18,059 research outputs found
Numerical Analysis of the Capacities for Two-Qubit Unitary Operations
We present numerical results on the capacities of two-qubit unitary
operations for creating entanglement and increasing the Holevo information of
an ensemble. In all cases tested, the maximum values calculated for the
capacities based on the Holevo information are close to the capacities based on
the entanglement. This indicates that the capacities based on the Holevo
information, which are very difficult to calculate, may be estimated from the
capacities based upon the entanglement, which are relatively straightforward to
calculate.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure
A temperature-dependent phase-field model for phase separation and damage
In this paper we study a model for phase separation and damage in
thermoviscoelastic materials. The main novelty of the paper consists in the
fact that, in contrast with previous works in the literature (cf., e.g., [C.
Heinemann, C. Kraus: Existence results of weak solutions for Cahn-Hilliard
systems coupled with elasticity and damage. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 21 (2011),
321--359] and [C. Heinemann, C. Kraus: Existence results for diffuse interface
models describing phase separation and damage. European J. Appl. Math. 24
(2013), 179--211]), we encompass in the model thermal processes, nonlinearly
coupled with the damage, concentration and displacement evolutions. More in
particular, we prove the existence of "entropic weak solutions", resorting to a
solvability concept first introduced in [E. Feireisl: Mathematical theory of
compressible, viscous, and heat conducting fluids. Comput. Math. Appl. 53
(2007), 461--490] in the framework of Fourier-Navier-Stokes systems and then
recently employed in [E. Feireisl, H. Petzeltov\'a, E. Rocca: Existence of
solutions to a phase transition model with microscopic movements. Math. Methods
Appl. Sci. 32 (2009), 1345--1369], [E. Rocca, R. Rossi: "Entropic" solutions to
a thermodynamically consistent PDE system for phase transitions and damage.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 47 (2015), 2519--2586] for the study of PDE systems for
phase transition and damage. Our global-in-time existence result is obtained by
passing to the limit in a carefully devised time-discretization scheme
On Nonperturbative Exactness of Konishi Anomaly and the Dijkgraaf-Vafa Conjecture
In this paper we study the nonperturbative corrections to the generalized
Konishi anomaly that come from the strong coupling dynamics of the gauge
theory. We consider U(N) gauge theory with adjoint and Sp(N) or SO(N) gauge
theory with symmetric or antisymmetric tensor. We study the algebra of chiral
rotations of the matter field and show that it does not receive nonperturbative
corrections. The algebra implies Wess-Zumino consistency conditions for the
generalized Konishi anomaly which are used to show that the anomaly does not
receive nonperturbative corrections for superpotentials of degree less than
2l+1 where 2l=3c(Adj)-c(R) is the one-loop beta function coefficient. The
superpotentials of higher degree can be nonperturbatively renormalized because
of the ambiguities in the UV completion of the gauge theory. We discuss the
implications for the Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture.Comment: 23 page
Transformations among Pure Multipartite Entangled States via Local Operations Are Almost Never Possible
Local operations assisted by classical communication (LOCC) constitute the
free operations in entanglement theory. Hence, the determination of LOCC
transformations is crucial for the understanding of entanglement. We
characterize here almost all LOCC transformations among pure multipartite
multilevel states. Combined with the analogous results for qubit states shown
by Gour \emph{et al.} [J. Math. Phys. 58, 092204 (2017)], this gives a
characterization of almost all local transformations among multipartite pure
states. We show that nontrivial LOCC transformations among generic, fully
entangled, pure states are almost never possible. Thus, almost all multipartite
states are isolated. They can neither be deterministically obtained from
local-unitary-inequivalent (LU-inequivalent) states via local operations, nor
can they be deterministically transformed to pure, fully entangled
LU-inequivalent states. In order to derive this result, we prove a more general
statement, namely, that, generically, a state possesses no nontrivial local
symmetry. We discuss further consequences of this result for the
characterization of optimal, probabilistic single copy and probabilistic
multi-copy LOCC transformations and the characterization of LU-equivalence
classes of multipartite pure states.Comment: 13 pages main text + 10 pages appendix, 1 figure; close to published
Forming efficient agent groups for completing complex tasks
In this paper we produce complexity and impossibility results and develop algorithms for a task allocation problem that needs to be solved by a group of autonomous agents working together. In particular, each task is assumed to be composed of several subtasks and involves an associated predetermined and known overall payment (set by the taskâs owner) for its completion. However, the division of this payment among the corresponding contributors is not predefined. Now to accomplish a particular task, all its subtasks need to be allocated to agents with the necessary capabilities and the agentsâ corresponding costs need to fall within the preset overall task payment. For this scenario, we first provide a cooperative agent system designer with a practical solution that achieves an efficient allocation. However, this solution is not applicable for non-cooperative settings. Consequently, we go on to provide a detailed analysis where we prove that certain design goals cannot be achieved if the agents are self interested. Specifically, we prove that for the general case, no protocol achieving the efficient solution can exist that is individually rational and budget balanced. We show that although efficient protocols may exist in some settings, these will inevitably be setting-specific
Phase boundaries in deterministic dense coding
We consider dense coding with partially entangled states on bipartite systems
of dimension , studying the conditions under which a given number of
messages, , can be deterministically transmitted. It is known that the
largest Schmidt coefficient, , must obey the bound , and considerable empirical evidence points to the conclusion that there
exist states satisfying for every and except the
special cases and . We provide additional conditions under
which this bound cannot be reached -- that is, when it must be that
-- yielding insight into the shapes of boundaries separating
entangled states that allow messages from those that allow only . We
also show that these conclusions hold no matter what operations are used for
the encoding, and in so doing, identify circumstances under which unitary
encoding is strictly better than non-unitary.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
Non-Bilocal Measurement via Entangled State
Two observers, who share a pair of particles in an entangled mixed state, can
use it to perform some non-bilocal measurement over another bipartite system.
In particular, one can construct a specific game played by the observers
against a coordinator, in which they can score better than a pair of observers
who only share a classical communication channel.Comment: 6 pages. minor change
Particle production in p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 17 GeV within the statistical model
A thermal-model analysis of particle production of p-p collisions at sqrt(s)
= 17 GeV using the latest available data is presented. The sensitivity of model
parameters on data selections and model assumptions is studied. The system-size
dependence of thermal parameters and recent differences in the statistical
model analysis of p-p collisions at the super proton synchrotron (SPS) are
discussed. It is shown that the temperature and strangeness undersaturation
factor depend strongly on kaon yields which at present are still not well known
experimentally. It is conclude, that within the presently available data at the
SPS it is rather unlikely that the temperature in p-p collisions exceeds
significantly that expected in central collisions of heavy ions at the same
energy.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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