7,627 research outputs found
A quark meson coupling model with density- and temperature- dependent quark masses
Based on the quark mass density- and temperature- dependent model we suggest
a model for nuclear matter where the meson field is introduced to be directly
coupled to the quarks. The dynamic formation of the nucleon bag, the saturation
properties of nuclear matter as well as equation of state for this model are
studies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Higher dimensional power-Maxwell charged black holes in Einstein and Rastall gravity
The black hole solutions in higher-dimensional spacetimes with the presence
of the power-Maxwell field, surrounded by quintessence, are investigated for
Einstein as well as Rastall gravity. The obtained solutions accommodate for
spherical, planar and hyperbolic symmetries with the presence of the
cosmological constant. Besides, we show that several known black hole solutions
in literature such as those for linear Maxwell theory and BTZ black hole can be
obtained as special cases. The implications of Rastall's theory related to the
present study and the thermodynamics of the black hole solutions are discussed.Comment: 12 page
A derivation of the entropy-based relativistic smoothed particle hydrodynamics by variational principle
In this work, a second order smoothed particle hydrodynamics is derived for
the study of relativistic heavy ion collisions. The hydrodynamical equation of
motion is formulated in terms of the variational principle. In order to
describe the fluid of high energy density but of low baryon density, the
entropy is taken as the base quantity for the interpolation. The smoothed
particle hydrodynamics algorithm employed in this study is of the second order,
which guarantees better particle consistency. Furthermore, it is shown that the
variational principle preserves the translational invariance of the system, and
therefore improves the accuracy of the method. A brief discussion on the
potential implications of the model in heavy ion physics is also presented.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
Charged Einstein-\ae ther black holes in -dimensional spacetime
In this work, we investigate the -dimensional charged static black hole
solutions in the Einstein-\ae ther theory. By taking the metric parameter
to be , and , we obtain the spherical, planar, and hyperbolic
spacetimes respectively. Three choices of the cosmological constant,
, and , are investigated, which correspond to
asymptotically de Sitter, flat and anti-de Sitter spacetimes. The obtained
results show the existence of the universal horizon in higher dimensional cases
which may trap any particle with arbitrarily large velocity. We analyze the
horizon and the surface gravity of 4- and 5-dimensional black holes, and the
relations between the above quantities and the electrical charge. It is shown
that when the aether coefficient or the charge increases, the
outer Killing horizon shrinks and approaches the universal horizon.
Furthermore, the surface gravity decreases and approaches zero in the limit
or , where is the extreme
charge. The main features of the horizon and surface gravity are found to be
similar to those in case, but subtle differences are also observed.Comment: https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/S021827181950049
Tail wavelets in the merger of binary compact objects
We present a model for tail wavelets, a phenomenon also known as "echo" in
the literature. The tail wavelet may appear in signal reconnaissances in the
merger of binary compact objects, including black holes and neutron stars. We
show that the dark matter surrounding the compact objects lead to the
speculated tail wavelet following the main gravitational wave (GW). We
demonstrate that the radiation pressure of the main wave is fully capable of
pushing away the the surrounding matter to some altitude, and splashing down of
the matter excites the tail wavelet after ring down of the main wave. We
illustrate this idea in a simplified model, where numerical estimations are
carried out concerning the specific distribution of the dark matter outside the
black hole horizon and the threshold values in accordance with observations. We
study the full back reaction of the surrounding dark matter to the metric, and
find that the effect is insignificant to the tail wavelets. We find the fine
difference between the tail wavelets of a dressed black hole and a bare one. We
demonstrate that the tail wavelet can be a natural phenomenon in frame of
general relativity, without invoking any modified gravities or quantum effects
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