180 research outputs found
Pengaruh Pengenceran Dan Pengadukan Limbah Dapur Daerah Ngesrep Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Biogas Dengan Menggunakan Ekstrak Rumen Sapi Sebagai Starter
The increase of oil prices affects economic activity in the world including Indonesia, it would encourage the government to develop renewable energy including biogas. Kitchen wastes have the potential to be a source of renewable energy, namely biogas. Food waste and kitchen activities in sufficient quantities from the cafeteria collected, and treated such as refining and homogenizing, then enter a stage of the substrate and its extracts as a source of rumen anaerobic bacteria into the batch reactor with the addition of water as a variation. From the results of the study concluded that the addition of water affects the amount of gas produced. It is proven through the reactor which produces biogas most is reactor with 150 ml dilution (A) (pieces shape) which were stirred three times a day, this reactor is capable of producing up to 1394 ml within 24 days. Based on the time of production, the level of water and mixing also affects the length of time in the production of biogas. Biogas production without a stirring process is capable of producing biogas up to 19-20 days, while the stirred reactor were capable of producing biogas up to 25-26 days
Objective: Halitosis may be caused by several factors, including various types of food, periodontal diseases, layer of tongue bacteria, and systemicdisorders such as diabetes mellitus (DM), which is a chronic disease that affects the health of periodontal tissue. The present study aimed to assessthe association between the quantity of Tannerella forsythia bacteria and the levels of methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide in periodontitis patientswith type 2 DM (T2DM).Methods: Gingival crevicular fluids (GCF) were collected from 20 patients who were divided into those with periodontitis and who were normoglycemic(n=8); those with periodontitis and T2DM (n=8); and healthy controls (n=4). The patients underwent intraoral periodontal tissue examination,including pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, calculus index, and papilla bleeding index. The quantity of T. forsythia bacteria was evaluatedusing quantitative real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction. The relationship between the number of T. forsythia bacteria and thelevels of methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide in the patients was analyzed by Spearman’s correlative tests.Results: There is a weak and non-significant correlation (p>0.05) between the levels of methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide and the quantity ofT. forsythia in the GCF and tongue coating of periodontitis patients with halitosis regardless of the presence of T2DM.Conclusion: This study suggests no significant relationship between the levels of methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide and the quantity ofT. forsythia in periodontitis patients with halitosis and DM
Pegas Putar Clock Spring Sebagai Pengubah Gerakan Translasi Tidak Konstan Menjadi Gerakan Rotasi Berkelanjuatn Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik
Pemanfaatan energi terbarukan masih di indonesia masih sangatlah minim. Hal ini yang mendorong kami untuk melakukan inovasi sistem pengubahan energi yang murah. Jika pada pembangkit listrik yang lain energi akan di simpan, maka pada sistem ini kami akan menyimpan energi berupa gerakan mekanik sebelum nantinya di simpan berupa energi listrik dengan menggunakan pegas putar clock spring. Pada penelitian ini kami akan melakukan perhitungan pegas, poros, one way gear, dan puli sebelum membuatnya dalam bentuk prototype. Setelah itu dilakukan pengujian berupa pengujian fungsional maupun validasi hasil pengujian dengan percobaan frekuensi yang berbeda. Hal ini di lakukan untuk membuktikan keberhasilan rancang bangun alat. Dari penelitian ini nantinya akan didapatkan perhitungan yang sesuai dengan pembangkit listrik ini. Perhitungan sistem pendukung yang sesuai dengan pegas. Sehingga diharapkan alat ini mendapatkan hasil putaran berkelanjutan dengan pengujian gerakan translasi yang memiliki frekuensi berbeda. Dengan hasil prototype yang telah dibuat maka telah dihasilkan beberapa perhitungan berupa accelerasi, Energi Kinetik, momen inersia. Sifat-sifat sistem kerja, dan kelemahan serta kelebihan sistem yang nantinya dapat diperbaiki pada penelitian selanjutny
Praktik hukum acara perdata : Contoh bentuk-bentuk surat di bidang kepengacaraan perdata
xxvii, 365 h
Praktik hukum Acara perdata; contoh bentuk bentuk surat bidang kepengacaraan perdata
xiii.; 305 hal.; ill.; 19 c
Yurisprudensi hukum acara perdata : Tentang pihak-pihak dalam perkara bagian 2
xliii, 487 h
Praktik hukum acara perdata= contoh bentuk-bentuk surat di bidang kepengacaraan perdata
xxvii, 365 hlm.; 21 cm
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