44,440 research outputs found
Birational motives, II: Triangulated birational motives
We develop birational versions of Voevodsky's triangulated categories of
motives over a field, and relate them with the pure birational motives studied
in arXiv:0902.4902 [math.AG]. We also get an interpretation of unramified
cohomology in this framework, leading to "higher derived functors of unramified
cohomology".Comment: Compared to the initial version: previous Subsection 4.2 has been
upgraded to Section 5; previous Lemmas 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 have been corrected to
Proposition 6.2.5 and Lemma 6.2.6; at the referee's request, previous
Appendix B and the proof of previous Proposition C.1.1 (now A.4.1) have been
removed (please consult the initial version for them
Efficient Data Collection in Multimedia Vehicular Sensing Platforms
Vehicles provide an ideal platform for urban sensing applications, as they
can be equipped with all kinds of sensing devices that can continuously monitor
the environment around the travelling vehicle. In this work we are particularly
concerned with the use of vehicles as building blocks of a multimedia mobile
sensor system able to capture camera snapshots of the streets to support
traffic monitoring and urban surveillance tasks. However, cameras are high
data-rate sensors while wireless infrastructures used for vehicular
communications may face performance constraints. Thus, data redundancy
mitigation is of paramount importance in such systems. To address this issue in
this paper we exploit sub-modular optimisation techniques to design efficient
and robust data collection schemes for multimedia vehicular sensor networks. We
also explore an alternative approach for data collection that operates on
longer time scales and relies only on localised decisions rather than
centralised computations. We use network simulations with realistic vehicular
mobility patterns to verify the performance gains of our proposed schemes
compared to a baseline solution that ignores data redundancy. Simulation
results show that our data collection techniques can ensure a more accurate
coverage of the road network while significantly reducing the amount of
transferred data
A few localisation theorems
Given a functor carrying a class of morphisms into a
class , we give sufficient conditions in order that induces an
equivalence on the localised categories. These conditions are in the spirit of
Quillen's theorem A. We give some applications in algebaic and birational
geometry.Comment: File mistake in Version 2 To appear in Homology, Homotopy and
Spectral Features of Magnetic Fluctuations at Proton Scales from Fast to Slow Solar Wind
This Letter investigates the spectral characteristics of the interplanetary
magnetic field fluctuations at proton scales during several time intervals
chosen along the speed profile of a fast stream. The character of the
fluctuations within the first frequency decade, beyond the high frequency break
located between the fluid and the kinetic regime, strongly depends on the type
of wind. While the fast wind shows a clear signature of both right handed and
left handed polarized fluctuations, possibly associated with KAW and
Ion-Cyclotron waves, respectively, the rarefaction region, where the wind speed
and the Alfv\'{e}nicity of low frequency fluctuations decrease, shows a rapid
disappearance of the ion-cyclotron signature followed by a more gradual
disappearance of the KAWs. Moreover, also the power associated to perpendicular
and parallel fluctuations experiences a rapid depletion, keeping, however, the
power anisotropy in favour of the perpendicular spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published in ApJ
A note on Fontaine theory using different Lubin-Tate groups
Using different Lubin-Tate groups, we compare modules
associated to a Galois representation via Fontaine's theory
On the Hamiltonian formulation of Yang--Mills gauge theories
The Hamiltonian formulation of the theory of J-bundles is given both in the
Hamilton--De Donder and in the Multimomentum Hamiltonian geometrical
approaches. (3+3) Yang-Mills gauge theories are dealt with explicitly in order
to restate them in terms of Einstein-Cartan like field theories.Comment: 18 Pages, Submitted to International Journal of Geometric Methods in
Modern Physic
Joining Panel Data with Cross-Sections for Efficiency Gains: an Application to a Consumption Equation for Nicaragua
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