162,096 research outputs found
Coherent QCD multiple scattering in proton-nucleus collisions
We argue that high energy proton-nucleus (p+A) collisions provide an
excellent laboratory for studying nuclear size enhanced parton multiple
scattering where power corrections to the leading twist perturbative QCD
factorization approach can be systematically computed. We identify and resum
these corrections and calculate the centrality and rapidity dependent nuclear
suppression of single and double inclusive hadron production at moderate
transverse momenta. We demonstrate that both spectra and dihadron correlations
in p+A reactions are sensitive measures of such dynamical nuclear attenuation
effectsComment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Updated figures and reference
Rescattering effects in hadron-nucleus and heavy-ion collisions
We review the extension of the factorization formalism of perturbative QCD to
{\it coherent} soft rescattering associated with hard scattering in high energy
nuclear collisions. We emphasize the ability to quantify high order corrections
and the predictive power of factorization approach in terms of universal
nonperturbative matrix elements. Although coherent rescattering effects are
power suppressed by hard scales of the scattering, they are enhanced by the
nuclear size and could play an important role in understanding the novel
nuclear dependence observed in high energy nuclear collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of 1st
International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy
Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probe 2004), Ericeira, Portugal, Nov. 4-10, 200
Nuclear enhanced power corrections to DIS structure functions
We calculate nuclear enhanced power corrections to structure functions
measured in deeply inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering in Quantum
Chromodynamics (QCD). We find that the nuclear medium enhanced power
corrections at order of enhance the longitudinal structure
function , and suppress the transverse structure function . We
demonstrate that strong nuclear effects in and ,
recently observed by HERMES Collaboration, can be explained in terms of the
nuclear enhanced power corrections.Comment: Latex, 10 pages including 3 figure
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