342 research outputs found
Proposal for practical Rydberg quantum gates using a native two-photon excitation
Rydberg quantum gate serving as an indispensable computing unit for
neutral-atom quantum computation, has attracted intense research efforts for
the last decade. However the state-of-the-art experiments have not reached the
high gate fidelity as predicted by most theories due to the unexpected large
loss remaining in Rydberg and intermediate states. In this paper we report our
findings in constructing a native two-qubit controlled-NOT gate based on pulse
optimization. We focus on the method of commonly-used two-photon Rydberg
excitation with smoothly-tuned Gaussian pulses which is straightforward for
experimental demonstration. By utilizing optimized pulse shapes the scheme
reveals a remarkable reduction in the decays from Rydberg and intermediate
states, as well as a high-tolerance to the residual thermal motion of atoms. We
extract a conservative lower bound on the gate fidelity after
taking into account the experimental imperfections. Our results not only reduce
the gap between experiment and theoretical prediction because of the optimal
control, but also facilitate the connectivity of distant atomic qubits in a
larger atom array by reducing the requirement of strong blockade, which is
promising for developing multiqubit quantum computation in large-scale atomic
arrays.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
SERS-Based Sensitive Detection of Organophosphorus Nerve Agents
Organophosphorus nerve agents, such as sarin, tabun, cyclosarin and soman, belong to the most toxic substances. So, it is very important to quickly detect it in trace-level and on-site or portable way. But, both fast and trace detections have been expected because current techniques are of low sensitivity or of poor selectivity and are time-consuming. The surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based detection could be a suitable and effective method. However, the organophosphorus nerve agents only very weakly interact with highly SERS-activated noble metal substrates and are hardly adsorbed on them. In this case, it is difficult to detect such molecules, with reproducible or quantitative measurements and trace level, by the normal SERS technique. Recently, there have been some works on the SERS-based detection of the organophosphorus molecules. In this chapter, we introduce the main progresses in this field, including (1) the thin water film confinement and evaporation concentrating strategy and (2) the surface modification and amidation reaction. These works provide new ways for highly efficient SERS-based detection of the organophosphorus nerve agents and some other target molecules that weakly interact with the coin metal substrates
Achieving ground-state polar molecular condensates by chainwise atom-molecule adiabatic passage
We generalize the idea of chainwise stimulated Raman adiabatic passage
(STIRAP) [Kuznetsova \textit{et al.} Phys. Rev. A \textbf{78}, 021402(R)
(2008)] to a photoassociation-based chainwise atom-molecule system, with the
goal of directly converting two-species atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC)
into a ground polar molecular BEC. We pay particular attention to the
intermediate Raman laser fields, a control knob inaccessible to the usual
three-level model. We find that an appropriate exploration of both the
intermediate laser fields and the stability property of the atom-molecule
STIRAP can greatly reduce the power demand on the photoassociation laser, a key
concern for STIRAPs starting from free atoms due to the small Franck-Condon
factor in the free-bound transition.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phy. Rev.
Phase Diagram of Rydberg atoms in a nonequilibrium optical lattice
We study the quantum nonequilibrium dynamics of ultracold three-level atoms
trapped in an optical lattice, which are excited to their Rydberg states via a
two-photon excitation with nonnegligible spontaneous emission. Rich quantum
phases including uniform phase, antiferromagnetic phase and oscillatory phase
are identified. We map out the phase diagram and find these phases can be
controlled by adjusting the ratio of intensity of the pump light to the control
light, and that of two-photon detuning to the Rydberg interaction strength.
When the two-photon detuning is blue-shifted and the latter ratio is less than
1, bistability exists among the phases. Actually, this ratio controls the
Rydberg-blockade and antiblockade effect, thus the phase transition in this
system can be considered as a possible approach to study both effects.Comment: 5 pages,5 figure
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