5 research outputs found

    Inferring Extended Finite State Machine Models from Software Executions

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    The ability to reverse-engineer models of software behaviour is valuable for a wide range of software maintenance, validation and verification tasks. Current reverse-engineering techniques focus either on control-specific behaviour (e.g., in the form of Finite State Machines), or data-specific behaviour (e.g., as pre / post-conditions or invariants). However, typical software behaviour is usually a product of the two; models must combine both aspects to fully represent the software's operation. Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) provide such a model. Although attempts have been made to infer EFSMs, these have been problematic. The models inferred by these techniques can be non-deterministic, the inference algorithms can be inflexible, and only applicable to traces with specific characteristics. This paper presents a novel EFSM inference technique that addresses the problems of inflexibility and non-determinism. It also adapts an experimental technique from the field of Machine Learning to evaluate EFSM inference techniques, and applies it to three diverse software systems

    Inferring Extended Finite State Machine Models from Software Executions

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    The ability to reverse-engineer models of software behaviour is valuable for a wide range of software maintenance, validation and verification tasks. Current reverse-engineering techniques focus either on control-specific behaviour (e.g. in the form of Finite State Machines), or data-specific behaviour (e.g. as pre/post-conditions or invariants). However, typical software behaviour is usually a product of the two; models must combine both aspects to fully represent the software’s operation. Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) provide such a model. Although attempts have been made to infer EFSMs, these have been problematic. The models inferred by these techniques can be non deterministic, the inference algorithms can be inflexible, and only applicable to traces with specific characteristics. This paper presents a novel EFSM inference technique that addresses the problems of inflexibility and non determinism. It also adapts an experimental technique from the field of Machine Learning to evaluate EFSM inference techniques, and applies it to two open-source software projects

    Choreography-Based Analysis of Distributed Message Passing Programs

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    Abstract: We report on the analysis of gen_server, a popular Erlang library to build client-server applications. Our analysis uses a tool based on choreographic models. We discuss how, once the library has been modelled in terms of communicating finite state machines, an automated analysis can be used to detect potential communication errors. The results of our analysis suggest how to properly use gen_server in order to guarantee the absence of communication errors

    Phantasmagoria: composing interactive content for the humanaquarium

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    humanaquarium is a mobile performance space which draws upon the traditions of busking and street performance to engage audiences in collaborative, creative play.We describe how the conceptual and physical nature of the performance space affected the way we composed the audio/visual performance content in Phantasmagoria, an interactive art piece built for the humanaquarium environment. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.</p

    Assessment of the self-ignition characteristics of raw and processed biomass fuels

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    This paper is concerned with the self-ignition characteristics of untreated and torrefied biomass fuels and two coals. Using thermogravimetry in air, first order reaction kinetics at low temperature were derived, and the point of ignition and the maximum weight loss in air measured. In oxygen, data was obtained for the characteristic ignition temperature. Self–ignition temperatures and ignition delays were measured for two untreated and two torrefied biomass fuels for a number of different basket sizes using the European standard test method of spontaneous combustion.</p