21 research outputs found
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Report on the Los Alamos Kaon Factory seminar: physics
The motivations, discussions, and preliminary conclusions of the LASL Kaon Factory Seminar, which met 15 times in the Spring of 1979, are reported. It is technically feasible, but expensive, to build a kaon factory using LAMPF as an injector. Taking advantage of the increased beam intensity, excellent secondary beam lines could be built. While we continue further study of the physics justification for a kaon factory, we also propose to gradually increase LASL participation in kaon and antiproton physics
On the Bragg, Leibfried, and Modified Leibfried Numbers
The Bragg, Leibfried, and modified Leibfried numbers are defined in the
context of a theory of dislocation-mediated melting, and their values are
determined from the properties of the dislocation ensemble at the melting
temperature. The approximate numerical coincidence of the Bragg and modified
Leibfried numbers is explained. The parameter K in the definition of the
modified Leibfried number is shown to be the natural logarithm of the effective
coordination number. Our analysis reveals that the Bragg number can be
considered an elemental constant, in contrast to the Leibfried and modified
Leibfried numbers.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe
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Toward automated beam optics control
We have begun a program aiming toward automatic control of charged-particle beam optics using artificial intelligence programming techniques. In developing our prototype, we are working with LISP machines and the KEE expert system shell. Our first goal was to develop a ''mouseable'' representation of a typical beam line. This responds actively to changes entered from the mouse or keyboard, giving an updated display of the beam line itself, its optical properties, and the instrumentation and control devices as seen by the operater. We have incorporated TRANSPORT, written in Fortran but running as a callable procedure in the LISP environment, for simulation of the beam-line optics. This paper describes the experience gained in meeting our first goal and discusses plans to extend the work so that it is usable, in realtime, on an operating beam line. 11 refs
Ce rapport est centré sur l'étude des voies inélastiques dans la diffusion N-N entre 300 et 1500 MeV. Les sujets couverts comprennent la manifestation de la structure en quarks, les dibaryons, la dépendence en modèle des inélasticités N-N prédites. Nous présentons une comparaison entre les résultats donnés par les modèles conventionnels et un ensemble de données expérimentales en rapide expansion. Nous concluons qu'il n'y a, à présent, aucune évidence nette de la présence de résonances dibaryoniques non conventionnelles dans le système N-N aux énergies intermédiaires . Nous présentons aussi quelques remarques concernant d'une part une contribution théorique à la diffusion élastique et, d'autre part, des résultats expérimentaux nouveaux pour la photodésintégration du deuteron et d'échange de charge dans le système pion-nucléon.This report concentrates on the inelastic NN system from 300 to 1500 MeV. Topics covered include the visibility of quark signals, dibaryons, the model dependence of predicted NN inelasticities, and a review of how well present conventional models compare with a rapidly expanding database. The general conclusion is that there is so far no clear evidence in the NN system at intermediate energies for unconventional dibaryon resonances. Short remarks are also made concerning one theoretical contribution on elastic scattering and on new experimental results for deuteron photodisintegration and pion-nucleon charge exchange
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NN. -->. NN. pi. : the new frontier in nucleon-nucleon interactions
The torch in nucleon-nucleon scattering has been passed to experimental and theoretical studies of pion production. Comparing two unitary models shows that most of the structures predicted for spin observables in NN ..-->.. NN..pi.. are model independent and roughly in agreement with the data. The contribution of rho- exchange is small, indicating the reaction is largely ''peripheral''. The energy dependence of these isobar models is smooth. The largely unstudied reactions producing neutral and negatively-charged pions show richer structure than positively-charged pion production. 6 refs
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Intermediate-energy hadron interactions, II
The topics to be covered are as follows. I'll begin with new developments in NN ..-->.. NN..pi.. reactions. This will provide a natural lead-in to the main topic of this talk, which is dibaryons. This will be followed by discussion of elastic proton-deuteron and inelastic proton-alpha scattering. Then there will be a brief mention of two technical developments. Finally, I'll close by giving short remarks about two peculiarities that were found by theorists looking at strong interaction amplitudes. 15 refs., 3 figs
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Object-oriented inventory classes: Comparison of implementations in KEE and CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)
The modeling of manufacturing processes can be cast in a form which relies heavily on stores to and draws from object-oriented inventories, which contain the functionalities imposed on them by the other objects (including other inventories) in the model. These concepts have been implemented, but with some difficulties, for the particular case of pyrochemical operations at the DOE's Rocky Flats Plant using KEE, a frame-oriented expert system shell. An alternative implementation approach using CLOS (the emerging Common Lisp Object System) has been explored and found to give significant simplifications. 8 refs., 1 fig
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Polarized proton--proton scattering at intermediate energies. [Total cross sections, 400 to 1500 MeV, unitarity, partial waves]
Some aspects of the proton-proton spin-dependent total cross sections at 400 to 1500 MeV are studied in a model which is capable of describing elastic nucleon-nucleon scattering and pion production in a unitary way. The model is a three-body model for a system of two nucleons and a pion where the interaction occurs via the formation of quasi-particles. The energy dependence of the polarized total cross sections, whether the energy-dependence behavior is due to elastic or inelastic scattering, and which partial waves are responsible for the strong energy dependence are treated. 13 references. (JFP
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Toward automatic control of particle accelerator beams
We describe a program aiming toward automatic control of particle accelerator beams. A hybrid approach is used, combining knowledge- based system programming techniques and traditional numerical simulations. We use an expert system shell for the symbolic processing and have incorporated the FORTRAN beam optics code TRANSPORT for numerical simulation. The paper discusses the symbolic model we built, the reasoning components, how the knowledge base accesses information from an operating beamline, and the experience gained in merging the two worlds of numeric and symbolic processing. We also discuss plans for a future real-time system. 6 refs., 6 figs