13 research outputs found
Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Notebook dengan Menggunakan Metode Topsis
Technology developments so rapidly that thinking about a lot of feature and the choice of models on offer. Notebook is a technology equipment that has been chosen to assist in the execution of tasks from school or duties of the office. The form is simple and practical, and comes with some interesting features make Notebook users increasingly more freely given the freedom to be more creative in their ideas of creative -ide owned. Currently there are some interesting deals offered by many electronics companies primarily engaged in the business of selling Notebook. Notebook many choices often makes prospective consumers confused to choose one of the many options offered. The author intends to give recommendations to consumers about the election Notebook. In the selection of twelve criteria, namely, design includes colors, models and extrinsic value. The next criteria is memory, connectors, data transfer and performance criteria being part of the supporting technology. Display and Audio is the next criteria include graphics, sound and Pixcel. The size and position of choice for media input criteria. There are four alternatives used in sorting Notebook, they are Toshiba, Asus, Samsung and HP Method used in the study is Technic for Order preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). With this method is expected to assist in decision making Notebook election. Based on the data obtained through the questionnaire and performed the data processing can be seen from the four alternatives the maximum to meet the set criteria is Toshiba with a value of 0.56
Penerapan Metode Profile Matching dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Hyundai Mobil Indonesia Cabang Kalimalang
Development of Information and Technology gives space to the industry and business global advancement which has function as Planning and Decision. Information Technology goes into the more strategic business of provider. Owners of the provider deal with a reality to take necessary decision. High technology without good human sources is useless. Leader choice from some of the best candidate is objectively referable to decide a leader in suitable position. Recommendation is not the only one guaranty to choose employee as a leader. It should have a way and method as leader alternative election that suitable with needs. At this research, Profile matching method is used alternatively to give assessment and evaluation of key performance index of each employee as a leader recruitment. There are three aspect of conducting assessment and evaluation. They are Intelligence Aspect, Attitude Aspect, and Behavioral Aspect. There are some levels of Intelligence Aspect; creativity, intelectual activity and solution, initiative, concentration and anticipation. Attitude Aspect has accuracy, responsiblity, control sense, motivation, planning, and carefulness. Lastly, Behavioral Aspect consists of subservience, sincerity, indpendent and dynamic, influence. There is a rank changing from candidate after calculating with profile matching method whose employee within K5 code has first position at 6,55 compared with manually calcualting at second position
Faktor Klinis dan Histopatologi Serta Hubungannya dengan Kekambuhan Pascaoperasi pada Pasien Kanker Payudara di RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Januari–Juni 2015
Breast cancer recurrence occurs because of factors such as surgical problem and clinicopathological features. The present study aimed to assess the relation between clinicopathological factors to breast cancer recurrence. Cross sectional design was used to take medical documents of all patients who visited Out Patient Department Soetomo Hospital from January 2015 to June 2015. A total of 228 patients were identified. The rates of breast cancer recurrence were 30%, most of recurrence occurred in first 5 years and the peak was in the first year. There were significant correlations between breast cancer recurrence and the factors observed below: tumor size [p=0.01,PR(95% CI)=1.621(1.086-2.421)]; nodal status 1-3 and ≥ 4 ≥ 4 [respectively p=0.014,PR(95%CI)=1.281(1.030-2.593) ; p=0.011,PR(95%CI) =1.289(1.038-1.601)]; tumor location [p=0.00,PR(95%CI)=2.422(1.576-3.721)]; hospital where the operation performed [p=0.03,PR(95%CI)=1.207(1.026-1.421)]; adjuvant therapy [p=0.00,PR(95%CI)= 4.371(2.231- 8.566)]. However there were no correlations of breast cancer recurrence and age, clinical stage or type of surgery. Conclusion, there are significant correlations between breast cancer recurrence and clinicopathological factors, such as tumor size, nodal status, tumor location, hospital where the operation performed and adjuvant therap
Cirata which has been operated since 27 September1987 and has a priority towards goals as the main support means electrical energy supplier for Java and Bali, It still leaves some issues that have not been completely resolved. Issues include environmental degradation, socioeconomic, policy and regulation, as well as coordination between the relevant parties.
The problems that occur in Cirata were caused by industrial and economic activities around the dam which caused serious pollution, and also by the destruction of the Watershed (DAS) upstream Citarum impact on reducing the quality and quantity of water due to erosion and sedimentation processes.
The study of the management of public enterprises around the reservoir, including the cultivation of fish (KJA), agriculture, animal husbandry, and tourism, are known to still conventional and not integrated with each other. This makes the local economy does not show significant improvement and uncontrolled environmental conditions. To overcome these problems required creative eco-friendly economic model.
Creative economic model that is environmental friendly business activities that is concentrated in aquatic weeds, agrosilvapastural, and ecotourism is expected to be able to overcome economic problems of society. Finally, the network model of the environmental friendly creative economic system, water quality, and quantity issues Cirata can be solved.
Keywords: creative eco-friendly economic model, economic growth, and the quality and quantity of water reservoirs
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Keberhasilan Pemberian Kemoterapi pada Pasien Penderita Kanker Payudara di RSUD Dr.Soetomo dengan Menggunakan Regresi Logistik Ordinal
Tingginya angka kejadian kanker payudara menjadikan beban usaha dan biaya tinggi dalam penyelenggaraan kesehatan, sehingga untuk menurunkan kejadian kanker payudara, penderita melakukan terapi untuk penyembuhan penyakitnya. Salah satu pengobatan kanker payudara adalah kemoterapi. Kemoterapi merupakan proses pengobatan dengan menggunakan obat-obatan yang bertujuan untuk menghancurkan atau memperlambat pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker. Penilaian keberhasilan kemoterapi yang paling mudah adalah dengan mengamati pemberian kemoterapi pada pasien kanker payudara yang mendapat terapi secara neoadjuvant. Dikenal beberapa faktor yang diduga akan mempengaruhi keberhasilan terapi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh faktor-faktor yang diduga tersebut dalam keberhasilan terapi neoadjuvant dengan menggunakan regresi logistik ordinal. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa stadium pasien berpengaruh signifikan (α=30%) terhadap tingkat keberhasilan pemberian kemoterapi
Identification the Availability of P in Land Planted with Corn on Volcanic, Karst and Acid Soils in Indonesia
Indonesia has many low fertile soils so that agricultural productivity is not optimal. Indonesia is currently challenged by corn self-sufficiency, with a target to increase corn production by 1 t ⋅ ha−1. However, one of the major constraints of land for corn production is a low P availability. To support the increase in production, and provide a database of potential production, the identification of corn land that has P availability problems is extremely required. In this study, the approaches are to observe the distribution of soil parent material from geological maps, soil maps to determine the type of soil, statistical data from the statistics bureau to get the center area of corn, and field observations. From the survey conducted, we found that most of the land evolvedfrom volcanic material, karst material, and acid soils are the soils with a problem of P. However, some areas of the soils showed a high P availability. Further identification of P availability in acid, volcanic, and karst soils needs to be done so that the database of potential corn production can be structured as a basis of corn land management policies in Indonesia.
Keywords: Acid soils, Corn, Karst, P availability, Volcani
Rancang Bangun Program Ujian Online pada SMP Saronggi 2 dengan WebSite Design Method
Pelaksanaan ujian pada SMP Saronggi 2 masih menggunakan cara lama dimana guru akan membagikan soal dan lembar jawaban yang akan digunakan oleh siswa dalam menjawab soal. Untuk menggandakan soal dan lembar jawaban diperlukan banyak kertas. Setelah ujian , guru membutuhkan waktu untuk pemeriksaan dan rekap nilai ujian minimal 2 sampai 3 hari. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah sistem sebagai alternative dalam penyelenggaraan ujian agar lebih efektif dan efesien. Melalui pemanfaatan teknologi komputer pelaksanaan ujian pada SMP 2 Saronggi dapat dilaksanakan secara online. Ada beberapa keuntungan yang didapatkan seperti penggunaan kertas yang banyak dapat dikurangi , hasil Nilai ujian dapat langsung dilihat oleh guru serta menekan tindakan kecurangan oleh siswa seperti mencontek pada saat ujian . Rancang Bangun pembuatan aplikasi ujian online menggunakan metode web Site Design Method (WSDM). Melalui pendekatan pengguna yang terpusat dalam pengembangan website dan pemenuhan akan informasi dari kelompok pengguna yang telah ditentukan. Pengujian website dilakukan dengan menggunakan Aplikasi software WAPT 9.7. dalam pengujian ini akan didapatkan informasi kehandalan kinerja dengan tingkat keberhasilan user berhasil hit akses dan masuk kesistem dengan waktu 1,43 detik dan penggunaan data bandwith per user memiliki waktu 2,91 kbit/s Untuk pengiriman data dan waktu respon minimal 0,56 detik, dan waktu maksimal 2,5 detik . sedangn untuk waktu rata-rata diterirna 0,60 detik. pada aplikasi ujian Online SMP 2 Saronggi
Gambaran Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien yang Akan Menjalani Operasi Bedah Jantung di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang
Background: Anxiety happens as the normal reaction of stressor and last for a moment. Anxiety may be experienced by patients who will undergo cardiac surgery.
Objective: This study aimed to describe the anxiety that experienced by patients who will undergo cardiac surgery at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang.
Methods: This descriptive study used Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) to measure the respondents' anxiety rating scale and their responses during cardiac surgery. Thirty respondents were included in this study in Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang.
Results: All of the respondents that have been interviewed experienced various levels of anxiety; 8 respondents (26,7%) experienced mild anxiety, 18 respondents (60%) experienced moderate anxiety and 4 respondents (13,3%) experienced severe anxiety.
Conclusion: This study concluded that all of the respondents who will undergo cardiac surgery in Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang experienced anxiety.
Keywords: Anxiety, cardiac surgery, Dr. Kariadi Hospital
Latar Belakang: Kecemasan muncul sebagai reaksi normal terhadap situasi yang sangat menekan dan berlangsung sebentar. Perasaan cemas mungkin akan dirasakan oleh sebagian besar pasien yang akan menjalani bedah jantung.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kecemasan pasien yang akan menjalani operasi bedah jantung di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan kuesioner HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) kepada responden untuk mengukur respon dan menilai tingkat kecemasan menjalani operasi bedah jantung. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 30 responden di RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang.
Hasil: 30 responden telah diwawancarai semua mengalami kecemasan dengan berbagai tingkatan sebagai berikut; 8 responden (26,7%) memiliki tingkat kecemasan ringan, 18 responden (60%) memiliki tingkat kecemasan sedang dan 4 responden (13,3%) memiliki tingkat kecemasan berat.
Kesimpulan: Seluruh responden yang akan menjalani operasi bedah jantung di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang mengalami kecemasan.
Kata Kunci: Kecemasan, operasi bedah jantung, RSUP Dr. Kariad