40 research outputs found

    Asymmetric sequential Landau-Zener dynamics of Bose condensed atoms in a cavity

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    We explore the asymmetric sequential Landau-Zener (LZ) dynamics in an ensemble of interacting Bose condensed two-level atoms coupled with a cavity field. Assuming the couplings between all atoms and the cavity field are identical, the interplay between atom-atom interaction and detuning may lead to a series of LZ transitions. Unlike the conventional sequential LZ transitions, which are symmetric to the zero detuning, the LZ transitions of Bose condensed atoms in a cavity field are asymmetric and sensitively depend on the photon number distribution of the cavity. In LZ processes involving single excitation numbers, both the variance of the relative atom number and the step slope of the sequential population ladder are asymmetric, and the asymmetry become more significant for smaller excitation numbers. Furthermore, in LZ processes involving multiple excitation numbers, there may appear asymmetric population ladders with decreasing step heights. During a dynamical LZ process, due to the atom-cavity coupling, the cavity field shows dynamical collapse and revivals. In comparison with the symmetric LZ transitions in a classical field, the asymmetric LZ transitions in a cavity field originate from the photon-number-dependent Rabi frequency. The asymmetric sequential LZ dynamics of Bose condensed atoms in a cavity field may open up a new way to explore the fundamental many-body physics in coupled atom-photon systems.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamical generation of dark solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We numerically investigate the ground state, the Raman-driving dynamics and the nonlinear excitations of a realized spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional harmonic trap. Depending on the Raman coupling and the interatomic interactions, three ground-state phases are identified: stripe, plane wave and zero-momentum phases. A narrow parameter regime with coexistence of stripe and zero-momentum or plane wave phases in real space is found. Several sweep progresses across different phases by driving the Raman coupling linearly in time is simulated and the non-equilibrium dynamics of the system in these sweeps are studied. We find kinds of nonlinear excitations, with the particular dark solitons excited in the sweep from the stripe phase to the plane wave or zero-momentum phase within the trap. Moreover, the number and the stability of the dark solitons can be controlled in the driving, which provide a direct and easy way to generate dark solitons and study their dynamics and interaction properties.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figur

    Analytical treatment of cold field electron emission from a nanowall emitter

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    This paper presents an elementary, approximate analytical treatment of cold field electron emission (CFE) from a classical nanowall. A simple model is used to bring out some of the basic physics of a class of field emitter where quantum confinement effects exist transverse to the emitting direction. A high-level methodology is presented for developing CFE equations more general than the usual Fowler-Nordheim-type (FN-type) equations, and is applied to the classical nanowall. If the nanowall is sufficiently thin, then significant transverse-energy quantization effects occur, and affect the overall form of theoretical CFE equations; also, the tunnelling barrier shape exhibits "fall-off" in the local field value with distance from the surface. A conformal transformation technique is used to derive an analytical expression for the on-axis tunnelling probability.Comment: 48 pages, 4 figure