1,102 research outputs found
Magnets with strong geometric frustration
A non-technical introduction to the theory of magnets with strong geometric
frustration is given, concentrating on magnets on corner-sharing (kagome,
pyrochlore, SCGO and GGG) lattices. Their rich behaviour is traced back to a
large ground-state degeneracy in model systems, which renders them highly
unstable towards perturbations. A systematic classification according to
properties of their ground states is discussed. Other topics addressed in this
overview article include a general theoretical framework for thermal order by
disorder; the dynamics of how the vast regions of phase space accessible at low
temperature are explored; the origin of the featureless magnetic susceptibility
fingerprint of geometric frustration; the role of perturbations; and spin ice.
The rich field of quantum frustrated magnets is also touched on.Comment: Key-note theory talk of Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism
(HFM-2000) in Waterloo, Canada, June 2000; 8 page
Statistics of Peculiar Velocities from Cosmic Strings
We calculate the probability distribution of a single component of peculiar
velocities due to cosmic strings, smoothed over regions with a radius of
several Mpc. The probability distribution is shown to be Gaussian to
good accuracy, in agreement with the distribution of peculiar velocities
deduced from the 1.9 Jy IRAS redshift survey. Using the normalization of
parameters of the cosmic string model from CMB measurements, we show that the
rms values for peculiar velocities inferred from IRAS are consistent with the
cosmic string model provided that long strings have some small-scale structure.Comment: 17 pages, uses Latex, to appear in MNRAS, 1 Postscript figure
available on reques
Formation of High Redshift Objects in a Cosmic String Theory with Hot Dark Matter
Using a modification of the Zel'dovich approximation adapted to hot dark
matter, the accretion of such matter onto moving cosmic string loops is
studied. It is shown that a large number of nonlinear objects
will be produced by a redshift of . These objects could be the hosts of
high redshift quasars.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, uses phyzzx and epsf macro
Maxwell electromagnetism as an emergent phenomenon in condensed matter
The formulation of a complete theory of classical electromagnetism by Maxwell
is one of the milestones of science. The capacity of many-body systems to
provide emergent mini-universes with vacua quite distinct from the one we
inhabit was only recognised much later. Here, we provide an account of how
simple systems of localised spins manage to emulate Maxwell electromagnetism in
their low-energy behaviour. They are much less constrained by symmetry
considerations than the relativistically invariant electromagnetic vacuum, as
their substrate provides a non-relativistic background with even translational
invariance broken. They can exhibit rich behaviour not encountered in
conventional electromagnetism. This includes the existence of magnetic monopole
excitations arising from fractionalisation of magnetic dipoles; as well as the
capacity of disorder, by generating defects on the lattice scale, to produce
novel physics, as exemplified by topological spin glassiness or random Coulomb
magnetism.Comment: Talk at Royal Society Symposium, "Unifying Physics and Technology in
the Light of Maxwell's Equations", November 201
Designing Topological Bands in Reciprocal Space
Motivated by new capabilities to realise artificial gauge fields in ultracold
atomic systems, and by their potential to access correlated topological phases
in lattice systems, we present a new strategy for designing topologically
non-trivial band structures. Our approach is simple and direct: it amounts to
considering tight-binding models directly in reciprocal space. These models
naturally cause atoms to experience highly uniform magnetic flux density and
lead to topological bands with very narrow dispersion, without fine-tuning of
parameters. Further, our construction immediately yields instances of optical
Chern lattices, as well as band structures of higher Chern number, |C|>1
Spectrum of Itinerant Fractional Excitations in Quantum Spin Ice
We study the quantum dynamics of fractional excitations in quantum spin ice. We focus on the density of states in the two-monopole sector, rho(omega), as this can be connected to the wave-vector-integrated dynamical structure factor accessible in neutron scattering experiments. We find that rho(omega) exhibits a strikingly characteristic singular and asymmetric structure that provides a useful fingerprint for comparison to experiment. rho(omega) obtained from the exact diagonalization of a finite cluster agrees well with that, from the analytical solution of a hopping problem on a Husimi cactus representing configuration space, but not with the corresponding result on a face-centered cubic lattice, on which the monopoles move in real space. The main difference between the latter two lies in the inclusion of the emergent gauge field degrees of freedom, under which the monopoles are charged. This underlines the importance of treating both sets of degrees of freedom together, and it presents a novel instance of dimensional transmutation
A topological spin glass in diluted spin ice
It is a salient experimental fact that a large fraction of candidate spin
liquid materials freeze as the temperature is lowered. The question naturally
arises whether such freezing is intrinsic to the spin liquid ("disorder-free
glassiness") or extrinsic, in the sense that a topological phase simply
coexists with standard freezing of impurities. Here, we demonstrate a
surprising third alternative, namely that freezing and topological liquidity
are inseparably linked. The topological phase reacts to the introduction of
disorder by generating degrees of freedom of a new type (along with
interactions between them), which in turn undergo a freezing transition while
the topological phase supporting them remains intact.Comment: 4 pages + supplementary materia
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