7,159 research outputs found
Angular Momentum of Phonons and Einstein-de Haas Effect
We study angular momentum of phonons in a magnetic crystal. In the presence
of a spin-phonon interaction, we obtain a nonzero angular momentum of phonons,
which is an odd function of magnetization. At zero temperature, phonon has a
zero-point angular momentum besides a zero-point energy. With increasing
temperature, the total phonon angular momentum diminishes and approaches to
zero in the classical limit. The nonzero phonon angular momentum can have a
significant impact on the Einstein-de Haas effect. To obtain the change of
angular momentum of electrons, the change of phonon angular momentum needs to
be subtracted from the opposite change of lattice angular momentum.
Furthermore, the finding of phonon angular momentum gives a potential method to
study the spin-phonon interaction. Possible experiments on phonon angular
momentum are also discussed.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. Detailed supplementary file is include
Semiclassical theory of spin-orbit torques in disordered multiband electron systems
We study spin-orbit torques (SOT) in non-degenerate multiband electron
systems in the weak disorder limit. In order to have better physical
transparency a semiclassical Boltzmann approach equivalent to the Kubo
diagrammatic approach in the non-crossing approximation is formulated. This
semiclassical framework accounts for the interband- coherence effects induced
by both the electric field and static impurity scattering. Using the
two-dimensional Rashba ferromagnet as a model system, we show that the
antidamping-like SOT arising from disorder-induced interband-coherence effects
is very sensitive to the spin structure of disorder and may have the same sign
as the intrinsic SOT in the presence of spin-dependent disorder. While the
cancellation of this SOT and the intrinsic one occurs only in the case of
spin-independent short-range disorder.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Physical Review
Valley contrasting chiral phonons in monolayer hexagonal lattices
In monolayer hexagonal lattices, two inequivalent valleys appear in the
Brillouin zone. With inversion symmetry breaking, we find chiral phonons with
valley contrasting circular polarization and ionic magnetic moment. At valley
centers, there is a three-fold rotational symmetry endowing phonons with a
quantized pseudo angular momentum, which includes spin and orbital parts. From
conservation of the pseudo angular momentum, crystal momentum and energy,
selection rules in intervalley scattering of electrons by phonons are obtained.
The chiral valley phonons are verified and the selection rules are predicted in
monolayer Molybdenum disulfide. Due to valley contrasting phonon Berry
curvature, one can also detect a valley phonon Hall effect. The
valley-contrasting chiral phonon, together with phonon circular polarization,
ionic magnetic moment, phonon pseudo angular momentum, valley phonon Hall
effect, will form the basis for valley-based electronics and phononics
applications in the future
Electron Dynamics in Slowly Varying Antiferromagnetic Texture
Effective dynamics of conduction electrons in antiferromagnetic (AFM)
materials with slowly varying spin texture is developed via non-Abelian gauge
theory. Quite different from the ferromagnetic (FM) case, the spin of a
conduction electron does not follow the background texture even in the
adiabatic limit due to the accumulation of a SU(2) non-Abelian Berry phase.
Correspondingly, it is found that the orbital dynamics becomes spin-dependent
and is affected by two emergent gauge fields. While one of them is the
non-Abelian generalization of what has been discovered in FM systems, the other
leads to an anomalous velocity that has no FM counterpart. Two examples are
provided to illustrate the distinctive spin dynamics of a conduction electron.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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