2,014 research outputs found
Quantum Plasmonics with multi-emitters: Application to adiabatic control
We construct mode-selective effective models describing the interaction of N
quantum emitters (QEs) with the localised surface plasmon polaritons (LSPs)
supported by a spherical metal nanoparticle (MNP) in an arbitrary geometric
arrangement of the QEs. We develop a general formulation in which the field
response in the presence of the nanosystem can be decomposed into orthogonal
modes with the spherical symmetry as an example. We apply the model in the
context of quantum information, investigating on the possibility of using the
LSPs as mediators of an efficient control of population transfer between two
QEs. We show that a Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage configuration allows
such a transfer via a decoherence-free dark state when the QEs are located on
the same side of the MNP and very closed to it, whereas the transfer is blocked
when the emitters are positioned at the opposite sides of the MNP. We explain
this blockade by the destructive superposition of all the interacting plasmonic
The Model Forest : a new tool for governance -
Created in Canada, in the early 1990s, Model Forests are voluntary associative initiatives linking forestry, research, agriculture, recreation and other values and interests in a landscape. Today, the Model Forest program comprises one International and one, more specific, Mediterranean Network. Both are voluntary associations of partners working toward a common goal: the sustainable management of forest-based landscapes and natural resources
eXplainable Modeling (XM): Data Analysis for Intelligent Agents
Intelligent agents perform key tasks in several application domains by processing sensor data and taking actions that maximize reward functions based on internal models of the environment and the agent itself. In this paper we present eXplainable Modeling (XM), a Python software which supports data analysis for intelligent agents. XM enables to analyze state-models, namely models of the agent states, discovered from sensor traces by data-driven methods, and to interpret them for improved situation awareness. The main features of the tool are described through the analysis of a real case study concerning aquatic drones for water monitoring
La Forêt Modèle : un nouvel outil de gouvernance territoriale -
Nées au Canada au début des années 1990, les Forêts Modèles sont des initiatives associatives à participation volontaire qui lient la foresterie, la recherche, l'agriculture, les activités récréatives et d'autres valeurs et intérêts dans un paysage donné. Aujourd'hui le programme compte un réseau international et, plus spécifiquement, un réseau méditerranéen qui concourent à l'atteinte d'un but commun : la gestion durable des paysages forestiers et des ressources naturelles
Effect of LPS-induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of rabbit does
Effetto dell\u2019infiammazione indotta con LPS su alcuni aspetti della funzione riproduttiva nelle coniglie. Scopo della ricerca \ue8 stato quello di studiare un modello d\u2019induzione sperimentale di infiammazione con lipopolisaccaridi (LPS) microbici nella coniglia fattrice e l'eventuale effetto sulla risalita degli spermatozoi. Due gruppi di 6 coniglie fattrici sono state inoculate per via intra-peritoneale rispettivamente con LPS di E. coli 0127:B8 (100 \ub5g/kg peso vivo), o con soluzione fisiologica (controllo). Sono stati rilevati per 72 ore temperatura rettale e il numero dei leucociti; dopo inseminazione artificiale \ue8 stata valutata la risalita degli spermatozoi nel tratto riproduttivo femminile e la situazione ovarica. L\u2019infiammazione sperimentale ha indotto un rilevante incremento della temperatura rettale e sostanziali modifiche a livello di leucociti che sono comunque scomparse entro 72 ore. Anche il numero di spermatozoi risaliti \ue8 stato significativamente pi\uf9 basso a livello di corna uterine e addirittura nullo a livello dell\u2019ovidutto. In conclusione si pu\uf2 affermare che \ue8 possibile costruire un modello d\u2019induzione dello stato infiammatorio nella coniglia mediante inoculazione intra-peritoneale di 100 \ub5g LPS/kg di peso vivo.The efficiency of the cycled production system in rabbit farms is greatly conditioned by the fertility rate of does. Nulliparous does generally exhibit high fertility rate (Castellini et al., 1998), whereas the reproductive performances of multiparous does goes down. One reason of this reduction is related to the use of intensive reproductive rhythms which implies an overlapping between lactation and insemination which often produces a severe energy deficit. As in other mammals, lactation shows a strong hormonal antagonism with the reproductive activity. An other cause of hypo-fertility depends on the sanitary condition of does. Genital tract inflammation and/or infection is one of the major causes of infertility (Gram et al., 2002) and often determined by incorrect practices of artificial insemination (AI). It has been demonstrated that uterine infection negatively affects fertility (Facchin et al., 1999) and prolongs the life span of corpora lutea (Boiti et al., 1999) due to uterine leukocytes infiltration, reduced prostaglandins synthesis and increased spermatozoa reabsorption. Lipopolysaccarides (LPS), constituents of the Gram-negative germ wall, are potent stimulators of prostaglandins synthesis and are widely used to simulate inflammation in several district and organs. The aim of the paper was to verify the effect of an LPS-induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of non-lactating rabbit does
Convolutional Neural Network and Stochastic Variational Gaussian Process for Heating Load Forecasting
Heating load forecasting is a key task for operational planning in district heating networks. In this work we present two advanced models for this purpose, namely a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a Stochastic Variational Gaussian Process (SVGP). Both models are extensions of an autoregressive linear model available in the literature. The CNN outperforms the linear model in terms of 48-h prediction accuracy and its parameters are interpretable. The SVGP has performance comparable to the linear model but it intrinsically deals with prediction uncertainty, hence it provides both load estimations and confidence intervals. Models and performance are analyzed and compared on a real dataset of heating load collected in an Italian network
The organic aquaculture sector in Italy: a Delphi evaluation of the market potentialities
The paper draws out the possibilities of development and increase of organic farmed fish in Italy, evaluating both technical and economic aspects, for breeding, market, political, regulatory and environmental issues. The survey has been conducted using the Delphi technique, in three rounds with a panel of national experts. The analysis offers interesting insights and useful suggestions addressed to the organic aquaculture sector.
Authors chose Delphi methodology according to the paper’s objective: the study is in fact aimed at exploring the evolution dynamics (positive or absent) for a less-developed market like the one of the Italian organic fish. This method allows to create a forecast by collecting and evaluating experts’ opinions about the organic fish market; these experts are divided in homogeneous groups and selected as privileged observers of the phenomenon
Osservazione e modellazione del deflusso sottosuperficiale laterale saturo in un ripido versante naturale
I versanti sono unità morfologiche fondamentali che governano la risposta idrologica
dei bacini idrografici durante le precipitazioni più intense. Nonostante la loro
riconosciuta importanza idrologica, è ancora necessario condurre approfonditi studi,
sia a carattere sperimentale che teoretico, per meglio comprendere i meccanismi di
generazione e trasporto del deflusso sottosuperficiale laterale saturo nei versanti. In
questo contributo sono presentati i risultati di un monitoraggio di lungo periodo del
flusso laterale di falda intercettato per mezzo di una trincea drenante installata su
d’un ripido versante naturale nel bacino del Lago di Baratz, Sardegna. I dati raccolti
vengono utilizzati per sviluppare una relazione di tipo esponenziale tra la conducibilitÃ
idraulica laterale satura (KS) e lo spessore della falda (T), valida alla scala di
versante. I flussi osservati e i livelli di falda sono simulati con un modello numerico
orizzontale 1D, basato sulla soluzione simultanea della legge del moto e dell’equazione
di bilancio idrico, e implementato tramite uno schema risolutivo alle differenza
finite. Le principali assunzioni del modello sono che nel suolo il flusso sottosuperficiale
saturo sia regolato dalla legge di Darcy, e che si verifichi sempre l’istantaneo
raggiungimento di un profilo di equilibrio idrostatico del carico di suzione nella
zona vadosa. Il modello richiede la specifica della curva di ritenzione idrica del
suolo e della relazione KS(T) ottenute sperimentalmente. I risultati della simulazione
indicano che il modello è in grado di riprodurre in modo adeguato i dati osservati. Il
flusso di falda è ben riprodotto, sia in termini di tempi di risposta che di portate drenate.
Pertanto, il modello sviluppato può essere un utile strumento di previsione
della risposta idrologica in versanti naturali a forte pendenza
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