82 research outputs found

    Analytical modelling of the effect of noise on the terahertz in-vivo communication channel for body-centric nano-networks

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    The paper presents an analytical model of the terahertz (THz) communication channel (0.1 - 10 THz) for in-vivo nano-networks by considering the effect of noise on link quality and information rate. The molecular absorption noise model for in-vivo nano-networks is developed based on the physical mechanisms of the noise present in the medium, which takes into account both the radiation of the medium and the molecular absorption from the transmitted signal. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the communication channel is investigated for different power allocation schemes and the maximum achievable information rate is studied to explore the potential of THz communication inside the human body. The obtained results show that the information rate is inversely proportional to the transmission distance. Based on the studies on channel performance, it can be concluded that the achievable transmission distance of in-vivo THz nano-networks should be restrained to approximately 2 mm maximum, while the operation band of in-vivo THz nano-networks should be limited to the lower band of the THz band. This motivates the utilisation of hierarchical/cooperative networking concepts and hybrid communication techniques using molecular and electromagnetic methods for future body-centric nano-networks

    On the traffic offloading in Wi-Fi supported heterogeneous wireless networks

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    Heterogeneous small cell networks (HetSNet) comprise several low power, low cost (SBSa), (D2D) enabled links wireless-fidelity (Wi-Fi) access points (APs) to support the existing macrocell infrastructure, decrease over the air signaling and energy consumption, and increase network capacity, data rate and coverage. This paper presents an active user dependent path loss (PL) based traffic offloading (TO) strategy for HetSNets and a comparative study on two techniques to offload the traffic from macrocell to (SBSs) for indoor environments: PL and signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) based strategies. To quantify the improvements, the PL based strategy against the SIR based strategy is compared while considering various macrocell and (SBS) coverage areas and traffic–types. On the other hand, offloading in a dense urban setting may result in overcrowding the (SBSs). Therefore, hybrid traffic–type driven offloading technologies such as (WiFi) and (D2D) were proposed to en route the delay tolerant applications through (WiFi) (APs) and (D2D) links. It is necessary to illustrate the impact of daily user traffic profile, (SBSs) access schemes and traffic–type while deciding how much of the traffic should be offloaded to (SBSs). In this context, (AUPF) is introduced to account for the population of active small cells which depends on the variable traffic load due to the active users

    Analytical characterisation of the terahertz in-vivo nano-network in the presence of interference based on TS-OOK communication scheme

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    The envisioned dense nano-network inside the human body at terahertz (THz) frequency suffers a communication performance degradation among nano-devices. The reason for this performance limitation is not only the path loss and molecular absorption noise, but also the presence of multi-user interference and the interference caused by utilising any communication scheme, such as time spread ON—OFF keying (TS-OOK). In this paper, an interference model utilising TS-OOK as a communication scheme of the THz communication channel inside the human body has been developed and the probability distribution of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for THz communication within different human tissues, such as blood, skin, and fat, has been analyzed and presented. In addition, this paper evaluates the performance degradation by investigating the mean values of SINR under different node densities in the area and the probabilities of transmitting pulses. It results in the conclusion that the interference restrains the achievable communication distance to approximate 1 mm, and more specific range depends on the particular transmission circumstance. Results presented in this paper also show that by controlling the pulse transmission probability and node density, the system performance can be ameliorated. In particular, SINR of in vivo THz communication between the deterministic targeted transmitter and the receiver with random interfering nodes in the medium improves about 10 dB, when the node density decreases one order. The SINR increases approximate 5 and 2 dB, when the pulse transmitting probability drops from 0.5 to 0.1 and 0.9 to 0.5

    Technologies and solutions for location-based services in smart cities: past, present, and future

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    Location-based services (LBS) in smart cities have drastically altered the way cities operate, giving a new dimension to the life of citizens. LBS rely on location of a device, where proximity estimation remains at its core. The applications of LBS range from social networking and marketing to vehicle-toeverything communications. In many of these applications, there is an increasing need and trend to learn the physical distance between nearby devices. This paper elaborates upon the current needs of proximity estimation in LBS and compares them against the available Localization and Proximity (LP) finding technologies (LP technologies in short). These technologies are compared for their accuracies and performance based on various different parameters, including latency, energy consumption, security, complexity, and throughput. Hereafter, a classification of these technologies, based on various different smart city applications, is presented. Finally, we discuss some emerging LP technologies that enable proximity estimation in LBS and present some future research areas

    Spectral Efficiency Improvements in HetNets by Exploiting Device-to-Device Communications

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    Next generation cellular networks require huge capacity, ubiquitous coverage and maximum energy efficiency. In order to meet these targets, Device-to-device (D2D) communication is being considered for future heterogeneous networks (HetNets). In this paper, we consider a three tier hierarchical HetNet by exploiting D2D communication in traditional HetNet. D2D communication is deployed within the HetNet where closely located mobile users are engaged in direct communication without routing the traffic through cellular access network. The proposed configuration mandates to reduce the interference offered by the resultant HetNet by reducing the transmitter-receiver distance and ensuring that the mobile users are transmitting with adaptive power subject to maintaining their desired link quality. In this context, we analyzed and compared the spectral efficiency improvements in hierarchical HetNet against traditional HetNet. Simulation results show that D2D communication offers much higher spectral efficiency as compared to traditional HetNet

    Impact of Fibroblast Cell Density on the Material Parameters of Thin Artificial Human Skin in the Terahertz Band

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    This paper presents the material parameters of collagen gel and dermal equivalents with different fibroblast cell densities in a Terahertz (THz) band from 0.2 THz to 1.5 THz. It is shown that collagen gel without cells has much higher refractive index and absorption coefficient than dermal equivalents, while the parameters of dermal equivalents slightly decrease with cell density. It denotes that the material parameters at the THz band is not only dependent on the water concentration but also their intrinsic biological features. The obtained results help understand the interaction of the THz wave with biological tissues and the diversity of material parameters of real human skin

    On the Ergodic Secrecy Capacity with Full Duplex Communication

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    Error rate and ergodic capacity of RF-FSO system with partial relay selection in the presence of pointing errors

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    This paper presents an analysis of a multiple dual-hop relaying system, which is composed of km-class radio frequency (RF)-free-space optical (FSO) links. Partial relay selection based on outdated channel state information (CSI) is employed in order to select active relay for further transmission. Amplify-and-forward relaying protocol is utilized. The RF links are assumed to be subject to Rayleigh fading, and the FSO links are influenced by both Gamma–Gamma atmospheric turbulence and pointing errors. On the basis of our previously derived expression for cumulative distribution function of the equivalent signal-to-noise ratio of the whole system, we derive novel analytical expressions for the average bit-error rate (BER) and ergodic capacity that are presented in terms of the Meijer’s G-function and extended generalized bivariate Meijer’s G-function, respectively. The numerical results are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. Considering the effect of time-correlation between outdated CSI and actual CSI related to the RF channel at the time of transmission, the average BER and the ergodic capacity dependence on various system and channel parameters are observed and discussed. The results illustrate that the temporal correlation between outdated and actual CSI has strong effect on system performance, particularly on BER values, when FSO hop is influenced by favorable conditions
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