8 research outputs found
Information and analytical providion of budget support of institutional sectors of the economy (on the example of the agricultural sector of Ukraine)
The aim of the article is to study the information support of the institutional field and state regulation of agricultural development of Ukraine through the analysis of current strategies and tools and programs of state support. The relevance of the study is due to the significant increase in the role of state support for key sectors of the economy in a systemic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 and restrictive quarantine measures. Limitation of budget funds implies an urgent need for their most rational use, identifying trends and areas of which this study is devoted. The research methodology is based on comparative analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, methods of assessing the effectiveness of budget programs, the use of analytical surveys, statistics on self-assessment of agribusiness and data from independent news agencies on the effectiveness of government regulation. The information base is the regulatory framework for state support of the agricultural sector, analytical studies on budget support for the agricultural sector and budget expenditures for agricultural development were based on official data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. The study analyses some components of the Strategy for the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, the Concept of development of farms and agricultural cooperation for 2018-2020, the project and the place of state support in its regulation. The dynamics of state support for 2016-2019 is shown, the main factors of influence are characterized and the dynamics of state support of the agricultural sector of Ukraine evaluated according to the OECD (Organization of economic cooperation and development) methodology is given. An analysis of the expenditures of the State Budget of Ukraine in 2020 on agricultural and rural development is carried out. The given research can be used at formation of current programs of budgetary support of branch, development of concepts of sustainable development of separate forms of managing – farms and peasant farms, adjustment of strategic plans, formation of their key indicators for monitoring and for increase methodological bases and principles of state regulation and other institutional factors of agricultural finance
Study of burning stability in low emission gas turbine combustor
Study of burning stability in low emission gas turbine combustor / S. Serbin, A. Kozlovskyi, K. Burunsuz, R. Radchenko // Contemporary Issues of Heat and Mass Transfer : monograph / T. Bohdal, M. Sikora. – Koszalin : Koszalin University of Technology, 2019. – Vol. 2. – P. 747–766.Introduction: The paper is devoted to investigation of gaseous fuel burning stability in low emission combustor of stationary gas turbine engine (GTE). The mathematical model of unsteady processes in GTE low emission combustor is developed. A methodology of numerical experiment concerning stability of gaseous fuel burning in low emission combustor with using complex of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is proposed. Theoretical studies of non-stationary processes in a low emission gas turbine combustor were performed using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model of turbulence. The results of the model verification confirm its validity for the wide spectrum of fuel nozzle design. The performed 3D calculations allowed defining main pulsating features of a low emission gas turbine combustor. For the entire considered frequency range, a pronounced frequency of 189 Hz is traced, which is caused by combustion processes, as evidenced by the spectra of temperature fluctuations and the mass concentration of fuel. The calculated local mean square pulsations of the static pressure inside the combustion line can reach maximum values of about 11.5 kPa. The obtained results and recommendations can be used for modeling of unsteady processes in low emission combustor and stability improvement of GTE combustor with partially premixed lean fuel-air mixtures
First shot of the smoking gun: probing the electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM with novel searches for A → ZH in and final states
Recently the ATLAS collaboration has reported the first results of searches for
heavy scalar resonances decaying into a Z boson and a lighter new scalar resonance, where
the Z boson decays leptonically and the lighter scalar decays into a top-quark pair, giving rise
to final states. This had previously been identified as a smoking-gun signature at the
LHC for a first-order electroweak phase transition (FOEWPT) within the framework of two
Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). In addition, ATLAS also presented new limits where the Z
boson decays into pairs of neutrinos and the lighter scalar resonance into bottom-quark pairs,
giving rise to the final state. We analyze the impact of these new searches on the 2HDM
parameter space, with emphasis on their capability to probe currently allowed 2HDM regions
featuring a strong FOEWPT. We also study the complementarity of these new searches
with other LHC probes that could target the FOEWPT region of the 2HDM. Remarkably,
the ATLAS search in the final state shows a local 2.85 σ excess (for masses of about
650 GeV and 450 GeV for the heavy and light resonance) in the 2HDM parameter region that
would yield a FOEWPT in the early universe, which could constitute the first experimental hint of baryogenesis at the electroweak scale. We analyze the implications of this excess,
and discuss the detectability prospects for the associated gravitational wave signal from
the FOEWPT. Furthermore, we project the sensitivity reach of the signature for
the upcoming runs of the LHC. Finally, we introduce the python package thdmTools, a
state-of-art tool for the exploration of the 2HDM
Improving Ecological Efficiency of Gas Turbine Power System by Combusting Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixtures
Currently, the issue of creating decarbonized energy systems in various spheres of life is acute. Therefore, for gas turbine power systems including hybrid power plants with fuel cells, it is relevant to transfer the existing engines to pure hydrogen or mixtures of hydrogen with natural gas. However, significant problems arise associated with the possibility of the appearance of flashback zones and acoustic instability of combustion, an increase in the temperature of the walls of the flame tubes, and an increase in the emission of nitrogen oxides, in some cases. This work is devoted to improving the efficiency of gas turbine power systems by combusting pure hydrogen and mixtures of natural gas with hydrogen. The organization of working processes in the premixed combustion chamber and the combustion chamber with a sequential injection of ecological and energy steam for the “Aquarius” type power plant is considered. The conducted studies of the basic aerodynamic and energy parameters of a gas turbine combustor working on hydrogen-containing gases are based on solving the equations of conservation and transfer in a multicomponent reacting system. A four-stage chemical scheme for the burning of a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen was used, which allows for the rational parameters of environmentally friendly fuel burning devices to be calculated. The premixed combustion chamber can only be recommended for operations on mixtures of natural gas with hydrogen, with a hydrogen content not exceeding 20% (by volume). An increase in the content of hydrogen leads to the appearance of flashback zones and fuel combustion inside the channels of the swirlers. For the combustion chamber of the combined-cycle power plant “Vodoley”, when operating on pure hydrogen, the formation of flame flashback zones does not occur
Sensitivity to Triple Higgs Couplings via Di-Higgs Production in the 2HDM at the (HL-)LHC
An important task of the LHC is the investigation of the Higgs-boson sector. Of particular interest is the reconstruction of the Higgs potential, i.e. the measurement of the Higgs self-couplings. Based on previous analyses, within the 2HDMs type~I and~II, we analyze several two-dimensional benchmark planes that are over large parts in agreement with all theoretical and experimental constraints. For these planes we evaluate di-Higgs production cross sections at the (HL-)LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at NLO in the heavy top-quark limit with the code HPAIR. We investige in particular the process , with being the Higgs boson discovered at the LHC with a mass of about 125 GeV. The top box diagram of the loop-mediated gluon fusion process into Higgs pairs interferes with the -channel exchange of the two CP-even 2HDM Higgs bosons and involving the trilinear couplings and , respectively. Depending on the size of the involved top-Yukawa and triple Higgs couplings as well as on the mass of , the contribution of the -channel ~diagram can be dominating or be highly suppressed. We find regions of the allowed parameter space in which the di-Higgs production cross section can differ by many standard deviations from its SM prediction, indicating possible access to deviations in from the SM value and/or contributions involving . The sensitivity to is further analyzed employing the distributions. We demonstrate how a possible measurement of depends on the various experimenal uncertainties. Depending on the underlying parameter space, the HL-LHC may have the option not only to detect beyond-the-Standard-Model triple Higgs couplings, but also to provide a first rough measurement of their sizes
First shot of the smoking gun: probing the electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM with novel searches for A → ZH in ℓ + ℓ − t t ¯ and ννb b ¯ final states
Abstract Recently the ATLAS collaboration has reported the first results of searches for heavy scalar resonances decaying into a Z boson and a lighter new scalar resonance, where the Z boson decays leptonically and the lighter scalar decays into a top-quark pair, giving rise to ℓ + ℓ − t t ¯ final states. This had previously been identified as a smoking-gun signature at the LHC for a first-order electroweak phase transition (FOEWPT) within the framework of two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). In addition, ATLAS also presented new limits where the Z boson decays into pairs of neutrinos and the lighter scalar resonance into bottom-quark pairs, giving rise to the ννb b ¯ final state. We analyze the impact of these new searches on the 2HDM parameter space, with emphasis on their capability to probe currently allowed 2HDM regions featuring a strong FOEWPT. We also study the complementarity of these new searches with other LHC probes that could target the FOEWPT region of the 2HDM. Remarkably, the ATLAS search in the ℓ + ℓ − t t ¯ final state shows a local 2.85 σ excess (for masses of about 650 GeV and 450 GeV for the heavy and light resonance) in the 2HDM parameter region that would yield a FOEWPT in the early universe, which could constitute the first experimental hint of baryogenesis at the electroweak scale. We analyze the implications of this excess, and discuss the detectability prospects for the associated gravitational wave signal from the FOEWPT. Furthermore, we project the sensitivity reach of the ℓ + ℓ − t t ¯ signature for the upcoming runs of the LHC. Finally, we introduce the python package thdmTools, a state-of-art tool for the exploration of the 2HDM
First shot of the smoking gun: probing the electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM with novel searches for in and final states
Recently the ATLAS collaboration has reported the first results of searches for heavy scalar resonances decaying into a boson and a lighter new scalar resonance, where the boson decays leptonically and the lighter scalar decays into a top-quark pair, giving rise to final states. This had previously been identified as a smoking-gun signature at the LHC for a first-order electroweak phase transition (FOEWPT) within the framework of two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). In addition, ATLAS also presented new limits where the boson decays into pairs of neutrinos and the lighter scalar resonance into bottom-quark pairs, giving rise to the final state. We analyze the impact of these new searches on the 2HDM parameter space, with emphasis on their capability to probe currently allowed 2HDM regions featuring a strong FOEWPT. We also study the complementarity of these new searches with other LHC probes that could target the FOEWPT region of the 2HDM. Remarkably, the ATLAS search in the final state shows a local excess (for masses of about 650 GeV and 450 GeV for the heavy and light resonance) in the 2HDM parameter region that would yield a FOEWPT in the early universe, which could constitute the first experimental hint of baryogenesis at the electroweak scale. We analyze the implications of this excess, and discuss the detectability prospects for the associated gravitational wave signal from the FOEWPT. Furthermore, we project the sensitivity reach of the signature for the upcoming runs of the LHC. Finally, we introduce the python package thdmTools, a state-of-art tool for the exploration of the 2HDM