74 research outputs found


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    Produktivitas faktor total (TFP) memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan produksi sayuran.Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi TFP. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menganalisis faktor-faktoryang mempengaruhi TFP pada usahatani sayuran. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengukur TFP danmenganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi TFP pada usahatani sayuran. Penelitian dilakukanditingkat usahatani di Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung, dengan jumlah sampel 76 yangtersebar di enam desa sentra produksi sayuran yang memiliki kondisi infrastruktur yang berbedabeda.Produktivitas (TFP) usahatani sayuran bervariasi antara 0,71 – 3,14 dengan rata-rata 1,43.Variasi TFP tersebut sangat responsif terhadap perubahan indeks diversifikasi tanaman. Pendidikanpetani dan luas lahan yang diusahakan, dan akses ke pasar input berpengaruh positif siginifikandengan elastisitas yang relatif kecil. Pengaruh positif teknologi konservasi dan infrastruktur irigasikurang kuat. Sementara teknologi benih justru ada indikasi dapat menurunkan TFP, tetapipengaruhnya tidak nyata


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    Credit is one of the most effective financings at the farmer level because it is more easily accessible to micro-enterprises and is intended to empower farmers to increase their production. However, access to credit at the farmer level is not easy. In addition, the small scale of the farmer's business causes the limited ability of farmers to increase business capital through microfinance institutions and banks. This study aims to analyze factors influencing farmers to take credit in Indonesia. The data analysis method used is binary logit regression which can analyze the relationship between variables that are thought to influence the decision of farmers to take credit using fourteen predictor variables consisting of five demographic variables and nine livestock business variables. The data is sourced from the 2014 Livestock Business Household Survey with a total sample of 42,392 because data that can be used to represent and complete on a national scale for the livestock sub-sector. The results showed that the variables that influenced the decision of farmers to take credit, namely the location of the livestock business, the age of the breeder, gender, type of livestock, number of dependents in the family, farming experience, land ownership, association membership, collective membership, farmer groups, counseling, and partnerships had a significant effect. Statistically. While the variables of education level and ownership of livestock business facilities are not statistically significant. Thus the policy of providing financing and capital facilities through credit distribution as a strategy for empowering farmers and micro business actors in the agricultural sector can be an incentive for farmers to increase their production and can continue to be an instrument of agricultural capital policy

    Analisis Persepsi dan Biaya Transaksi Terhadap Sumber Kredit Usaha Pengolahan Ikan Asin

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    The growth and development of MSMEs are hampered due to capital constraints, so that MSMEs need other sources of capital to meet their business needs, one of which is with credit. In Muara Angke Traditional Fisheries Processing (PHPT) there are formal and informal credit institutions. The decision-making process of which credit institution will be chosen is determined by the processor's perception of the two institutions, where each institution will incur different transaction costs incurred by salted fish processors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of salted fish processors on credit institutions and the amount of credit transaction costs incurred. The perceptual analysis uses the importance-performance analysis method and transaction costs are calculated using the transaction cost analysis method. The total sample of 72 salted fish processing business units in PHPT Muara Angke. The results showed that based on the criteria of processing perceptions of formal institutions better. This is indicated by the measurement of the average value of formal interests 4,48, the average value of the performance of formal institutions is 4,04 while the average value of the interests of non-formal institutions is 4,16 and the average value of the performance of non-formal institutions is 3,99. However, the transaction costs per loan period that must be issued by processors with formal credit (Rp 126.750) are greater than the transaction costs incurred by processors with non-formal credit (Rp 15.434). The largest transaction cost component informal credit is implementation costs (62,60 per cent), while informal credit is information costs (36,37 per cent)

    Elevating Sugarcane Farming: Effects of Certified Seed Adoption on Production and Income in East Java, Indonesia

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    The use of certified seed is essential for sugarcane agricultural intensification method, emphasizing input quality improvements. In this context, varietal validity has the potential to increase sugarcane output volumes and ensure quality variations. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the variables affecting farmers' decisions on seed varieties, output, and revenue. The type of data used was cross-sectional with a sample of 1,763 respondents, consisting of 303 and 1,460 adopter and non-adopter farmers, respectively. Propensity score matching and logistic regression were the analysis methods used. The results showed that farmers' age, number of workers, land ownership status, extension participation, and partnerships significantly influenced the decisions in selecting seed types. Significant variations in output, gross income, total expenses, net income, and net earnings were also reported using statistical test analysis, with certified seed adopters having higher profits. In this context, young farmers should be targeted to promote the use of certified seed, provide sufficient labor support for intensive farming, ease access to land, and enhance persuasive messages about partnership benefits. Moreover, ensuring the continuity of production and distribution was important to maintain reasonable seed prices and facilitate farmers' access.


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    Gender inequality still exists in Indonesia on various sectors. However, the Gender-related Development Index (GDI) and Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM) showed an increasing trends in recent years. The increase in GDI and GEM index indicates the gender equality in education, labor and business opportunities. Meanwhile, the gender equality in access to credit and capital is still unclear. This paper discusses the gender issue in credit policy, accessibility and utilization in Indonesia using literature review. Gender factor is not explicitly considered in credit policy which means that men and women have the equality to obtain and utilize credit. In reality, the low proportion of women borrower indicates that women accessibility towards credit is lower than men. Increasing in women accessibility towards credit will bring positive effect, economically and socially, for the women themselves and their family. The important implication is that increasing in business opportunities and labor for women will increase the accessibility of women to credit

    Analisis Efisiensi Usahatani Padi di Jawa dan Luar Jawa: Kajian Prospek Peningkatan Produksi Padi Nasional

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    Padi dapat tumbuh di hampir seluruh pulau di Indonesia, tetapi 57 persen padi di produksi di Pulau Jawa, dengan luasan kurang dari 10 persen dari total luasan di Indonesia. Studi mengenai prospek peningkatan produksi padi nasional penting dilakukan sebagai antisipasi meningkatnya konsumsi beras, terkhusus dengan memanfaatkan lahan di luar Pulau Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitumengidentifikasi prospek peningkatan produksi beras nasional, terutama di luar Jawa, dari perspektif faktor produksi padi dan efisiensin teknis ditingkat petani. Dengan menggunakan stochastic frontier, fungsi produksi translog menunjukan bahwa peningkatan input (lahan, benih, pupuk dan pestisida) tidak banyak meningkatkan produksi padi di Pulau Jawa dan luar Pulau Jawa (inelastis), sedangkan tenaga kerja bertanda negatif. Berdasarkan hasil efisiensi teknis, potensi petani untuk meningkatkan produksi padi di Jawa dan luar Jawa sebesar 28 dan 39 persen. Selain itu, analisis menunjukan irigasi, status lahan, kelompok tani dan pendidikan petani memengaruhi efisiensi teknis. Penelitian ini dapat disimpukan bahwa prospek peningkatkan produksi padi dengan efisiensi teknis di luar Pulau Jawa lebih tinggi daripada di Pulau Jawa. Namun, peningkatan produksi padi di luar Pulau Jawa dapat dilakukan dengan membangun lahan irigasi. Selain itu, untuk meningkatkan produksi padi secara signifikan diperlukannya teknologi produksi padi baru baik di Jawa dan luar Jawa.Rice can grow in almost all of the islands in Indonesia, but 57 per cent of it was produced in Java, which is less than 10 per cent of the national area in Indonesia. To anticipate the increasing need for rice consumption, it is important to study the prospects for increasing national rice production, especially by utilizing the potential of agricultural land outside Java island. The purpose of this study was to identify the prospects for the development of national rice, especially outside Java island, from the perspective of rice production factors and technical efficiency at the farm level. Using stochastic frontier analysis, the translog production function showed that the increasing use of inputs (land, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides) will not significantly increase rice production both in Java and outside Java island (inelastic). Technical efficiency analysis indicated that rice production in Java and outside Java island was 28 and 39 per cent below its frontier, respectively.  Further analysis showed that irrigation, land status, farmer groups, and farmer education were significantly improved technical efficiency. This study concluded that the potential to increase rice production by increasing technical efficiency outside of Java island was greater than in Java island. However, increasing the efficiency of rice production outside Java may be constrained by the availability of irrigated agricultural land. To significantly increase national rice production both in Java and outside Java island, a breakthrough in new rice production technology is needed

    Keragaan USAha Ayam Ras Pedaging di Kecamatan Parung Bogor: Perbandingan USAhaternak Mitra dan USAhaternak Mandiri

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    Broiler farming is one of the potential business, but this business has a high risk and requires substantial capital. One of the strategies that is used to overcome the problem is a partnership. Cogreg Village is one of the broiler producer areas in Bogor District. Most of the broiler farming in Cogreg are small and conventional farms. It is managed by a partnership which is different from broiler partnerships in general. The objectives of this study were to analyze the partnership and to compare the farm performance between partnership and independent broiler farm in Cogreg Village, Parung Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. This study used farm income analysis and R./C ratio method. The results showed that production, income, and the R/ C ratio of partnership member were higher than those of independent farmers on any scale. This proves that the partnership has a positive effect on broiler farming production and income. However, based on the qualitative analysis, it can be stated that the benefit sharing between farmers and firms is not balanced. The benefit received by the firm was much higher than that received by the farmer. The study recommends the need to establish a written partnership contract and improve maintenance management system, especially feed management

    Integrated Farming System Berbasis Kopi: Produktivitas dan Daya Saing Global yang Optimal

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    Pengembangan subsektor perkebunan kopi di Indonesia menunjukkan potensi yang luar biasa dalam mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi, baik di tingkat lokal maupun global. Namun, tantangan besar muncul dalam mengoptimalkan potensi ini. Ketidakseimbangan antara produksi dan konsumsi kopi secara global menjadi salah satu hambatan utama, menciptakan kekurangan pasokan yang berdampak signifikan pada sektor kopi. Selain itu, penurunan minat petani kopi dalam berusahatani menimbulkan ancaman serius terhadap pertumbuhan sektor kopi di tingkat nasional. Ketidakseimbangan produksi dan konsumsi kopi dunia menandai permasalahan mendesak yang perlu diatasi. Penurunan minat petani kopi, terutama petani kecil yang menghadapi keterbatasan sumber daya, akses teknologi, dan modal, menjadi akar permasalahan utama. Rendahnya insentif bagi petani menciptakan kurangnya motivasi untuk meningkatkan produksi, sementara kendala akses informasi pasar yang akurat membatasi kemampuan petani untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih baik. Solusi atas tantangan ini melibatkan peningkatan insentif bagi petani, penerapan konsep pertanian berkelanjutan, dan peningkatan koordinasi di seluruh value chain. Adopsi program IFS menjadi langkah konkret untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kopi. Melalui konsep LEISA, petani dapat mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumber daya secara berkelanjutan, meningkatkan produksi kopi secara ramah lingkungan. Keberhasilan program Upland Project di Indonesia sebagai contoh penerapan IFS berbasis kopi memberikan harapan untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Implementasi solusi ini melibatkan perbaikan sistem insentif, standarisasi produk kopi, peningkatan kualitas produksi, dan pelatihan manajemen ekspor. Melalui sinergi antara Kementerian Pertanian dan pemangku kepentingan kopi, diharapkan solusi ini dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan pendapatan petani kopi, memberikan dampak positif pada ekonomi nasional secara menyeluruh. Dengan demikian, fokus pada insentif, pertanian berkelanjutan, dan koordinasi value chain menjadi kunci keberhasilan dalam menghadapi tantangan kompleks di sektor kopi Indonesia

    Effect of Transaction Costs on Profit and the Capital Formation of Soybean Farming in Lamongan Regency, East Java

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    Transaction costs was one of imperfect market characteristic. The transaction costs of soybean farming affected profit level, and profit was one factor of capital formation. This research aimed to analyze the structure and the effect of transaction costs on the profitability and the capital formation of soybean farming. This study applied transaction cost analysis and simultaneous equation as the methods. The respondents were determined using simple random sampling by taking the proportion of 25% for the three selected districts, resulting in 120 respondents. The data were the transaction costs in 2014/2015 and household data from 2012 to 2014, comprising the assets of land, vehicles, farm equipment, crop, and livestock. The results revealed that the transaction costs were IDR 144,120.86. The negotiation costs became the highest cost component (60.30%), followed by information costs (14.07%), coordination costs (12.22%), implementation costs (8.03%), monitoring costs (4.23%) and risk costs (1.15%). Transaction costs had a significant effect on the profitability of soybean farming. The highest percentage of capital formation on soybean farming was for farmland, reaching 40.43%. Other capitals included vehicles (24.59%), plants (19.31%), building (7.37%), and supporting tools (3.09%). Transaction costs did not significantly effect on farming capital formation. As a recommendation, collective action was required, farmers should be active on farmers groups to reduce transaction costs
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