74 research outputs found
Problematika Hukum Perjanjian Kerja antara Perusahaan dan Pekerja
This study described the legal consequences of work agreements between companies and workers and problems in making and implementing work agreements. This study used a qualitative research approach with a descriptive type. Data collection techniques were observation and documentation—sources of data obtained from primary and secondary data. The data obtained were analyzed by categorizing and classifying techniques. The study results showed that the legal consequences of a work agreement between the company and the employee had implications for the content of the agreement, which had legal force so that it might be obeyed by all parties and did not conflict with the rule of law. On the other hand, problems in making and implementing work agreements, namely the clauses in the agreement were not under the laws and regulations, so there was a misperception of the company's basic wages, and there was no clarity about the protection of workers whose employment relationship was terminated unilaterally, and the lack of transparency or good faith from the company to the company. In addition, the Department of Manpower and Transmigration was related to its ability to run the company's wheels
Evaluasi Sarana dan Prasarana Penjasorkes pada Sdlb Sekabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
Penelitian ini berjudul “Evaluasi Sarana dan Prasarana Penjasorkes pada SDLB se-Kabupaten Bener Meriah tahun ajaran 2012/2013”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang mana bertujuan untuk melihat keadaan sarana dan prasarana penjasorkes pada SDLB se-Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Populasi didalam penelitian ini adalah Seluruh SDLB yang ada di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Adapun dalam menentukan jumlah sampel, dengan menggunakan teknik (total sampling), dengan mengambil semua anggota populasi untuk dijadikan sampel yang berjumlah sebanyak 3 sekolah. Jadi yang menjadi sampel didalam penelitian ini adalah SDLB Pondok Gajah, SDLB Pante Raya dan SDLB Lampahan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Field Research, dengan melakukan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik statistik sederhana dengan standar deviasi indeks (SDI). Hasil observasi dan perhitungan data dari sarana dan prasarana penjasorkes menunjukan bahwa nilai aktual (NA) untuk keadaan prasarana di SDLB se-Kabupaten Bener Meriah sebesar 10,48, dan nilai indeks dimensinya adalah 2,99, kemudian telah dihitung nilai indeks SDI sebesar 0,99. hasil tersebut masih dirasakan kurang untuk ruang gerak perorangan yakni 3,5 (m2) per orang. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa keadaan sarana dan prasarana penjasorkes pada SDLB se-Kabupaten Bener Meriah tahun ajaran 2012/2013 belum memenuhi standar untuk kebutuhan pebelajaran penjasorkes
Analysis of Cardiopulmonary Endurance of Basketball Athletes Coached by Gayo Lues Regency
Objectives. This research aims to discover the description of cardiopulmonary endurance in basketball athletes trained by the Gayo Lues district, which will be carried out in 2023. This research is classified as quantitative research using a field test and measurement approach to components of cardiopulmonary endurance.
Materials and Methods. The population in this study were all basketball athletes trained by the Gayo Lues district, totaling 23 athletes consisting of 10 male athletes and 13 female athletes who were taken using saturated sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out using the Harvard step test instrument. The data is then analyzed using average statistical analysis and frequency or percentage distribution analysis.
Results. The research results found that the cardiopulmonary endurance ability of male athletes had an average value of 70.1 and was in the medium category. For female athletes, cardiopulmonary endurance was found to be 65.7 and was in the medium category.
Conclusion. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the cardiopulmonary endurance ability of basketball athletes trained by Gayo Lues district, both male and female athletes, is still in the medium category.
Objectives. This research aims to discover the description of cardiopulmonary endurance in basketball athletes trained by the Gayo Lues district, which will be carried out in 2023. This research is classified as quantitative research using a field test and measurement approach to components of cardiopulmonary endurance.
Materials and Methods. The population in this study were all basketball athletes trained by the Gayo Lues district, totaling 23 athletes consisting of 10 male athletes and 13 female athletes who were taken using saturated sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out using the Harvard step test instrument. The data is then analyzed using average statistical analysis and frequency or percentage distribution analysis.
Results. The research results found that the cardiopulmonary endurance ability of male athletes had an average value of 70.1 and was in the medium category. For female athletes, cardiopulmonary endurance was found to be 65.7 and was in the medium category.
Conclusion. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the cardiopulmonary endurance ability of basketball athletes trained by Gayo Lues district, both male and female athletes, is still in the medium category.
Analisis Tanggung Jawab Syahbandar dalam Pelayaran pada Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan
The purpose of this study was to determine the responsibility of the harbormaster in shipping. This study used an empirical juridical approach. The responsibility of the class II Kendari Harbormaster was very important because of security and safety for matters related to shipping. The harbormaster in his duties had to ensure the awareness of sea transportation service users and had the authority to impose sanctions
Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Facebook dalam Penyebaran Informasi Transportasi ke Publik
Social media has now become one of the basic needs for society in fulfilling information. One of the information media that is often used is Facebook. This research focuses on the use of social media Facebook by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation in disseminating information on transportation sector development to the public. The results of the research found that the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation's Social Media admin was optimal in utilizing Facebook social media as a means of public information with the finding of 1 content a day in the period August-October 2023. However, it was found that the level of public interaction on the Ministry of Transportation's Facebook Account was quite low with comments of visitors continues to show a decline in numbers. This is because people prefer other social media platforms, namely Instagram, which is also owned by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation.
Media sosial saat ini sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi masyarakat dalam pemenuhan informasi. Salah satu media informasi yang sering digunakan adalah Facebook. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pemanfaatan media sosial Facebook oleh Kementerian Perhubungan RI dalam penyebarluasan informasi pembangunan sektor transportasi kepada masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa admin Media Sosial Kemenhub RI sudah optimal dalam memanfaatkan media sosial Facebook sebagai sarana informasi publik dengan temuan 1 konten sehari dalam rentang periode Bulan Agustus-Oktober 2023. Namun demikian ditemukan bahwa tingkat interaksi masyarakat dalam Akun Facebook Kemenhub ini cukup rendah dimana komentar dari pengunjung terus menerus memperlihatkan penurunan jumlah. Hal ini disebabkan masyarakat lebih menyenangi platform media sosial lainnya yaitu Instagram yang juga dimiliki oleh Kemenhub RI.Social media has now become one of the basic needs for society in fulfilling information. One of the information media that is often used is Facebook. This research focuses on the use of social media Facebook by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation in disseminating information on transportation sector development to the public. The results of the research found that the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation's Social Media admin was optimal in utilizing Facebook social media as a means of public information with the finding of 1 content a day in the period August-October 2023. However, it was found that the level of public interaction on the Ministry of Transportation's Facebook Account was quite low with comments of visitors continues to show a decline in numbers. This is because people prefer other social media platforms, namely Instagram, which is also owned by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation.
Media sosial saat ini sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi masyarakat dalam pemenuhan informasi. Salah satu media informasi yang sering digunakan adalah Facebook. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pemanfaatan media sosial Facebook oleh Kementerian Perhubungan RI dalam penyebarluasan informasi pembangunan sektor transportasi kepada masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa admin Media Sosial Kemenhub RI sudah optimal dalam memanfaatkan media sosial Facebook sebagai sarana informasi publik dengan temuan 1 konten sehari dalam rentang periode Bulan Agustus-Oktober 2023. Namun demikian ditemukan bahwa tingkat interaksi masyarakat dalam Akun Facebook Kemenhub ini cukup rendah dimana komentar dari pengunjung terus menerus memperlihatkan penurunan jumlah. Hal ini disebabkan masyarakat lebih menyenangi platform media sosial lainnya yaitu Instagram yang juga dimiliki oleh Kemenhub RI
The Utilization of Soybean as a Catalyst Material in Enzyme-Mediated Calcite Precipitation (EMCP) for Crack Healing Concrete
The effect of using soybean as a catalyst in the Enzyme-Mediated Calcite Precipitation (EMCP) method of crack healing concrete is discussed in this research. The existence of cracks in concrete reduces its quality, therefore, there is the need for repair efforts and one of these is through injection using the EMCP method. This technique employs the plant-derived urease enzyme to catalyze the reaction between calcium chloride (CaCl2) and urea (CH4N2O) towards precipitating calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Its effectiveness was, however, evaluated using a test tube experiment, and the optimum combination of urease, urea, and calcium chloride was selected and used as the preliminary data for the soybean added as a catalyst. Meanwhile, the concrete samples were prepared in the form of 5 cm x 10 cm cylindrical concrete and the crack was made through Universal Testing Machine (UTM) with a controlled area observed to be in the range of ± 0.2-0.3 mm. The injection solution was added to the concrete using the percolation method up to the period the height of the solution was 5 mm above the concrete surface and this was conducted several times with the effect on the concrete cracks evaluated through permeability tests which were used as one of the concrete quality parameters. Moreover, the permeability coefficient value was found to be inversely proportional to the quality and this means a smaller value of the coefficient produced better concrete quality and vice versa. The results showed the total calcite formed in the sample after the 4th injection was 18.3% of the total surface area of the concrete crack and was able to reduce the concrete permeability value by 95.43%. This, therefore, means the use of soybean in the EMCP method is considered feasible to repair concrete cracks
Contribution of Leg Muscle Power and Balance to Shooting Accuracy in SSB Elang Biru Soccer Team Players
The game of soccer fundamentally requires leg muscle power and balance to achieve good shooting accuracy. Shooting accuracy is a basic technique that every player must master, as it is the way to create goals. This research aims to determine the relationship between leg muscle power and shooting accuracy, the relationship between balance and shooting accuracy, and the contribution of leg muscle power and balance to shooting accuracy. This study employs a quantitative approach using simple correlation. The research sample consists of 20 soccer athletes from the SSB Elang Biru team. The instruments used to collect data include test items: 1) leg muscle power using the standing broad jump test, 2) balance using a body balance test, and 3) shooting accuracy using a shooting accuracy test. The research results can be summarised as follows: 1) there is a significant relationship between leg muscle power and shooting accuracy, 2) there is a significant relationship between balance and shooting accuracy, 3) there is a significant contribution of leg muscle power and balance to shooting accuracy in soccer games for the SSB Elang Biru team. These findings indicate that leg muscle power and balance contribute to shooting accuracy in SSB Elang Biru soccer players
Memotret Strategi Bertahan Hidup Kaum Veteran dan Wakawuri di Kota Kendari
Kebaradaan veteran dan wakawuri (janda veteran) terkadang masih kurang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah, walaupun setiap tahun sudah ada sedikit perhatian dari pemerintah terutama di hari-hari kemerdekaan dan perayaan kebangsaan. Sehingga tidak dapat dinafikan bahwa banyak anggota veteran, istri dan para warakawuri (janda veteran) yang ada di Kota Ked2ndari khususnya dan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara secara umum cenderung dekat dengan ketidakberdayaan, keterisolasian dan kemiskinan serta termasuk kelompok lanjut usia (lansia) yang sangat rentan secara fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis a) gambaran kehidupan veteran dan warakawuri (janda veteran) di Kota Kendari dan sekitarnya dan b) strategi bertahan hidup yang harus dilakukan oleh veteran dan warakawuri di Kota Kendari dan sekitarnya. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian dengan menggunakan jenis kualitatif deskriptif dan studi pustaka dengan menerapkan teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa a) para veteran dan warakawuri di Kota Kendari sudah tergolong dalam lansia dengan umur rata-rata 55 tahun, dengan rata-rata memiliki anak berjumlah 4 orang yang sebagian besar sudah bekerja dan mempunyai penghasilan sendiri. Para veteran dan warakawuri juga sudah banyak terbantu dalam hal menerima akses kesehatan karena memiliki kartu BPJS Kesehatan dan b) para veteran dan warakawuri hanya menggunakan strategi pasif dan strategi jaringan dalam dalam bertahan hidup. Dengan demikian bahwa veteran dan warakawuri merupakan warga negara yang punya hak yang sama dengan warga negara lainnya, sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 34 UUD 1945
Efforts to Realize Simultaneous Elections in 2024 with Integrity based on Local Wisdom Values for the Baubau Community
The phenomenon in every implementation of the General Election is the frequent occurrence of violations, be it money politics, black campaigns, vote inflation, etc., so one of the ways to do this is through a cultural approach. In this case that the existence of PO-5 is one of the options in minimizing the occurrence of irregularities in the General Election because the values contained in the PO-5 tradition essentially have relevance to the rules of organizing the General Election, but the difference is at the level of practice in the daily life of the Baubau people. The method used in this research is the data collection technique carried out by the researchers going directly to the field to get the data needed from the community, observers of Buton culture, and the election organizers in terms of The General Election Commission and The General Election Supervisory Agency. The conclusion is that the value of the PO-5 tradition sourced from Sarapataanguuna does not conflict with election rules, Pancasila, (The Indonesian State Ideology) and the 1945 Constitution. In its implementation, the value of PO-5 has not been effective because the community\u27s understanding of the value of PO-5 is still limited to conceptual, then the continuity of the program that has been initiated by the previous government has not been carried out optimally by the current government. Therefore, the authors offer a solution, namely the value of wisdom that has been prevailing in the community can be carried out with pride because it is a very valuable ancestral heritage
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