11,262 research outputs found
Modulational instability of ion-acoustic wave packets in quantum pair-ion plasmas
Amplitude modulation of quantum ion-acoustic waves (QIAWs) in a quantum
electron-pair-ion plasma is studied. It is shown that the quantum coupling
parameter (being the ratio of the plasmonic energy density to the Fermi
energy) is ultimate responsible for the modulational stability of QIAW packets,
without which the wave becomes modulational unstable. New regimes for the
modulational stability (MS) and instability (MI) are obtained in terms of
and the positive to negative ion density ratio . The growth rate of MI
is obtained, the maximum value of which increases with and decreases
with . The results could be important for understanding the origin of
modulated QIAW packets in the environments of dense astrophysical objects,
laboratory negative ion plasmas as well as for the next generation laser solid
density plasma experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (to appear in Astrophysics and Space Science
Evaluation of greenwaste mulch to control runoff quality from landfill sites during frequent storms
This paper describes a preliminary evaluation of two types of greenwaste (fresh and aged) used as a mulch layer to control runoff from disturbed landfill areas. Fresh greenwaste refers to woody and herbaceous garden waste that has been recently collected, chopped and shredded. Aged greenwaste is greenwaste which has been stockpiled for 18 months. We used rainfall simulator tests to investigate two aspects: (1) the performance of greenwaste mulch in reducing runoff during designed storm events with a high frequency of occurrence and (2) the release of pollutants via runoff as total suspended solids (TSS) and total organic carbon (TOC) during rain. Rainfall of <5-year average recurrence interval (ARI) was generally applied, consistent with stormwater compliance requirements for many Australian landfills. TOC released from fresh greenwaste material was higher in concentration than from aged greenwaste. However when used as a 10cm-deep mulch layer, fresh greenwaste was able to completely prevent runoff, even when tested under rainfalls up to 50 year ARI duration. An equivalent mulch layer of aged greenwaste was also effective in reducing runoff volume and TSS concentration compared with the bare soil during a 3.5-year ARI rainfall, but mean TOC concentration was higher. Based on these preliminary results, fresh greenwaste mulching of bare soils is an attractive option to control runoff and erosion from areas subject to intermittent landfill operations and worthy of further investigations
Purely Magnetic Spacetimes
Purely magnetic spacetimes, in which the Riemann tensor satisfies
for some unit timelike vector , are studied. The
algebraic consequences for the Weyl and Ricci tensors are examined in detail
and consideration given to the uniqueness of . Some remarks concerning the
nature of the congruence associated with are made.Comment: 12 pages, standard latex. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity
Length and time scale divergences at the magnetization-reversal transition in the Ising model
The divergences of both the length and time scales, at the magnetization-
reversal transition in Ising model under a pulsed field, have been studied in
the linearized limit of the mean field theory. Both length and time scales are
shown to diverge at the transition point and it has been checked that the
nature of the time scale divergence agrees well with the result obtained from
the numerical solution of the mean field equation of motion. Similar growths in
length and time scales are also observed, as one approaches the transition
point, using Monte Carlo simulations. However, these are not of the same nature
as the mean field case. Nucleation theory provides a qualitative argument which
explains the nature of the time scale growth. To study the nature of growth of
the characteristic length scale, we have looked at the cluster size
distribution of the reversed spin domains and defined a pseudo-correlation
length which has been observed to grow at the phase boundary of the transition.Comment: 9 pages Latex, 3 postscript figure
Modeling The X-ray Timing Properties Of Cygnus X-1 As Caused By Waves Propagating In A Transition Disk
We show that waves propagating in a transition disk can explain the short
term temporal behavior of Cygnus X-1. In the transition disk model the spectrum
is produced by saturated Comptonization within the inner region of the
accretion disk where the temperature varies rapidly with radius. Recently, the
spectrum from such a disk has been shown to fit the average broad band spectrum
of this source better than that predicted by the soft-photon Comptonization
model. Here, we consider a simple model where waves are propagating
cylindrically symmetrical ly in the transition disk with a uniform propagation
speed (). We show that this model can qualitatively explain (a) the
variation of the power spectral density (PSD) with energy, (b) the hard lags as
a function of frequency and (c) the hard lags as a function of energy for
various frequencies. Thus the transition disk model can explain the average
spectrum and the short term temporal behavior of Cygnus X-1.Comment: accepted for publication in APJ letter
Fractal Measures and Nonlinear Dynamics of Overcontact Binaries
Overcontact binary stars are systems of two stars where the component stars
are in contact with each other. This implies that they share a common envelope
of gas. In this work we seek signatures of nonlinearity and chaos in these
stars by using time series analysis techniques. We use three main techniques,
namely the correlation dimension,f (\alpha) spectrum and the bicoherence. The
former two are calculated from the reconstructed dynamics, while the latter is
calculated from the Fourier transforms of the time series of intensity
variations(light curves) of these stars. Our dataset consists of data from 463
overcontact binary stars in the Kepler field of view [1]. Our analysis
indicates nonlinearity and signatures of chaos in almost all the light curves.
We also explore whether the underlying nonlinear properties of the stars are
related to their physical properties like fill-out-factor, a measure of the
extend of contact between the components of an overcontact binary system . We
observe that significant correlations exist between the fill out factor and the
nonlinear quantifiers. This correlation is more pronounced in specific
subcategories constructed based on the mass ratios and effective temperatures
of the binaries. The correlations observed can be indicative of variations in
the nonlinear properties of the star as it ages. We believe that this study
relating nonlinear and astrophysical properties of binary stars is the first of
its kind and is an important starting point for such studies in other
astrophysical objects displaying nonlinear dynamical behaviour.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Communications in Nonlinear
Science and Numerical Simulatio
Gluon Condensates, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Pion Wave Function
We consider here chiral symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics arising
from gluon condensates in vacuum. Through coherent states of gluons simulating
a mean field type of approximation, we show that the off-shell gluon
condensates of vacuum generate a mass-like contribution for the quarks, giving
rise to chiral symmetry breaking. We next note that spontaneous breaking of
global chiral symmetry links the four component quark field operator to the
pion wave function. This in turn yields many hadronic properties in the light
quark sector in agreement with experiments, leading to the conclusion that low
energy hadron properties are primarily driven by the vacuum structure of
quantum chromodynamics.Comment: 25 pages, IP/BBSR/92-76, revte
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