16 research outputs found
Number of significant interactions for yield and yield components detected at 0.001 probability by permutation tests of all possible two loci combinations in hybrids evaluated at Handan (S1) and Cangzhou (N1.).
<p>Number of significant interactions for yield and yield components detected at 0.001 probability by permutation tests of all possible two loci combinations in hybrids evaluated at Handan (S1) and Cangzhou (N1.).</p
Correlation between yield and yield components in F<sub>2: 3</sub> and F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations.
<p>*, ** Significant at probability of 0.05 and 0.01 respectively.</p><p>Correlation between yield and yield components in F<sub>2: 3</sub> and F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations.</p
The best and the worst single heterozygotes in each of the two loci combinations showing significant AD/DA interactions for bolls/plant in F<sub>2: 3</sub> population.
<p>See footnotes of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0143548#pone.0143548.t007" target="_blank">Table 7</a> for explanations</p><p>The best and the worst single heterozygotes in each of the two loci combinations showing significant AD/DA interactions for bolls/plant in F<sub>2: 3</sub> population.</p
QTLs for yield and yield-components in F<sub>2: 3</sub> and F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations identified using composite interval mapping.
<p>* Common QTLs identified in the two generations</p><p><sup>a</sup> Additive effects; positive values of the additive effects indicate increase of traits from alleles of GX1135; negative values of the additive effects indicate decrease of traits from alleles of GX100-2</p><p><sup>b</sup> Dominance effects; positive values of the dominance effect indicate that heterozygotes have higher phenotypic values than the respective means of two homozygotes, and negative values indicate that heterozygotes have lower values than the means of the two homozygotes</p><p><sup>c</sup> Var%, phenotypic variation explained by a single QTL</p><p>QTLs for yield and yield-components in F<sub>2: 3</sub> and F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations identified using composite interval mapping.</p
Yield and yield components in F<sub>2: 3</sub>, F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations and mid-parent heterosis in F<sub>1</sub> and F<sub>2</sub> generations.
<p>SY: seed cotton yield; LY: lint yield; BNP: bolls per plant; BW: boll weight; LP: lint percent</p><p><sup>a</sup> S1/N1: F<sub>2:3</sub> family (S1: 2008Handan, N1:2008Cangzhou), S2/N2: F<sub>2:4</sub> family(S2: 2009Handan, N2: 2009Cangzhou) (the same below)</p><p><sup>b</sup> t/ha</p><p>Results in each cell are presented as S/N</p><p>Yield and yield components in F<sub>2: 3</sub>, F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations and mid-parent heterosis in F<sub>1</sub> and F<sub>2</sub> generations.</p
The best and the worst double homozygotes in each of the two loci combinations showing significant AA interactions for bolls/plant in F<sub>2: 3</sub> population.
<p><sup>a</sup> Interaction markers and its chromosomal locations (in parentheses).</p><p><sup>b</sup> Genotype of the first locus/genotype of the second locus; 11, homozygous for the P1 allele; 22, homozygous for the P2 allele</p><p><sup>c</sup> Advantage of the best homozygote over the mean of the two parental genotypes.</p><p><sup>d</sup> Advantage of the best homozygote over GX1135 genotype</p><p><sup>e</sup> Advantage of the best homozygote over heterozygote genotype.</p><p><sup>f</sup> The best genotype identified in the nine interaction types.</p><p><sup>g</sup> The worst genotype identified in the nine interaction types.</p><p>* and * * Significant different from zero at p = 0.05 and p = 0.01 levels respectively.</p><p>The best and the worst double homozygotes in each of the two loci combinations showing significant AA interactions for bolls/plant in F<sub>2: 3</sub> population.</p
Correlation coefficients between genotypic heterozygosity and trait performance in F<sub>2: 3</sub> and F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations.
<p>Correlation coefficients between genotypic heterozygosity and trait performance in F<sub>2: 3</sub> and F<sub>2: 4</sub> populations.</p
Summary of the significant (p≤0.001) interactions detected for lint yield and yield components by permutation tests of all possible two loci combinations.
<p>Summary of the significant (p≤0.001) interactions detected for lint yield and yield components by permutation tests of all possible two loci combinations.</p
The localities of the natural <i>D</i>. <i>kaki var</i>. <i>silvestris</i> Mak samples.
<p>The localities of the natural <i>D</i>. <i>kaki var</i>. <i>silvestris</i> Mak samples.</p
Investigation and Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Diospyros Germplasms Using SCoT Molecular Markers in Guangxi
<div><p>Background</p><p>Knowledge about genetic diversity and relationships among germplasms could be an invaluable aid in diospyros improvement strategies.</p><p>Methods</p><p>This study was designed to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship of local and natural varieties in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China using start codon targeted polymorphism (SCoT) markers. The accessions of 95 diospyros germplasms belonging to four species <i>Diospyros kaki</i> Thunb, <i>D</i>. <i>oleifera</i> Cheng, <i>D</i>. <i>kaki</i> var. <i>silverstris</i> Mak, and <i>D</i>. <i>lotus</i> Linn were collected from different eco-climatic zones in Guangxi and were analyzed using SCoT markers.</p><p>Results</p><p>Results indicated that the accessions of 95 diospyros germplasms could be distinguished using SCoT markers, and were divided into three groups at similarity coefficient of 0.608; these germplasms that belong to the same species were clustered together; of these, the degree of genetic diversity of the natural <i>D</i>. <i>kaki</i> var. <i>silverstris</i> Mak population was richest among the four species; the geographical distance showed that the 12 natural populations of <i>D</i>. <i>kaki</i> var. <i>silverstris</i> Mak were divided into two groups at similarity coefficient of 0.19. Meanwhile, in order to further verify the stable and useful of SCoT markers in diospyros germplasms, SSR markers were also used in current research to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship in the same diospyros germplasms. Once again, majority of germplasms that belong to the same species were clustered together. Thus SCoT markers were stable and especially useful for analysis of the genetic diversity and relationship in diospyros germplasms.</p><p>Discussion</p><p>The molecular characterization and diversity assessment of diospyros were very important for conservation of diospyros germplasm resources, meanwhile for diospyros improvement.</p></div