11 research outputs found
MODEL BAHAN AJAR DRAMA BERBASIS TUGAS DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS (Penelitian Pengembangan di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari)
Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) ini meneliti dan mengembangkan bahan ajar bahasa
Inggris melalui drama untuk mahasiswa semester ganjil (semester satu) di Jurusan Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan di Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari,
Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia. Bahan ajar yang dihasilkan adalah dalam rangka meningkatkan
keterampilan berbahasa lisan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Kerangka kerja penelitian ini
mengikuti langkah-langkah pengembangan bahan ajar bahasa oleh Brian Tomlinson (2011) dan
Borg and Gall (2003) dengan memakai prosedur Dick, Carey dan Carey (2005) dalam
mengembangkan bahan ajar. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen yang tersedia
seperti kuesioner, observasi, wawancara dan analisis dokumen. Penelitian ini dapat memenuhi
kebutuhan akan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris melalui drama beserta perangkatnya. Produk bahan
ajar pun telah ditelaah dan divalidasi oleh para ahli dalam bidang media dan bahasa serta
kesastraan, dan telah diuji coba di lapangan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penelitian melalui uji
satu per satu, kelompok kecil dan besar.
Temuan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, kebutuhan mahasiswa dan pengajar
akan bahan ajar berbahasa Inggris melalui drama tinggi. Kedua, bahan ajar yang ada terbatas
dan kurang tersedia secara memadai. Ketiga, silabus yang dipakai kurang memenuhi syarat
sebagai silabus yang representatif dan hanya sebagai bagian dari perangkat pembelajaran yang
digunakan selama ini. Keempat, model ini menerapkan tahapan Brian Tomlinson (2011) yang
terdiri dari: (1) Perancangan (2) Pengembangan, dan (3) Evaluasi. Pada tahap perancangan
beberapa langkah Tomlinson dalam merancang bahan ajar dilakukan dalam bentuk identifikasi
terhadap analisis kebutuhan dan dokumen. Setelahnya dilakukan pengembangan yakni kegiatan
eksplorasi, kegiatan realisasi konteks dan realisasi pedagogis, serta produk fisik, setelah itu
memasukkan aktivitas berbasis tugas seperti role play, simulasi, stage performance dan
menganalisis naskah drama. Kelima, berdasarkan masukan para ahli dilakukan beberapa
perubahan dalam hal mendefinisikan kembali tujuan pengajaran, menetapkan fokus pada
kegiatan keterampilan berbicara, tata letak, persiapan dan respons-asupan. Keenam, berdasarkan
uji coba lapangan di kelas sudah dihasilkan bahan ajar yang efektif.
This Research and Development (R & D) intends to develop a drama course
material for first and second semester students at the English Department Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education at Halu Oleo Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia.
In this context, teaching materials were produced in order to improve oral language
skills in learning English. The research framework followed the steps of Brian
Tomlinson’s material development using Borg and Gall procedures. Afterwards, this
study adapted Dick, Carey and Carey approach in evaluating teaching materials at the
revision and field test phase. Data was collected by using available instruments such as
questionnaires, observations, interviews and in-depth document analysis. This study is
expected to answer the needs and expectation to the extent of drama teaching material
posed by lecturers and students towards drama teaching material and its evaluation
packages/tools. Eventually, the product were reviewed and validated by experts in this
field of study and a field trial in order to know the effectiveness of the study through
small and big groups.
The research findings are as follows. First, the needs of clients were apparently
high and in demand of an available drama material in a context of learning English.
Second, the existing drama materials were limited and not available. Third, the syllabus
is designed for the model as part of its apparatus. Fourth, the learning material applied
Borg and Gall’ stages that consists of: (1)exploration, (2) developing model (3)
evaluation, and (4) dissemination and implementation. In developing the material, the
reseacher applied some Tomlinson’s steps in designing the activities and illustrations
with inserting the task based approach activities such as role play, simulation, stage
performance, etc. Fifth, experts judged the learning material by suggesting some
changes. Following the suggestions, the changes were in the areas of redefining the
instructional objectives, focusing on speaking skill activities, lay-outs, readiness
activities, intake-response activities. Sixth, the field-try out resulted that the learning
material was effective
Artikel literatur ini menggali ranah inovatif dari aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, yang secara khusus berfokus pada dampak transformatif Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dalam akuisisi kosakata. Di era di mana teknologi dengan cepat membentuk kembali pendidikan, penelitian ini menyelidiki hasil integrasi AI dalam aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa, memberikan wawasan tentang kemanjuran, keuntungan, dan masa depan akuisisi/pemerolehan bahasa
Exploring The Potential Of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (Mall) Applications In Developing English Vocabulary Skills
This literature review aims to investigate the potential of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) applications in the development of English vocabulary skills. As mobile devices become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, their potential as tools for language learning has gained significant attention. This article explores the current research and examines the effectiveness of MALL applications in enhancing English vocabulary acquisition. The review highlights the advantages, challenges, and implications of using MALL applications and offers recommendations for educators, researchers, and developers to optimize the utilization of these applications for improving English vocabulary skills
The Role Of Gamification In English Language Teaching: A Literature Review
This literature review examines the impact of gamification in English language teaching (ELT) on motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Gamification, the integration of game elements into education, has gained attention as a promising approach to enhance language learning. The findings reveal that gamification positively influences student motivation in ELT. Elements like points, leaderboards, and rewards create a sense of achievement and intrinsic motivation. Engaged students are more likely to persist and participate actively in language learning. Gamification promotes active learning and engagement, with interactive activities involving vocabulary acquisition, grammar practice, and language production. It provides a safe space for students to experiment, apply knowledge, and develop linguistic skills. Collaboration and social interaction are fostered through gamification, encouraging teamwork and peer feedback. This enhances language and interpersonal skills. Immediate feedback and progress tracking in gamification offer valuable learning opportunities. Students receive real-time feedback and monitor their progress, enabling adjustments in learning strategies. However, implementing gamification in ELT faces challenges such as technology constraints and pedagogical considerations. Striking a balance between engagement and curriculum objectives is crucial. Teacher training and professional development are necessary. In conclusion, gamification plays a significant role in ELT by enhancing motivation, engagement, collaboration, and active learning. Despite challenges, embracing gamification and its best practice
Analisis Tindak Tutur Direktif Dalam Novel Layangan Putus Karya Mommy Asf
This study has two objectives, namely: 1) to describe the form of directive speech acts in novel broken kite by Mommy; 2) to describe the function of directive speech acts in the novel broken kite by Mommy ASF. This type of research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is research with a study method or research method on a problem. The data source for this research uses primary and secondary data. The primary data source in this study is the novel broken kite by Mommy ASF and the secondary data source in this study is in the form of reference book articles related to research problems. data collection used in research is the basic techniques of listening, recapitulation, data transcription, and note-taking techniques. The results of the study found 7 directive speech acts in the novel broken kite by Mommy ASF a: asking, inviting, advising, ordering, begging, forbidding, suggesting, and giving permission. The functions of directive speech acts in the novel broken kite by Mommy ASF are: asking, inviting, advising, ordering, begging, suggesting, giving permission
Penelitian ini membahas efektivitas pemanfaatan aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR) dalam meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Augmented Reality adalah teknologi yang memadukan dunia fisik dengan elemen-elemen digital, menciptakan pengalaman pembelajaran yang diperkaya. Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis temuan-temuan kunci yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan AR dalam konteks pendidikan SMA, dengan fokus pada peningkatan keterlibatan siswa. Temuan utama meliputi peningkatan keterlibatan siswa yang signifikan melalui pemanfaatan AR, yang menciptakan pengalaman pembelajaran yang lebih menarik dan interaktif. Selain itu, AR juga terbukti meningkatkan pemahaman materi pelajaran dan memungkinkan kustomisasi pembelajaran yang lebih baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan individu siswa. Kolaborasi siswa dalam lingkungan virtual yang didukung AR juga ditemukan dapat mempromosikan keterampilan sosial dan kolaboratif. Namun, kendala teknis dan infrastruktur, serta kebutuhan akan pelatihan guru yang memadai, menjadi tantangan yang harus diatasi dalam mengimplementasikan AR dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya investasi dalam infrastruktur teknologi pendukung dan pelatihan guru yang tepat untuk memaksimalkan manfaat AR dalam pembelajaran SMA. Kesimpulannya, pemanfaatan AR dalam pembelajaran di SMA memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Dengan perhatian terhadap kendala teknis dan investasi yang tepat, teknologi AR dapat menjadi alat yang berharga dalam menciptakan pengalaman pembelajaran yang lebih menarik, relevan, dan efektif bagi siswa di SMA.Top of For
Penelitian ini membahas tentang upaya meningkatkan sikap positif mahasiswa melalui pendidikan karakter di lingkungan universitas. Pendidikan karakter telah menjadi isu penting dalam pendidikan tinggi, karena pengembangan sikap positif dan nilai-nilai moral yang kuat sangat diperlukan dalam membentuk individu yang berdaya saing dan berkarakter baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas program pendidikan karakter dalam meningkatkan sikap positif mahasiswa serta menganalisis dampaknya terhadap kualitas pembelajaran di universitas. Metode penelitian ini melibatkan desain eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Mahasiswa dari berbagai program studi di universitas dipilih sebagai sampel penelitian. Kelompok perlakuan menerima program pendidikan karakter yang terintegrasi ke dalam kurikulum, sementara kelompok kontrol tidak menerima perlakuan khusus. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner sebelum dan setelah implementasi program pendidikan karakter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendidikan karakter memiliki dampak positif yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan sikap positif mahasiswa. Aspek-aspek seperti etika, tanggung jawab, kerjasama, dan semangat berprestasi mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kelompok perlakuan. Selain itu, peningkatan sikap positif ini juga berkontribusi pada peningkatan interaksi sosial dan partisipasi dalam kegiatan akademik dan non-akademik di universitas. Kesimpulannya, pendidikan karakter dapat efektif meningkatkan sikap positif mahasiswa di lingkungan universitas
Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknologi Mobile Apps Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Dan Keterlibatan Orang Tua Dalam Pendidikan Anak
Children's education is a shared responsibility between schools and parents. However, parents often face obstacles in being actively involved in their children's education. This study aims to examine the effect of using mobile apps technology in improving parents' participation and involvement in their children's education. Using the literature research method, this article reviews various related studies that discuss the effects of using mobile apps technology on parents' participation and involvement in children's education
Building religious character of students in Madrasah through moral learning
This article aims to describe the teacher's role and the implications of learning Aqidah Akhlak in the formation of the religious character of students at MTs Thoriqul Ulum Trawas. Qualitative with a case study approach has been used in this study. Data collection uses interview, observation, and documentation methods, while validity techniques use credibility, source triangulation, technical triangulation, and dependability. The results of the research are presented as follows: 1. Akhlak Aqidah teachers become motivators, mentors, and educators for students and are also less than optimal in their roles as facilitators and demonstrators. 2. The implications of Aqidah Akhlak teachers in forming the religious character of students at MTs Thoriqul Ulum, namely making students have the nature of discipline, responsibility,and honesty
Semantic Language Skills in 2-Year-Old Children: A Case Study of Universal Substantive Acquisition at Kampung Baru
Language acquisition in early childhood is a crucial foundation in individual development as it is a critical period in which children rapidly and naturally learn language and communication. Speaking is a crucial language skill in everyday life. The act of speaking is closely related to language usage, and one example of this is the development of language abilities in 2-year-old children. This study aims to explore the semantic language acquisition in 2-year-old children at Kampung Baru. It is a qualitative descriptive study that focuses on the semantic language of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. This research is presented as an alternative strategy to enhance the intellectual development of children, especially at Kampung Baru, in their understanding of more complex language and communication in the future. The data source is the language used and the gestures by 2-year-old children at Kampung Baru. The data collection method employed in this study is participant observation with a semi-structured interview and complemented by recording, note-taking, and interviews. The researcher observed and recorded conversations of 2-year-old children and noted words related to the research objectives. Additionally, interviews were conducted with families of 2-year-old children at Kampung Baru during two months, specifically regarding nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The research findings indicate that 2-year-old children at Kampung Baru are capable of expressing and acquiring words accurately and in line with their intentions. They can differentiate between spoken words and actions. Furthermore, they demonstrate nonverbal language skills by expressing objects through gestures when referring to nouns, indicating actions when referring to verbs, and displaying attitudes and facial expressions when referring to adjectives