62 research outputs found

    Azaisoquinolinones: N Positions Tell You Different Stories in Their Optical Properties

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    Since isoquinolinones and their derivatives have been demonstrated to be powerful building blocks in constructing larger acenes and twistacenes, azaisoquinolinones and their analogues could also be important intermediates to approach larger N-heteroacenes. In this paper, we are interested in developing a concise method to synthesize novel azaisoquinolinones building blocks and studying their physical properties. Our results showed that the different N positions have a large effect on the optical and electrochemical properties of azaisoquinolinones. For example, protonation of 6- and 7-azaisoquinolinones shows different shifts of UV–vis and FL spectra. More interestingly, 6- and 7-azaisoquinolinones exhibited different interactions with metal ions in CH<sub>3</sub>CN solution. Upon the addition of 2 equiv of Fe<sup>3+</sup>, 6-azaisoquinolinone displayed an absorption wavelength red-shifted from 470 to 540 nm (Δλ = 70 nm) with a color change from yellow to red, while the interaction between Fe<sup>3+</sup> and 7-azaisoquinolinone was very weak and there was no obvious color change (Δλ = 18 nm). Moreover, theoretical calculations confirmed the different optical properties with 6- and 7-azaisoquinolinones

    Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree for <i>Alcaligenes aquatilis</i> strain F8 and related species based on 16S rDNA sequences.

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    <p>Bootstrap values (percentages of 1,000 replications) are shown at the branch points. Scale bar = 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide position (evolutionary distance).</p

    Azaisoquinolinones: N Positions Tell You Different Stories in Their Optical Properties

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    Since isoquinolinones and their derivatives have been demonstrated to be powerful building blocks in constructing larger acenes and twistacenes, azaisoquinolinones and their analogues could also be important intermediates to approach larger N-heteroacenes. In this paper, we are interested in developing a concise method to synthesize novel azaisoquinolinones building blocks and studying their physical properties. Our results showed that the different N positions have a large effect on the optical and electrochemical properties of azaisoquinolinones. For example, protonation of 6- and 7-azaisoquinolinones shows different shifts of UV–vis and FL spectra. More interestingly, 6- and 7-azaisoquinolinones exhibited different interactions with metal ions in CH<sub>3</sub>CN solution. Upon the addition of 2 equiv of Fe<sup>3+</sup>, 6-azaisoquinolinone displayed an absorption wavelength red-shifted from 470 to 540 nm (Δλ = 70 nm) with a color change from yellow to red, while the interaction between Fe<sup>3+</sup> and 7-azaisoquinolinone was very weak and there was no obvious color change (Δλ = 18 nm). Moreover, theoretical calculations confirmed the different optical properties with 6- and 7-azaisoquinolinones

    Average amounts of different wheat bran components added back to the acid-treated bran included in the immobilization of <i>Alcaligenes aquatilis</i> strain F8.

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    <p>CMC: sodium carboxymethylcellulose</p><p>CVs: composite vitamins</p><p>Cellulose consisted of xylan and CMC; CVs were a mixture of B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>3</sub>, B<sub>6</sub>, B<sub>9</sub>, E, and biotin.</p><p><sup>a</sup>unit: g</p><p><sup>b</sup>unit: mg</p><p>Average amounts of different wheat bran components added back to the acid-treated bran included in the immobilization of <i>Alcaligenes aquatilis</i> strain F8.</p

    Algicidal characteristics of strain F8 under different immobilization conditions.

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    <p>Data represent the mean of three independent experiments with the SD indicated by an error bar. Different lowercase letters above the columns represent statistically significant differences in algicidal rate among treatment groups at different treatment times for strain F8 against <i>M</i>. <i>aeruginosa</i> (<i>p</i> < 0.05).</p

    Effects of added-back ingredients on the algicidal rate and growth of <i>Alcaligenes aquatilis</i> strain F8 immobilized with acid-treated bran.

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    <p>(a) Ingredients added back to acid-treated bran during the immobilization of strain F8. Control (‘C’): no addition; ‘C + Starch’, ‘C + Cellulose’, and ‘C + Vitamins’ represent the addition of starch, cellulose, or vitamins, respectively. (b) Ingredients added back as sole carbon sources. Data represent the mean of three independent experiments with the SD indicated by an error bar. Different lowercase letters above the columns represent statistically significant differences in growth of strain F8 under different treatments, and in algicidal rate among treatment groups at different treatment times for strain F8 against <i>Microcystis aeruginosa</i> (<i>p</i> < 0.05).</p

    Solvent Accommodation: Functionalities Can Be Tailored Through Co-Crystallization Based on 1:1 Coronene‑F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ Charge-Transfer Complex

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    Because organic donor/acceptor blending systems play critical roles in ambipolar transistors, photovoltaics, and light-emitting transistors, it is highly desirable to precisely tailor the stacking of cocrystals toward different intrinsic structures and physical properties. Here, we demonstrated that the structure-stacking modes and electron-transport behaviors of coronene-F4TCNQ cocrystals (1:1) can be tuned through the solvent accommodation. Our results clearly show that the solvent accommodation not only enlarges the inner mixed packing (...DAD···) distances, leading to the depressed short-contact interactions including the side-by-side and face-by-face intermolecular interactions, but also switches off electron-transport behavior of coronene-F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ cocrystals (1:1) in ambient atmosphere

    Composition and average content of 100 g of wheat bran.

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    <p><sup>a</sup>unit: g</p><p><sup>b</sup>unit: mg</p><p>Composition and average content of 100 g of wheat bran.</p

    Effects of individual vitamins on the algicidal rate and growth of <i>Alcaligenes aquatilis</i> strain F8 immobilized with acid-treated bran.

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    <p>‘Control’: strain F8 immobilized with acid-treated bran; ‘+B<sub>1</sub>, +B<sub>2</sub>,…+E’: adding back of the respective individual vitamins to acid-treated bran during the immobilization of strain F8. Data represent the mean of three independent experiments with the SD indicated by an error bar. Red and blue dotted lines represent the control values of algicidal rate and bacterial growth (OD<sub>600</sub>), respectively. Different lowercase letters above the columns represent statistically significant differences in growth of strain F8 under different treatments, and in the algicidal rate among treatment groups at different treatment times for strain F8 against <i>Microcystis aeruginosa</i> (<i>p</i> < 0.05).</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Combined effects of Bacillus sp. M6 strain and Sedum alfredii on rhizosphere community and bioremediation of cadmium polluted soils.docx

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    Concerns regarding inevitable soil translocation and bioaccumulation of cadmium (Cd) in plants have been escalating in concomitance with the posed phytotoxicity and threat to human health. Exhibiting a Cd tolerance, Bacillus sp. M6 strain has been reported as a soil amendment owing to its capability of reducing metal bioavailability in soils. The present study investigated the rhizospheric bacterial community of the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally, the Cd removal efficiency of strain Bacillus sp. M6 was enhanced by supplementing with biochar (C), glutamic acid (G), and rhamnolipid (R) to promote the phytoremediation effect of hyperaccumulator S. alfredii. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the amendments such as C, G, and R together with the plant-microbe system S. alfredii-Bacillus sp. M6 has been used for Cd bioremediation. The results showed that soil CaCl2 and DTPA (Diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid) extractable Cd increased by 52.77 and 95.08%, respectively, in all M6 treatments compared to unamended control (CK). Sedum alfredii with Bacillus sp. M6 supplemented with biochar and rhamnolipid displayed a higher phytoremediation effect, and the removal capability of soil Cd (II) reached up to 16.47%. Moreover, remediation of Cd polluted soil by Bacillus sp. M6 also had an impact on the soil microbiome, including ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), and cadmium transporting ATPase (cadA) genes. Quantitative PCR analysis confirmed the Bacillus sp. M6 strain increased the abundance of AOB and cadA in both low Cd (LC) and high Cd (HC) soils compared to AOA gene abundance. Besides, the abundance of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria was found to be highest in both soils representing high tolerance capacity against Cd. While Firmicutes ranked third, indicating that the additionof strain could not make it the most dominant species. The results suggested the presence of the hyperaccumulator S. alfredii and Cd tolerant strain Bacillus sp. M6 supplemented with biochar, and rhamnolipid, play a unique and essential role in the remediation process and reducing the bioavailability of Cd.</p
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