’abilità della melatonina di contrastare l’apoptosi sta ricevendo un grande interesse, un effetto ben accetto, nonostante il suo meccanismo sia ancora abbastanza controverso. In questo studio analizziamo il meccanismo coinvolto nell’effetto anti-apoptotico della melatonina in leucociti normali e tumorali. Abbiamo visto che questo effetto è dovuto a due differenti meccanismi cooperanti i quali coinvolgono due target primari con cui la melatonina interagisce; i recettori MT1/MT2 e la calmodulina, un noto target della melatonina a bassa affinità (63 uM). L’interazione con il recettore ed il legame alla calmodulina da origine a due pathways di trasduzione del segnale indipendenti, che consisono da una parte in una trasduzione del segnale canonica (convolgendo le proteine G e la fosfolipasi C), e dall’altra nell’attivazione della 5-lipossigenasi (5-LOX) tramite calmodulina /fosfolipasi A2 (un noto interattore della calmodulina) che termina con la produzione dei 5-HETE. Questi due pathways convergono nell’effetto anti-apoptotico di melatonina a livello mitocondriale, prevenendo l’attivazione di Bax, la chiave che innesca il pathway apoptotico intrinseco. La novità di questi risultati è che Bax è mantenuto nel mitocondrio in una stato anti-apoptotico. Infatti, la melatonina causa la translocazione di Bcl-2 al mitocondrio, dove si lega direttamente a Bax, inibendo la sua attivazione/dimerizzazione. L’effetto anti-apoptotico è completamente abrogato se uno o l’altro pathway viene inibito. La necessità del legame a bassa affinità con la calmodulina, spiega la necessità di alte dosi di melatonina (>100uM). Il coinvolgimento della 5-LOX nell’effetto anti-apoptotico della melatonina è particolarmente interessante dal momento che la necessità di un enzima chiave della risposta infiammatoria può fare nuova luce sul ruolo che la melatonina gioca nella regolazione della risposta immunitaria. Inoltre, l’attivazione della LOX implica uno sprigionarsi di radicali liberi che immediatamente (100uM). The involvement of 5-LOX in the anti-apoptotic effect of melatonin is particularly intriguing since, the recruitment of a key enzyme of the inflammatory response may shed new lights on the role melatonin plays in the regulation of the immune response. Moreover, LOX activation implies a burst of free radicals that immediately (<1min) and strongly (up to 15folds) follows melatonin administration, peaking at 2hrs to go back to normal values at 6hrs. This is a biological pro-oxidant effect that co-exists with, and contrasts, the well known chemical radical scavenging ability of the melatonin molecule
Environmental design, building reclamation and slow tourism for a sustainable development
[EN] With the project Valore Paese - Cammini e Percorsi, addressed to the buildings located along the historical-religious itineraries and cycle paths, Italy aims to reclaim the abandoned buildings through the slow tourism development, motivated by cultural and sporting interests. The project, included in the Strategic Plan of Tourism and the Special Plan of Tourism Mobility, involves private operators, companies, cooperatives, associations and start-ups composed mainly of young people under 40, who will have the task of re-using the constructions in question.
A study on Slow mobility has been developed (in the BikeFlu research, of the G. D'Annunzio University Architecture Department for the Abruzzi Region) for using the Abruzzi landscapes - coast, hill, foothill and mountain – through the reclamation of abandoned buildings (for centres and cycle-workshops, services, refreshment points, cyclehotels, museums and workshops) for a tourism directly linked to the slow mobility and the territory enhancement. A redevelopment of pre-existing facilities is proposed aimed at providing all the comforts to make the cycle paths attractive and practicable, for a wide range of users (children, young people, adults, agonists, beginners, etc.).
The redevelopment proposals include works aimed at securing and preserving buildings and transforming works through addition and grafting to promote sustainable development processes for a useful and appropriate reuse of abandoned resources.
The transformative logic is based on the will to ensure the sustainability of design choices and the enhancement of local resources, above all through the control of safety performance, environmental protection, well-being, usability, management, integration and architectural quality of building systems.Radogna, D.; Viskovic, A. (2018). Environmental design, building reclamation and slow tourism for a sustainable development. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 3(2):55-64. doi:10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2018.11019SWORD556432Di Battista, V. (2006) Ambiente costruito. Un secondo paradigma. Alinea, Firenze.Forlani M.C., Radogna D., Viskovic A. (2014) Opere di "innesto" lignee per il rinforzo strutturale e la riqualificazione funzionale degli involucri murari. In Villegas L., Yuste J., Diez J. (ed.), PatologÃa del la construcción, tecnologÃa de la rehabilitación y gestión del patrimonio. Mundial Rehabend 2014 Proceedings, Santander, Spain. Grafica Igunas S.A., ISBN: 9788461688623, pp. 1600-1607.Forlani M.C., (2010) Cultura Tecnologica e progetto sostenibile. Idee e proposte ecosostenibili per i territori del sisma aquilano, Alinea, Firenze.Forlani M.C., (2009), L'Università per il terremoto. Castelnuovo e l'altopiano di Navelli. Alinea, Firenze.Pinto M. R., (2004) Il riuso edilizio. Procedure metodi ed esperienze. UTET, Torino.Forlani M. C., Radogna D., Viskovic A., (2012) Wooden framed structures for masonry buildings retrofitting. A pilot project in Caporciano. In Jasienko, J. (2012), Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Wiadomosci Konserwatorskie. SAHC 2012 Proceedings, Wroclaw, Poland. Dolnoslaskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne (DWE), ISBN: 9788371252167, ISSN:0860-2395, pp. 2650-2657.Radogna D. (2013) Trasformazioni dell'ambiente costruito. Riflessioni ed esperienze per un recupero sostenibile dell'esistente. Edicom, Monfalcone (Go).Gangemi, V. (2004). Riciclare in architettura. Scenari innovativi della cultura del progetto. Clean, Napoli.Radogna D. (2008) Kalhofoer & Korschildgen Flessibilità ed esigenze d'uso. Soluzioni progettuali per un quadro prestazionale. Sala editori, Pescara.Gaspari J. (2012) Trasformare l'involucro: la strategia dell'addizione nel progetto di recupero. Tecnologie per la riqualificazione sostenibile del costruito. Edicom, Monfalcone (Go).Imperadori M. (2001) Costruire sul costruito. Tecnologie leggere nel recupero edilizio. Carrocci, Roma.Fabbricatti, K. (2013) Le sfide della città interculturale. La teoria della resilienza per il governo dei cambiamenti. Franco Angeli, Milano.Longo, D. (2007) Decostruzione e riuso: procedure e tecniche di valorizzazione dei residui edilizi in Italia. Alinea, Firenze
The Semantic Web … Sounds Logical!
The Semantic Web will be an enabling technology for the future because as all of life\u27s components continue to progress and evolve, the demand on us as humans will continue to increase. Work will expect more productivity; family will demand more quality time, and even leisure activities will be technologically advanced. With these variables in mind, I believe humans will demand technologies that help to simplify this treacherous lifestyle. As patterns already indicate, one of the driving forces of technological development is efficiency. Developers are consistently looking for ways to make life\u27s demands less strenuous and more streamlined. The benefits of the semantic web are two-fold. Conceptually, it will enable us to be productive at home while at work, and productive at work while at home. The Semantic Web will be a technology that truly changes our lifestyle. The Web has yet to harness its full potential. We have yet to realize that in addition to computers, other machines can actually participate in the decision-making process via the Internet. This will allow virtually all devices the opportunity to be a helpful resource for humans via the Web. It must be taken into consideration that the Semantic Web will not be separate from the World Wide Web, but an extension of it. It will allow information to be given a well-defined meaning, which will allow computers and people to work in cooperation. With this technology, humans will be able to establish connections to machines that are not currently connected to the World Wide Web. For the Semantic Web to function, computers must have access to structured collections of information and sets of inference rules that they can use to conduct automated reasoning (Scientific American: Feature Article: The Semantic Web, 3). Using rules to make inferences, choosing a course of action, and answering questions will add functional logic to the Web. Currently the Semantic Web community is developing this new Web by using Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Resource Description Framework (RDF) and ultimately, Ontologies
Studio, implementazione e valutazione di un sistema per il riconoscimento di testo offensivo nei Social Media
Sviluppo applicazione per il confronto delle pagine su Facebook. Uso di algoritmi di machine learning per la rilevazione di testo offensivo su dataset provenienti dai social media. Valutazione di algoritmi ad apprendimento supervisionato, confronto delle loro performance
A 177 ppm RMS Error-Integrated Interface for Time-Based Impedance Spectroscopy of Sensors
This paper presents an integrated circuit for time-based electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of sensors. The circuit exploits maximum-length sequences (MLS) in order to perform a broadband excitation of the sensors under test. Therefore, the measured time-domain EIS is obtained by cross-correlating the input with the output of the analog front end (AFE). Unlike the conventional digital approach, the cross-correlation operation is performed in the analog domain. This leads to a lower RMS error in the measured time-domain EIS since the signal processing is not affected by the quantization noise of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It also relaxes the sampling frequency of the ADC leading, along with the lack of random access memory (RAM) usage, to a reduced circuit complexity. Theoretical concepts about the circuit’s design and operation are presented, with an emphasis on the thermal noise phenomenon. The simulated performances are shown by testing a sensor’s equivalent model composed of a 50 kΩ resistor in parallel with a 100 (Formula presented.) (Formula presented.) capacitor. A time-based EIS output of 255 points was obtained with a maximum tested frequency of 500 (Formula presented.) (Formula presented.) and a simulated RMS error of 0.0177% (or 177 ppm)
Prospectus, February 26, 2014
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Italian National Health Service immunized by Covid-19?
not required for Letter to the Edito
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