2,229 research outputs found

    The Development of Mathematical Model Consciousness in Junior Secondary Students: A Lesson Study of the Instruction of Congruent Triangles

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    The Compulsory Education Course Standards for Mathematics 2022 have highlighted the educational objectives of junior secondary mathematics by emphasizing the development of mathematical competence and practical learning. Model consciousness, as one of the fundamental mathematical competencies to be developed at the junior secondary level, can facilitate students’ comprehension of the universal application of mathematics. Teachers of mathematics in junior high school should construct effective classroom activities based on the cognitive qualities of their students in order to enhance their mathematical model consciousness and comprehension of the substance of mathematics knowledge. This paper is a lesson study of the education of Congruent Triangles, and its purpose is to investigate strategies for fostering mathematical model consciousness among junior high school pupils

    Unsupervised Extractive Summarization with Learnable Length Control Strategies

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    Unsupervised extractive summarization is an important technique in information extraction and retrieval. Compared with supervised method, it does not require high-quality human-labelled summaries for training and thus can be easily applied for documents with different types, domains or languages. Most of existing unsupervised methods including TextRank and PACSUM rely on graph-based ranking on sentence centrality. However, this scorer can not be directly applied in end-to-end training, and the positional-related prior assumption is often needed for achieving good summaries. In addition, less attention is paid to length-controllable extractor, where users can decide to summarize texts under particular length constraint. This paper introduces an unsupervised extractive summarization model based on a siamese network, for which we develop a trainable bidirectional prediction objective between the selected summary and the original document. Different from the centrality-based ranking methods, our extractive scorer can be trained in an end-to-end manner, with no other requirement of positional assumption. In addition, we introduce a differentiable length control module by approximating 0-1 knapsack solver for end-to-end length-controllable extracting. Experiments show that our unsupervised method largely outperforms the centrality-based baseline using a same sentence encoder. In terms of length control ability, via our trainable knapsack module, the performance consistently outperforms the strong baseline without utilizing end-to-end training. Human evaluation further evidences that our method performs the best among baselines in terms of relevance and consistency.Comment: accepted by AAAI202

    A comparison of electronic health records at two major Peking University Hospitals in China to United States meaningful use objectives

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    BACKGROUND: In accordance with the People’s Republic of China’s (China) National Health Reform Plan of 2009, two of the nation’s leading hospitals, located in Beijing, have implemented electronic medical record (EMR) systems from different vendors. To inform future EMR adoption and policy in China, as well as informatics research in the US, this study compared the United State’s Hospital Meaningful Use (MU) Objectives (phase 1) objectives to the EMR functionality of two early hospital EMR adopters in China. METHODS: At both hospitals, the researchers observed a physician using the EMR and noted MU functionality that was seen and functionality that was not seen yet was available in the EMR. The information technology department was asked about the availability of functionality neither observed nor known to the physician. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Approximately half the MU objectives were available in each EMR. Some differences between the EMRs in the study and MU objectives were attributed to operational differences between the health systems and the cultures in the two countries

    Enhancing Coherence of Extractive Summarization with Multitask Learning

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    This study proposes a multitask learning architecture for extractive summarization with coherence boosting. The architecture contains an extractive summarizer and coherent discriminator module. The coherent discriminator is trained online on the sentence vectors of the augmented textual input, thus improving its general ability of judging whether the input sentences are coherent. Meanwhile, we maximize the coherent scores from the coherent discriminator by updating the parameters of the summarizer. To make the extractive sentences trainable in a differentiable manner, we introduce two strategies, including pre-trained converting model (model-based) and converting matrix (MAT-based) that merge sentence representations. Experiments show that our proposed method significantly improves the proportion of consecutive sentences in the extracted summaries based on their positions in the original article (i.e., automatic sentence-level coherence metric), while the goodness in terms of other automatic metrics (i.e., Rouge scores and BertScores) are preserved. Human evaluation also evidences the improvement of coherence and consistency of the extracted summaries given by our method.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Investigating the Impact of Quantization on Adversarial Robustness

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    Quantization is a promising technique for reducing the bit-width of deep models to improve their runtime performance and storage efficiency, and thus becomes a fundamental step for deployment. In real-world scenarios, quantized models are often faced with adversarial attacks which cause the model to make incorrect inferences by introducing slight perturbations. However, recent studies have paid less attention to the impact of quantization on the model robustness. More surprisingly, existing studies on this topic even present inconsistent conclusions, which prompted our in-depth investigation. In this paper, we conduct a first-time analysis of the impact of the quantization pipeline components that can incorporate robust optimization under the settings of Post-Training Quantization and Quantization-Aware Training. Through our detailed analysis, we discovered that this inconsistency arises from the use of different pipelines in different studies, specifically regarding whether robust optimization is performed and at which quantization stage it occurs. Our research findings contribute insights into deploying more secure and robust quantized networks, assisting practitioners in reference for scenarios with high-security requirements and limited resources.Comment: Accepted to ICLR 2024 Workshop PML4LR