1,247 research outputs found
Mengenal Karakter Tanaman Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.)
Alfalfa in Arab Ianguage have meaning as "Father from all food" trusted as functioning crop to heal various disease. Factor influencing growth of alfalfa crop is internal and eksternal factor. Inhibitor factor growth of alfalfa crop do not only land : land, water, temperature, and light intencity, and also weeds factor. Study in this article use literature study method from various source of research result and book which have been done by writer. The crop Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L) having various benefit from farmakologi, ecology, and forage aspect. The growth of Crop Alfalfa ( Medicago Sativa L) very influenced by internal factor which cover the nature of genetis for example including crop type having Calvin C3 type cycle and eksternal factor covering land ; land, water, air, light, pest & disease and weeds
Peran Stek Daun Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Produksi Teh (Camellia Sinensis O.k) the Function Leafcut Methode for Increasing Quality Tea Production
Tea is one of crops plantation has economics high value from agriculture sector. Thus, Government always tried to increase tea production through research in the cultivation tecnics. Crops reproduction through vegetatif leafcut is methode could increase quality and quantity tea production. Succesful leafcut methode effected internal and external factor. Internal factor is cutleaf material, and external factor is environment to influence of growth and development leafcut
Pengkajian Viabilitas Benih Dengan Tetrazolium Test Pada Jagung Dan Kedelai
Tetrazolium test is a test of dehydrogenase enzyme activity in seed tissue, so that the tissue is known to live or die in the embryo. The basic principle of this test is used chemical reduction of tetrazolium chloride 3,3,5 Triphenil initially colorless be red tissue. Staining intensity indicates the viability of the tissue. Tissue on seed dies, certainly not able to germinate seeds or germinated abnormally. This experiment using corn seed (monocots) and soybean seed (dicots). Testing seed viability quickand topography using tetrazolium salt solution and to control seed viability testing with germinated in germination plate. Both of these tests using a t-test. The results of the study are: corn seed viability testing quick by using the tetrazolium test can be conducted show significantly different results with the results of direct germination test (control), environmental factors on the test field with sand media should be controlled so that the optimum for germination, and seed are still viable indicated by a color change in the embryo and endosperm become red.
Potensi Urin Sapi Dan Rock Phosphat Terhadap Produksi Benih Tanaman Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L)
Alfalfa is often referred to as medic purple or lucerne was originally a wild plant that comes from the forest, before the cultivated by humans. Habitat cultivated by native plants are located in the Mediterranean mountains in southwest Asia Asia. From this plant was introduced to Europe by the Persians around the year 490 SM. Rock phosphate is a natural fertilizer that can be obtained easily in Indonesia and has a phosphorus content which can be used as an alternative to the relatively expensive TSP fertilizer and phosphorus are the elements that affect the growth and crop production. Cow urine and rock phosphate have the potential to used as a source of nutrients for growth and development of alfalfa flower and seed
Akumulasi Nitrat Pada Kubis Bunga (Brassica Oleraceae Var Botrytis L.) Di Desa Plumbon Kecamatan Tawangmangu Kabupaten Karanganyar
Excessive fertilization and pesticides will lead to soil and water receives more weight than chemical content,which resulted in pollution of the environment in which the growth of plants. This study aims to determine the nitrate content in the roots , stems and leaves of cabbage and nitrate in agricultural land in the village Plumbon, Tawangmangu Karanganyar. This study is a descriptive survey , which determines the content of nitrates in vegetables cabbage. This study was performed on March until September 2013. From research to know that the concentration of nitrate (NO 3-) at a depth of 0 cm -20 cm ranged between 10.98 ppm - 70.32 ppm, the accumulation of nitrate (NO 3-) at a depth of 20 cm - 40 cm ranged between 20.21 ppm - 240 ppm , the accumulation of nitrate (NO 3-) at a depth of 40 cm - 60 cm ranged between 20.53 ppm - 180 ppm. Accumulation of nitrate (NO 3-) at this depth is affected by the process of leaching and leaching of nitrate in the soil layer above it. Accumulation of nitrate in cabbage leaves are below the limits Decision No. 1168 / Men / Per / 1999 on food consumption , but the roots are already exceed the quality standards set.
Pengkajian Viabilitas Benih Dengan Tetrazolium Test Pada Jagung Dan Kedelai
Tetrazolium test is a test of dehydrogenase enzyme activity in seed tissue, so that the tissue is known to live or die in the embryo. The basic principle of this test is used chemical reduction of tetrazolium chloride 3,3,5 Triphenil initially colorless be red tissue. Staining intensity indicates the viability of the tissue. Tissue on seed dies, certainly not able to germinate seeds or germinated abnormally. This experiment using corn seed (monocots) and soybean seed (dicots). Testing seed viability quickand topography using tetrazolium salt solution and to control seed viability testing with germinated in germination plate. Both of these tests using a t-test. The results of the study are: corn seed viability testing quick by using the tetrazolium test can be conducted show significantly different results with the results of direct germination test (control), environmental factors on the test field with sand media should be controlled so that the optimum for germination, and seed are still viable indicated by a color change in the embryo and endosperm become red.
Treating some solid state problems with the Dirac equation
The ambiguity involved in the definition of effective-mass Hamiltonians for
nonrelativistic models is resolved using the Dirac equation. The multistep
approximation is extended for relativistic cases allowing the treatment of
arbitrary potential and effective-mass profiles without ordering problems. On
the other hand, if the Schrodinger equation is supposed to be used, our
relativistic approach demonstrate that both results are coincidents if the
BenDaniel and Duke prescription for the kinetic-energy operator is implemented.
Applications for semiconductor heterostructures are discussed.Comment: 06 pages, 5 figure
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