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Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis
[Excerpt] This report focuses primarily on U.S. economic interests in the TPP agreement. It provides acomparative economic analysis of the countries currently negotiating the TPP and describes the U.S. trade flows with these countries at the bilateral level and in relation to the countries’ economic linkages with the rest of the world. It also provides information on the existing trade agreements of TPP countries. As such, this report aims to serve as an introduction to the economic relationship these countries have, both individually and collectively, with the United States
Holographic stress analysis
Device for nondestructive testing of soldered joints correlates stress with load to predict printed circuit board lifetime
Technology skills and perceptions of online classes in the Social Studies Department at Merrill Senior High School as a foundation for organizational change
Includes bibliographical references
Orbital tube flaring system produces tubing connectors with zero leakage
An orbital tube flaring system produces tubing connectors with a zero-leak potential needed in high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic systems. The flaring system incorporates a rolling cone and rolling die to closely control flare characteristics
Welding torch and wire feed manipulator
Welding torch and wire feed manipulator increase capability for performing automatic welding operations. The manipulator rotates on its horizontal axis to avoid obstacles as they approach the torch. The initial individual attitudes of the torch and wire guide are set with respect to the general configuration of the part
Programs as Polypeptides
We describe a visual programming language for defining behaviors manifested
by reified actors in a 2D virtual world that can be compiled into programs
comprised of sequences of combinators that are themselves reified as actors.
This makes it possible to build programs that build programs from components of
a few fixed types delivered by diffusion using processes that resemble
chemistry as much as computation.Comment: in European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL '15), York, UK, 201
Monitoring of organic hay meadows to provide feedback for public access, biodiversity, and crop management
This paper was presented at the UK organic Research 2002 conference of the Colloquium of Organic Researchers (COR). The use of monitoring to provide feedback into the decision making of a management plan for a farm and nature reserve is described
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