643 research outputs found

    Density functional study of the adsorption of K on the Ag(111) surface

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    Full-potential gradient corrected density functional calculations of the adsorption of potassium on the Ag(111) surface have been performed. The considered structures are Ag(111) (root 3 x root 3) R30degree-K and Ag(111) (2 x 2)-K. For the lower coverage, fcc, hcp and bridge site; and for the higher coverage all considered sites are practically degenerate. Substrate rumpling is most important for the top adsorption site. The bond length is found to be nearly identical for the two coverages, in agreement with recent experiments. Results from Mulliken populations, bond lengths, core level shifts and work functions consistently indicate a small charge transfer from the potassium atom to the substrate, which is slightly larger for the lower coverage.Comment: to appear in Phys Rev

    Tiling of the five-fold surface of Al(70)Pd(21)Mn(9)

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    The nature of the five-fold surface of Al(70)Pd(21)Mn(9) has been investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy. From high resolution images of the terraces, a tiling of the surface has been constructed using pentagonal prototiles. This tiling matches the bulk model of Boudard et. al. (J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 4, 10149, (1992)), which allows us to elucidate the atomic nature of the surface. Furthermore, it is consistent with a Penrose tiling T^*((P1)r) obtained from the geometric model based on the three-dimensional tiling T^*(2F). The results provide direct confirmation that the five-fold surface of i-Al-Pd-Mn is a termination of the bulk structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Systematic model behavior of adsorption on flat surfaces

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    A low density film on a flat surface is described by an expansion involving the first four virial coefficients. The first coefficient (alone) yields the Henry's law regime, while the next three correct for the effects of interactions. The results permit exploration of the idea of universal adsorption behavior, which is compared with experimental data for a number of systems

    Novel Transversity Properties in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    The TT-odd distribution functions contributing to transversity properties of the nucleon and their role in fueling nontrivial contributions to azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering are investigated. We use a dynamical model to evaluate these quantities in terms of HERMES kinematics.Comment: 5 pages revtex; 5 eps figures. References added. To appear as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Wilson Lines off the Light-cone in TMD PDFs

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    Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) also take into account the transverse momentum (pTp_T) of the partons. The pTp_T-integrated analogues can be linked directly to quark and gluon matrix elements using the operator product expansion in QCD, involving operators of definite twist. TMDs also involve operators of higher twist, which are not suppressed by powers of the hard scale, however. Taking into account gauge links that no longer are along the light-cone, one finds that new distribution functions arise. They appear at leading order in the description of azimuthal asymmetries in high-energy scattering processes. In analogy to the collinear operator expansion, we define a universal set of TMDs of definite rank and point out the importance for phenomenology.Comment: 12 pages, presented by the first author at the Light-Cone Conference 2013, May 20-24, 2013, Skiathos, Greece. To be published in Few Body System

    Power corrections to the π0γ\pi^0\gamma transition form factor and pion distribution amplitudes

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    Employing the standard hard-scattering approach and the running coupling method we calculate a class of power-suppressed corrections 1/Q2n,n=1,2,3,...\sim 1/Q^{2n},n=1,2,3,... to the electromagnetic π0γ\pi^0\gamma transition form factor (FF) Q2Fπγ(Q2)Q^2F_{\pi\gamma}(Q^2) arising from the end-point x0,1x \to 0,1 integration regions. In the investigations we use a hard-scattering amplitude of the subprocess γ+γq+qˉ\gamma+\gamma^{*} \to q +\bar{q}, symmetrized under exchange μR2μˉR2\mu_R^2 \leftrightarrow \bar{\mu}_R^2 important for exclusive processes containing two external photons. In the computations the pion model distribution amplitudes (DA's) with one and two non-asymptotic terms are employed. The obtained predictions are compared with the CLEO data and constraints on the DA parameters b2(μ02)b_2(\mu_0^2) and b4(μ02)b_4(\mu_0^2) at the normalization point μ02=1GeV2\mu_0^2=1 GeV^2 are extracted. Further restrictions on the pion DA's are deduced from the experimental data on the electromagnetic FF Fπ(Q2)F_{\pi}(Q^2).Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; the version published in Phys. Rev. D69, 094010 (2004

    Anomalous Effects of "Guest" Charges Immersed in Electrolyte: Exact 2D Results

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    We study physical situations when one or two "guest" arbitrarily-charged particles are immersed in the bulk of a classical electrolyte modelled by a Coulomb gas of positive/negative unit point-like charges, the whole system being in thermal equilibrium. The models are treated as two-dimensional with logarithmic pairwise interactions among charged constituents; the (dimensionless) inverse temperature β\beta is considered to be smaller than 2 in order to ensure the stability of the electrolyte against the collapse of positive-negative pairs of charges. Based on recent progress in the integrable (1+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon theory, exact formulas are derived for the chemical potential of one guest charge and for the asymptotic large-distance behavior of the effective interaction between two guest charges. The exact results imply, under certain circumstances, anomalous effects such as an effective attraction (repulsion) between like-charged (oppositely-charged) guest particles and the charge inversion in the electrolyte vicinity of a highly-charged guest particle. The adequacy of the concept of renormalized charge is confirmed in the whole stability region of inverse temperatures and the related saturation phenomenon is revised.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Nonfactorizable contributions in B decays to charmonium: the case of BKhcB^- \to K^- h_c

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    Nonleptonic BB to charmonium decays generally show deviations from the factorization predictions. For example, the mode BKχc0B^- \to K^- \chi_{c0} has been experimentally observed with sizeable branching fraction while its factorized amplitude vanishes. We investigate the role of rescattering effects mediated by intermediate charmed meson production in this class of decay modes, and consider BKhcB^- \to K^- h_c with hch_c the JPC=1+J^{PC}=1^{+-} cˉc\bar c c meson. Using an effective lagrangian describing interactions of pairs of heavy-light QqˉQ{\bar q} mesons with a quarkonium state, we relate this mode to the analogous mode with χc0\chi_{c0} in the final state. We find B(BKhc){\cal B}(B^- \to K^- h_c) large enough to be measured at the BB factories, so that this decay mode could be used to study the poorly known hch_c.Comment: RevTex, 16 pages, 2 eps figure

    Timing of syncope in ictal asystole as a guide when considering pacemaker implantation

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    Introduction In patients with ictal asystole (IA) both cardioinhibition and vasodepression may contribute to syncopal loss of consciousness. We investigated the temporal relationship between onset of asystole and development of syncope in IA, to estimate the frequency with which pacemaker therapy, by preventing severe bradycardia, may diminish syncope risk. Methods In this retrospective cohort study, we searched video-EEG databases for individuals with focal seizures and IA (asystole >= 3 s preceded by heart rate deceleration) and assessed the durations of asystole and syncope and their temporal relationship. Syncope was evaluated using both video observations (loss of muscle tone) and EEG (generalized slowing/flattening). We assumed that asystole starting 3 s. Thus, in only two instances was vasodepression rather than cardioinhibition the dominant presumptive syncope triggering mechanism. Conclusions In IA, cardioinhibition played an important role in most seizure-induced syncopal events, thereby favoring the potential utility of pacemaker implantation in patients with difficult to suppress IA.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder

    A Naturally Narrow Positive Parity Theta^+

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    We present a consistent color-flavor-spin-orbital wave function for a positive parity Theta^+ that naturally explains the observed narrowness of the state. The wave function is totally symmetric in its flavor-spin part and totally antisymmetric in its color-orbital part. If flavor-spin interactions dominate, this wave function renders the positive parity Theta^+ lighter than its negative parity counterpart. We consider decays of the Theta^+ and compute the overlap of this state with the kinematically allowed final states. Our results are numerically small. We note that dynamical correlations between quarks are not necessary to obtain narrow pentaquark widths.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, Revtex4, two-column format, version to be published in Phys. Rev. D, includes numerical estimates of decay width