373 research outputs found

    How I explore...a disorder with an apparently healthy microscopic aspect of the skin.

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    peer reviewedSome dermatologic disorders named "Invisible dermatoses" are defined by obvious clinical signs while histologic alterations remain discrete. This situation may lead to clinico-pathological discrepancies impeding the establishment of a diagnosis. In other cases, the skin looks clinically normal but the histological examination allows to disclose some systemic diseases. Systematic analysis of the skin biopsy complemented by histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques may help reach the diagnosis

    Tracking and Treating Malignant Melanoma Metastases

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    Dermatology Research and Practice - Special Editio

    Gaïa, le stress géoclimatique et la peau.

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    Le Soleil est à l’origine de la vie sur Terre. Le grand ensemble d’interactions biogéochimiques entre la vie, le sol, l’atmosphère et l’océan n’est pas sans rappeler la physiologie d’un grand organisme unique. Ce dernier a reçu le nom de Gaïa. Tout le fonctionnement de la biosphère qui en fait partie est largement dépendant de l’apport énergétique solaire. Celui-ci est diversifié car le spectre des rayonnements électromagnétiques est large et variable en intensité et en nature. Le réchauffement global de la Terre et le « trou d’ozone » sont sous les feux de l’actualité. De tels bouleversements sont-ils la préfiguration d’une apocalypse ? L’écologie et la dérive géoclimatique vont-elles influencer la dermatologie de demain

    Thigmotropism of Malignant Melanoma Cells

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    During malignant melanoma (MM) progression including incipient metastasis, neoplastic cells follow some specific migration paths inside the skin. In particular, they progress along the dermoepidermal basement membrane, the hair follicles, the sweat gland apparatus, nerves, and the near perivascular space. These features evoke the thigmotropism phenomenon defined as a contact-sensing growth of cells. This process is likely connected to modulation in cell tensegrity (control of the cell shape). These specifically located paucicellular aggregates of MM cells do not appear to be involved in the tumorigenic growth phase, but rather they participate in the so-called “accretive” growth model. These MM cell collections are often part of the primary neoplasm, but they may, however, correspond to MM micrometastases and predict further local overt metastasis spread

    How I treat ... basal cell carcinoma by imiquimod.

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    peer reviewedBasal cell carcinoma is the most frequent cancer in humans. Several clinical types are distinguished. They are bound to distinct evolutive prognosis. The surgical excision is the treatment of choice which is rarely followed by recurrence. However, when the lesion is superficial and non aggressive and when the body site is adequate, topical applications of imiquimod can provoke the neoplastic regression. This type of immunotherapy brings 70 to 90% complete remission. A medical follow-up of the treated site is mandatory for a couple of years

    Smouldering Malignant Melanoma and Metastatic Dormancy: An Update and Review

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    The fund of knowledge regarding the versatility of presentation of MM metastases is still quite incomplete. The recent literature pertaining to the current understanding of the mechanisms underlying two special features of MM metastasis is reviewed. On the one hand, a long disease-free interval (MM dormancy) may occur before the surge of overt metastases. On the other hand, the so-called MM smouldering phenomenon refers to the condition where regional metastases wax and wane for long periods of time on restricted skin regions. It is important to emphasize that local micrometastases often predict sentinel lymph node involvement but may not reflect progression of the primary MM to full-blown visceral metastatic competence. It is likely that a combination of factors impacts the versatile MM metastasic progression. Among the main factors, one has to mention the phenotypic heterogeneity and variability in the phenotype of MM cells, the presence of MM stem cells and MM cells engaged in an amplification proliferation pool, as well as the host immune response, and possibly the induction of a particular stromal structure and vascularity

    Molecular Dermatopathology in Malignant Melanoma

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    At present, immunohistochemistry is taken for granted in the establishment of malignant melanoma (MM) diagnosis. In recent years, molecular diagnosis in dermatopathology has benefited from a vast array of advances in the fields of genomics and proteomics. Sensitive techniques are available for detecting specific DNA and RNA sequences by molecular hybridization. This paper intends to update methods of molecular cytogenetics available as diagnostic adjuncts in the field of MM. Cytogenetics has highlighted the pathogenesis of atypical melanocytic neoplasms with emphasis on the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway during the initiation step of the neoplasms. 20 to 40% of MM families have mutations in the tumour suppressor gene p16 or CDKN2A. In addition, somatic mutations in p16, p53, BRAF, and cKIT are present in MM. Genome-wide scan analyses on MM indicate positive associations for genes involved in melanocytic naevi, but MM is likely caused by a variety of common low-penetrance genes. Molecular dermatopathology is expanding, and its use in the assessment of melanocytic neoplasms appears to be promising in the fields of research and diagnosis. Molecular dermatopathology will probably make its way to an increased number of diagnostic laboratories. The expected benefit should improve the patient management. This evolution points to a need for evolution in the training requirements and role of dermatopathologists

    Autoimmunity-Related Granulomatous Dermatitis in Association with Hepatitis

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    AIM: Both interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (IGD) and palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis (PNGD) are rare disorders typically associated with systemic autoimmune conditions. They probably represent different aspects of a disease spectrum encompassing the concept of autoimmunity-related granulomatous dermatitis (ARGD). CASE REPORT: A 61-year-old woman presented with ARGD and autoimmune hepatitis. The clinical presentation suggested PNGD, while histopathology was consistent with IGD. DISCUSSION: The association of ARGD with autoimmune hepatitis is apparently a rare event. The present case shows that the clinicopathological correlation in ARGD does not always clearly fit with the classical presentations of IGD or PNGD

    Lysozyme as a cotreatment during antibiotics use against vaginal infections: An in vitro study on Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm models

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    Bacterial vaginoses are frequent in women, most of them involving Gardnerella vaginalis. In more than 50% of the cases, usual antibiotic treatments are not capable of eliminating completely the infection, leading to recurrent vaginosis. In addition to the appearance of antibiotic resistance, recurrence can be due to the development of a biofilm by G. vaginalis. In vitro experiments on G. vaginalis biofilms showed that the biofilm protected bacteria from the antibiotic clindamycin. Also, recombinant human lysozyme (rhLys) was able to both degrade biofilms and prevent their formation. This degradation effect persisted whenever other vaginal commensal or pathogenic microorganisms were added to the culture and on each tested clinical biofilm-producing strain of G. vaginalis. The co-administration of rhLys and clindamycin or metronidazole improved both antibiotics’ efficiency and lysozyme-driven biofilm degradation. The comparison of both clindamycin and metronidazole antibacterial spectra showed that metronidazole was preferable to treat vaginosis. This suggests that human lysozyme could be added as an anti-biofilm cotreatment to vaginal antibiotherapy, preferably metronidazole, against Gardnerella vaginalis infection in vivo. [Int Microbiol 19(2): 101-107 (2016)]Keywords: Gardnerella vaginalis · recombinant human lysozyme · clindamycin · metronidazole · biofilms in pathogen