2 research outputs found
Finite element and experimental modelling of structure-borne vehicle interior noise
The present paper describes the results of the combined finite element and experimental approach to studying structure-borne vehicle interior noise using a simplified reduced-scale model of a car. The numerical investigation included finite element calculations of structural and acoustic modes as well as frequency response functions for interior acoustic pressure. Experimental tests included measurements of frequency response functions at driver‟s and passenger‟s ear positions, when an electromagnetic shaker exciting structural vibrations was located at different places. The effects of engine mass and of boot load on structure-borne interior noise have been investigated as well. Some of the obtained numerical results have been compared with the experimental ones. The obtained reasonably good agreement between them indicates that structure-borne interior noise in the vehicle model under consideration can be predicted and understood rather well. This implies that the proposed combined numerical and experimental approach to studying vehicle interior noise based on using reduced-scale structural models is simple and reliable, and it can be used successfully by noise and vibration engineers for prediction and mitigation of vehicle interior noise on a design stage
Experimental and numerical investigation of structure-borne interior noise in a simplified vehicle model
Experimental and numerical investigation of structure-borne interior noise in a simplified vehicle mode