59 research outputs found
Crystallization of Poly(l‑lactic acid) on Water Surfaces via Controlled Solvent Evaporation and Langmuir–Blodgett Films
Solvent evaporation is one of the most fundamental processes
soft matter. Structures formed via solvent evaporation are often complex
yet tunable via the competition between solute diffusion and solvent
evaporation time scales. This work concerns the polymer evaporative
crystallization on the water surface (ECWS). The dynamic and two-dimensional
(2D) nature of the water surface offers a unique way to control the
crystallization pathway of polymeric materials. Using poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) as the model polymer, we demonstrate that both
one-dimensional (1D) crystalline filaments and two-dimensional (2D)
lamellae are formed via ECWS, in stark contrast to the 2D Langmuir–Blodgett
monolayer systems as well as polymer solution crystallization. Results
show that this filament-lamella biphasic structure is tunable via
chemical structures such as molecular weight and processing conditions
such as temperature and evaporation rate
Additional file 7: Table S3. of Comparative transcript profiling of alloplasmic male-sterile lines revealed altered gene expression related to pollen development in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
The down-regulated and up-regulated DEGs in both sporophytic and gametophytic CMS lines. (XLS 152 kb
Nepeta cataria L.
原著和名: チクマハクカ科名: シソ科 = Labiatae採集地: 千葉県 千葉市 千葉大学 (下総 千葉市 千葉大学)採集日: 1973/7/14採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH018277国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-96827
Additional file 3: Figure S3. of Comparative transcript profiling of alloplasmic male-sterile lines revealed altered gene expression related to pollen development in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
All the expression patterns of the 622 DEGs in the three CMS lines and the maintainer line MB. (PDF 68 kb
Additional file 4: Table S1. of Comparative transcript profiling of alloplasmic male-sterile lines revealed altered gene expression related to pollen development in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
The expression patterns and annotations of 622 DEGs identified in each of the three CMS lines. (XLSX 141 kb
Additional file 9: Table S5. of Comparative transcript profiling of alloplasmic male-sterile lines revealed altered gene expression related to pollen development in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Genes in the two modules 'yellow' and 'brown' were analyzed by weighted gene co- expression network analysis (WGCNA). (XLSX 315 kb
Additional file 2: Table S1. of Small RNA and degradome profiling reveals miRNA regulation in the seed germination of ancient eudicot Nelumbo nucifera
Detailed information of the known miRNAs identified in sacred lotus during seed germination. Table S2. Detailed information of the novel miRNAs identified from sacred lotus during seed germination. Table S3. The expression level of all known miRNAs of the germinating seeds at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h and 72 h. Table S4. The significantly differential expression level of the known miRNAs of the germinating seeds at 12 h, 24 h, 36 h and 72 h in comparison with 0 h. Table S5. The targets of known miRNA identified in sacred lotus during the seed germination. Table S6. The targets of novel miRNA predicted in sacred lotus during the seed germination. Table S7. GO enrichment analysis for all the target genes. Table S8. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis for the targets of differentially expressed miRNAs. Table S9. The common and specific miRNA editing in sacred lotus during the seed germination. Table S10. Primers of miRNAs and targets in sacred lotus for qRT-PCR and miRNA editing in this study. (XLSX 203 kb
Differential expression analysis of known miRNAs.
<p>(A) Heatmap for clustering analysis of the differentially expressed known miRNAs. The bar represents the scale of the expression levels of the miRNAs (log 2). (B) Validation via quantitative real-time RT-PCR of differentially expressed miRNAs obtained from deep sequencing. U6 snRNA was used as a reference, and the expression levels of each of the miRNAs were then compared with the expression at 5 DAF, which was set to 1.0. Error bars indicate the standard deviation (±SD) of three replicates.</p
Validation and expression of selected miRNA target genes.
<p>(A) 5′-RLM-RACE analysis of the cleavage of target mRNAs by corresponding miRNAs. The arrows indicate the cleavage sites, and the numbers represent the frequency of the sequenced clones. (B) Expression profiling analysis of several target genes and their corresponding miRNAs in rice grain on different days after fertilization. Actin was used as a reference, and the expression levels of each of the target mRNAs were then compared with their expression at 5 DAF or 12 DAF, which was set to 1.0. Error bars indicate the standard deviation (±SD) of three replicates. <i>Os04g47870</i> (PINHEAD) and <i>Os12g41680</i> (no apical meristem protein) were confirmed to be targets of Osa-miR168 and Osa-miR164, respectively, in previous work <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0057863#pone.0057863-Zhou2" target="_blank">[59]</a>. <i>Os01g63290</i> (transporter) was predicted to be target of osa-miR167d/f-h/j using psRNA Target (data not shown).</p
Predicted novel miRNAs identified in this study.
<p>(A) Predicted stem-loop structures of novel miRNA precursors. The precursor structures of four newly identified rice miRNAs (Osa-2, Osa-14, Osa-35 and Osa-46) were predicted via the MFOLD pipeline. Mature miRNA and miRNA* sequences are highlighted in red and blue, respectively. The numbers along the structure indicate nucleotide sites from the 5′ end of the pre-miRNAs sequence. (B) Stem-loop RT-PCR analysis if the identified novel miRNAs. Five novel miRNAs were confirmed via stem-loop RT-PCR. The sizes of the obtained PCR products were approximately ∼60 bp. M indicates a 20 bp DNA Ladder Marker (Takara, Japan). The arrow indicates 60 bp.</p
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