13,850 research outputs found
Fermion Families from Two Layer Warped Extra Dimensions
In extra dimensions, the quark and lepton mass hierarchy can be reproduced
from the same order bulk mass parameters, and standard model fermion families
can be generated from one generation in the high dimensional space. We try to
explain the origin of the same order bulk mass parameters and address the
family replication puzzle simultaneously. We show that they correlate with each
other. We construct models that families are generated from extra dimensional
space, and in the meantime the bulk mass parameters of same order emerge
naturally. The interesting point is that the bulk mass parameters, which are in
same order, correspond to the eigenvalues of a Schr\"{o}dinger-like equation.
We also discuss the problem existing in this approach.Comment: 21 latex pages, final version to appear in JHE
Geometric Phase for degenerate states of spin-1 and spin-1/2 pair
The geometric phase of a bi-particle model is discussed. For different
initial states, especially when the initial state is pure or mixed, the
geometric phase will show different properties. The relationship between the
geometric phase and the entanglement or mixedness of the initial state is
considered.Comment: 5 pages, no figure
Link power coordination for energy conservation in complex communication networks
Communication networks consume huge, and rapidly growing, amount of energy.
However, a lot of the energy consumption is wasted due to the lack of global
link power coordination in these complex systems. This paper proposes several
link power coordination schemes to achieve energy-efficient routing by
progressively putting some links into energy saving mode and hence aggregating
traffic during periods of low traffic load. We show that the achievable energy
savings not only depend on the link power coordination schemes, but also on the
network topologies. In the random network, there is no scheme that can
significantly outperform others. In the scale-free network, when the largest
betweenness first (LBF) scheme is used, phase transition of the networks'
transmission capacities during the traffic cooling down phase is observed.
Motivated by this, a hybrid link power coordination scheme is proposed to
significantly reduce the energy consumption in the scale-free network. In a
real Internet Service Provider (ISP)'s router-level Internet topology, however,
the smallest betweenness first (SBF) scheme significantly outperforms other
schemes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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