3,859 research outputs found
Reply to ``Comment on `On the inconsistency of the Bohm-Gadella theory with quantum mechanics'''
In this reply, we show that when we apply standard distribution theory to the
Lippmann-Schwinger equation, the resulting spaces of test functions would
comply with the Hardy axiom only if classic results of Paley and Wiener, of
Gelfand and Shilov, and of the theory of ultradistributions were wrong. As
well, we point out several differences between the ``standard method'' of
constructing rigged Hilbert spaces in quantum mechanics and the method used in
Time Asymmetric Quantum Theory.Comment: 13 page
Description of resonances within the rigged Hilbert space
The spectrum of a quantum system has in general bound, scattering and
resonant parts. The Hilbert space includes only the bound and scattering
spectra, and discards the resonances. One must therefore enlarge the Hilbert
space to a rigged Hilbert space, within which the physical bound, scattering
and resonance spectra are included on the same footing. In these lectures, I
will explain how this is done.Comment: 23 pages; written version of the five-lecture course delivered at the
2006 Summer School of CINVESTAV, Mexico City, July 200
Replacing the Breit-Wigner amplitude by the complex delta function to describe resonances
Whenever the Breit-Wigner amplitude appears in a calculation,there are many
instances (e.g., Fermi's two-level system and the Weisskopf-Wigner
approximation) where energy integrations are extended from the scattering
spectrum of the Hamiltonian to the whole real line. Such extensions are
performed in order to obtain a desirable, causal result. In this paper, we
recall several of those instances and show that substituting the Breit-Wigner
amplitude by the complex delta function allows us to recover such desirable
results without having to extend energy integrations outside of the scattering
spectrum.Comment: Invited, refereed contribution to the proceedings of the YKIS2009
workshop, Kyoto, Japan
The Rigged Hilbert Space of the Free Hamiltonian
We explicitly construct the Rigged Hilbert Space (RHS) of the free
Hamiltonian . The construction of the RHS of provides yet another
opportunity to see that when continuous spectrum is present, the solutions of
the Schrodinger equation lie in a RHS rather than just in a Hilbert space.Comment: 18 pages. Invited, refereed contribution to the Jaca proceedings; v2:
minor, cosmetic change
The rigged Hilbert space approach to the Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Part I
We exemplify the way the rigged Hilbert space deals with the
Lippmann-Schwinger equation by way of the spherical shell potential. We
explicitly construct the Lippmann-Schwinger bras and kets along with their
energy representation, their time evolution and the rigged Hilbert spaces to
which they belong. It will be concluded that the natural setting for the
solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation--and therefore for scattering
theory--is the rigged Hilbert space rather than just the Hilbert space.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur
The Importance of Boundary Conditions in Quantum Mechanics
We discuss the role of boundary conditions in determining the physical
content of the solutions of the Schrodinger equation. We study the
standing-wave, the ``in,'' the ``out,'' and the purely outgoing boundary
conditions. As well, we rephrase Feynman's prescription as a
time-asymmetric, causal boundary condition, and discuss the connection of
Feynman's prescription with the arrow of time of Quantum
Electrodynamics. A parallel of this arrow of time with that of Classical
Electrodynamics is made. We conclude that in general, the time evolution of a
closed quantum system has indeed an arrow of time built into the propagators.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the ICTP conference "Irreversible
Quantum Dynamics," Trieste, Italy, July 200
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