643 research outputs found
Slow dynamics and stress relaxation in a liquid as an elastic medium
We propose a new framework to discuss the transition from exponential
relaxation in a liquid to the regime of slow dynamics. For the purposes of
stress relaxation, we show that a liquid can be treated as an elastic medium.
We discuss that, on lowering the temperature, the feed-forward interaction
mechanism between local relaxation events becomes operative, and results in
slow relaxation.Comment: changed conten
Time dependence of the survival probability of an opinion in a closed community
The time dependence of the survival probability of an opinion in a closed
community has been investigated in accordance with social temperature by using
the Kawasaki-exchange dynamics based on previous study in Ref. [1]. It is shown
that the survival probability of opinion decays with stretched exponential law
consistent with previous static model. However, the crossover regime in the
decay of the survival probability has been observed in this dynamic model
unlike previous model. The decay characteristics of both two regimes obey to
stretched exponential.Comment: Revised version of the paper (9 page, 5 Figures). Submitted to Int.
J. Mod. Phys.
Non-exponential relaxation for anomalous diffusion
We study the relaxation process in normal and anomalous diffusion regimes for
systems described by a generalized Langevin equation (GLE). We demonstrate the
existence of a very general correlation function which describes the relaxation
phenomena. Such function is even; therefore, it cannot be an exponential or a
stretched exponential. However, for a proper choice of the parameters, those
functions can be reproduced within certain intervals with good precision. We
also show the passage from the non-Markovian to the Markovian behaviour in the
normal diffusion regime. For times longer than the relaxation time, the
correlation function for anomalous diffusion becomes a power law for broad-band
noise.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Electron Glass Dynamics
Examples of glasses are abundant, yet it remains one of the phases of matter
whose understanding is very elusive. In recent years, remarkable experiments
have been performed on the dynamical aspects of glasses. Electron glasses offer
a particularly good example of the 'trademarks' of glassy behavior, such as
aging and slow relaxations. In this work we review the experimental literature
on electron glasses, as well as the local mean-field theoretical framework put
forward in recent years to understand some of these results. We also present
novel theoretical results explaining the periodic aging experiment.Comment: Invited review to appear in Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physic
Rotational Brownian motion on the sphere surface and rotational relaxation
The spatial components of the autocorrelation function of noninteracting
dipoles are analytically obtained in terms of rotational Brownian motion on the
surface of a unit sphere using multi-level jumping formalism based on Debye's
rotational relaxation model, and the rotational relaxation functions are
evaluated.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, submitted to Chin. Phys. Let
Characterization of the Dynamics of Glass-forming Liquids from the Properties of the Potential Energy Landscape
We develop a framework for understanding the difference between strong and
fragile behavior in the dynamics of glass-forming liquids from the properties
of the potential energy landscape. Our approach is based on a master equation
description of the activated jump dynamics among the local minima of the
potential energy (the so-called inherent structures) that characterize the
potential energy landscape of the system. We study the dynamics of a small
atomic cluster using this description as well as molecular dynamics simulations
and demonstrate the usefulness of our approach for this system. Many of the
remarkable features of the complex dynamics of glassy systems emerge from the
activated dynamics in the potential energy landscape of the atomic cluster. The
dynamics of the system exhibits typical characteristics of a strong supercooled
liquid when the system is allowed to explore the full configuration space. This
behavior arises because the dynamics is dominated by a few lowest-lying minima
of the potential energy and the potential energy barriers between these minima.
When the system is constrained to explore only a limited region of the
potential energy landscape that excludes the basins of attraction of a few
lowest-lying minima, the dynamics is found to exhibit the characteristics of a
fragile liquid.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
Experimental compaction of anisotropic granular media
We report on experiments to measure the temporal and spatial evolution of
packing arrangements of anisotropic and weakly confined granular material,
using high-resolution -ray adsorption. In these experiments, the
particle configurations start from an initially disordered,
low-packing-fraction state and under vertical solicitations evolve to a dense
state. We find that the packing fraction evolution is slowed by the grain
anisotropy but, as for spherically shaped grains, can be well fitted by a
stretched exponential. For a given type of grains, the characteristic times of
relaxation and of convection are found to be of the same order of magnitude. On
the contrary compaction mechanisms in the media strongly depend on the grain
anisotropy.Comment: to appear in the european physical journal E (EPJE
Twist glass transition in regioregulated poly(3-alkylthiophenes)s
The molecular structure and dynamics of regioregulated poly(3-butylthiophene)
(P3BT), poly(3-hexylthiophene)(P3HT), and poly(3-dodecylthiophene) (P3DDT) were
investigated using Fourier transform infrared absorption (FTIR), solid state
C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) measurements. In the DSC measurements, the endothermic peak
was obtained around 340 K in P3BT, and assigned to enthalpy relaxation that
originated from the glass transition of the thiophene ring twist in crystalline
phase from results of FTIR, C cross-polarization and magic-angle
spinning (CPMAS) NMR, C spin-lattice relaxation time measurements, and
centerband-only detection of exchange (CODEX) measurements. We defined this
transition as {\it twist-glass transition}, which is analogous to the plastic
crystal - glassy crystal transition.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Phys.Rev.B, in pres
Anomalous Rotational Relaxation: A Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation Approach
In this study we obtained analytically relaxation function in terms of
rotational correlation functions based on Brownian motion for complex
disordered systems in a stochastic framework. We found out that rotational
relaxation function has a fractional form for complex disordered systems, which
indicates relaxation has non-exponential character obeys to
Kohlrausch-William-Watts law, following the Mittag-Leffler decay.Comment: Revtex4, 9 pages. Paper was revised. References adde
A Hybrid model for the origin of photoluminescence from Ge nanocrystals in SiO matrix
In spite of several articles, the origin of visible luminescence from
germanium nanocrystals in SiO matrix is controversial even today. Some
authors attribute the luminescence to quantum confinement of charge carriers in
these nanocrystals. On the other hand, surface or defect states formed during
the growth process, have also been proposed as the source of luminescence in
this system. We have addressed this long standing query by simultaneous
photoluminescence and Raman measurements on germanium nanocrystals embedded in
SiO matrix, grown by two different techniques: (i) low energy
ion-implantation and (ii) atom beam sputtering. Along with our own experimental
observations, we have summarized relevant information available in the
literature and proposed a \emph{Hybrid Model} to explain the visible
photoluminescence from nanocrystalline germanium in SiO matrix.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure
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