6,979 research outputs found
Global analysis of quadrupole shape invariants based on covariant energy density functionals
Coexistence of different geometric shapes at low energies presents a
universal structure phenomenon that occurs over the entire chart of nuclides.
Studies of the shape coexistence are important for understanding the
microscopic origin of collectivity and modifications of shell structure in
exotic nuclei far from stability. The aim of this work is to provide a
systematic analysis of characteristic signatures of coexisting nuclear shapes
in different mass regions, using a global self-consistent theoretical method
based on universal energy density functionals and the quadrupole collective
model. The low-energy excitation spectrum and quadrupole shape invariants of
the two lowest states of even-even nuclei are obtained as solutions of
a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian (5DCH) model, with parameters
determined by constrained self-consistent mean-field calculations based on the
relativistic energy density functional PC-PK1, and a finite-range pairing
interaction. The theoretical excitation energies of the states: ,
, , , , as well as the
values, are in very good agreement with the corresponding experimental values
for 621 even-even nuclei. Quadrupole shape invariants have been implemented to
investigate shape coexistence, and the distribution of possible
shape-coexisting nuclei is consistent with results obtained in recent
theoretical studies and available data. The present analysis has shown that,
when based on a universal and consistent microscopic framework of nuclear
density functionals, shape invariants provide distinct indicators and reliable
predictions for the occurrence of low-energy coexisting shapes. This method is
particularly useful for studies of shape coexistence in regions far from
stability where few data are available.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Interplay between Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in a Multi-layered System
Based on a microscopic model, we study the interplay between
superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in a multi-layered system, where two
superconductors are separated by an antiferromagnetic region. Within a
self-consistent mean-field theory, this system is solved numerically. We find
that the antiferromagnetism in the middle layers profoundly affects the
supercurrent flowing across the junction, while the phase difference across the
junction influences the development of antiferromagnetism in the middle layers.
This study may not only shed new light on the mechanism for high-
superconductors, but also bring important insights to building
Josephson-junction-based quantum devices, such as SQUID and superconducting
qubit.Comment: 4+ pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Sensitive Chemical Compass Assisted by Quantum Criticality
The radical-pair-based chemical reaction could be used by birds for the
navigation via the geomagnetic direction. An inherent physical mechanism is
that the quantum coherent transition from a singlet state to triplet states of
the radical pair could response to the weak magnetic field and be sensitive to
the direction of such a field and then results in different photopigments in
the avian eyes to be sensed. Here, we propose a quantum bionic setup for the
ultra-sensitive probe of a weak magnetic field based on the quantum phase
transition of the environments of the two electrons in the radical pair. We
prove that the yield of the chemical products via the recombination from the
singlet state is determined by the Loschmidt echo of the environments with
interacting nuclear spins. Thus quantum criticality of environments could
enhance the sensitivity of the detection of the weak magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Quantum-Classical Transition of Photon-Carnot Engine Induced by Quantum Decoherence
We study the physical implementation of the Photon Carnot engine (PCE) based
on the cavity QED system [M. Scully et al, Science, \textbf{299}, 862 (2003)].
Here, we analyze two decoherence mechanisms for the more practical systems of
PCE, the dissipation of photon field and the pure dephasing of the input atoms.
As a result we find that (I) the PCE can work well to some extent even in the
existence of the cavity loss (photon dissipation); and (II) the short-time
atomic dephasing, which can destroy the PCE, is a fatal problem to be overcome.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Mixed-state fidelity and quantum criticality at finite temperature
We extend to finite temperature the fidelity approach to quantum phase
transitions (QPTs). This is done by resorting to the notion of mixed-state
fidelity that allows one to compare two density matrices corresponding to two
different thermal states. By exploiting the same concept we also propose a
finite-temperature generalization of the Loschmidt echo. Explicit analytical
expressions of these quantities are given for a class of quasi-free fermionic
Hamiltonians. A numerical analysis is performed as well showing that the
associated QPTs show their signatures in a finite range of temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
Quenched Charmed Meson Spectra using Tadpole Improved Quark Action on Anisotropic Lattices
Charmed meson charmonium spectra are studied with improved quark actions on
anisotropic lattices. We measured the pseudo-scalar and vector meson dispersion
relations for 4 lowest lattice momentum modes with quark mass values ranging
from the strange quark to charm quark with 3 different values of gauge coupling
and 4 different values of bare speed of light . With the bare
speed of light parameter tuned in a mass-dependent way, we study the mass
spectra of , , ,
, and mesons.
The results extrapolated to the continuum limit are compared with the
experiment and qualitative agreement is found.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, latex fil
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