23 research outputs found
Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai
This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and emotional intelligence to employee performance. The research sample was determined by proportional random sampling method. Research data collection techniques by spreading questionnaires to employees of villages in the city of Semarang systematically arranged with multiple choice answers are easy to understand. The research sample is determined by slovin numbered 90 people. Previously conducted research with the instrument test validity and reliability. This study uses multiple linear regression model. The research proves that there is a positive and significant impact either partially or simultaneously motivation and emotional intelligence to employee performance
Pembuatan Video Profil Tempat Wisata Unggulan Di Klaten Sebagai Media Promosi
Klaten Regency is one that is growing and has a wide range of tourism potential that can be utilized as a field of income for the government and local residents, and the media to promote arguably still lacking modern Klaten.And if the media campaign attractions made in the form of video, marketing would be easier and more interesting ones can be uploaded to a social network dedicated to sharing videos Youtube and Metacafe. Agar example tourism potential in Klaten could evolve and be a field for Klaten government and local residents.Multimedia is derived from the Latin word derived from the word "multi" means many and "medium" which means intermediaries. Multimedia can be defined as the use of multiple, different media for mengagabungkan graphics, animation, and video, to communicate information in the form of text, audio
Demokrasi dan Kesejahteraan
Teori yang menyatakan bahwa faktor-faktor ekonomis suatu Negara sangat mempengaruhi kepolitikannyaterdiri dari dua versi yang berbeda. Pertama, adalah hipotesis rezim (regime hypothesis) yang berpendapatbahwa kestabilan institusi-institusi demokrasi di suatu negara dipengaruhi atau dikondisikan olehtingkat kelimpahannya. Rezim demokrasi hanya bertahan di negara-negara kaya, sehingga GDP perkapita, menurut hipotesis ini, menentukan kelanggengan demokrasi. Kedua adalah hipotesis kebijakan(policy hypothesis) yang menegaskan profil kebijakan publik dari suatu negara ditentukan oleh tingkatkekayaannya. Jadi, apa yang disebut sebagai negara kesejahteraan itu hanya akan muncul di negaranegarayang perekonomiannya sudah mapan dan makmur, jadi di sini GDP per kapita dianggapmenentukan kualitas maupun konfigurasi kebijakan suatu negara. Studi tentang sistem-sistem politik ataunegara-negara demokrasi merupakan bagian dari bidang studi ilmu politik komparatif (comparativepolitics) yang semakin diminati sejak dekade ini
Pengaruh Perbedaan Suhu Perebusan Dan Konsentras Naoh Terhadap Kualitas Bubuk Tulang Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata)
The purpose of this research was to observe the quality of snake head fish bone powder using different boiling temperature and NaOH concentration.The Factorial Randomized Block Design was used with two factors of treatment and 2 replications. The different boiling temperatures (60 0C, 650C, 700C) and three different NaOH concentrations (Control 0%, NaOH 2%, NaOH 4% and NaOH 6%). The parameters were yield, whiteness, density, solubility and calcium content. The result showed that the treatments significantly effected the yield (43.98%-97.47%), whiteness (47.6-58.48%) density (0.51–0.67 g/ml), solubility(11.38-23.76%) and calcium content (16.86-22.77%)
Analisis Gempabumi Mikro (Microearthquakes) Di Kompleks Gunung Ijen, Jawa Timur
Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap aktifitas gempabumi mikro gunungapi Ijen, Jawa Timur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan sebaran posisi sumber gempabumi mikro yang terjadi di gunungapi Ijen. Meskipun sistem perekaman seismik Gunung Ijen terdiri dari 6 buah stasiun permanen, namun dalam penelitian ini hanya digunakan 4 stasiun yaitu Terowongan (TRWI), IJEN, Kawah Ijen (KWUI) dan POSI. Kemudian rekaman seismik dari ketiga stasiun tersebut diseleksi berdasarkan magnitudonya sehingga diperoleh sinyal gempabumi mikro. Sinyal-sinyal yang telah terseleksi kemudian ditentukan waktu tiba gelombang s dan p. Dari data ts-tp yang diperoleh maka dapat ditentukan sebaran posisi sumber gempanya. Dari aktivitas gempabumi mikro dalam kurun waktu Desember 2011 sampai Juli 2012 diperoleh karakteristik gempabumi mikro Gunung Ijen mempunyai kandungan frekuensi antara 0.5 hingga 3.5 Hz, magnitudo gempa antara 0.6 hingga 2.9, beda waktu tiba gelombang s dan p (ts-tp) berkisar antara 3 hingga 10 sekon dengan sebaran episenter dominan di timur Gunung Ijen dan hiposenter yang mempunyai kedalaman gempa7 Km hingga 50 Km
Path-Integral Formulation of Casimir Effects in Supersymmetric Quantum Electrodynamics
The Casimir effect is an interesting phenomenon in the sense that it provides
us with one of the primitive means of extracting the energy out of the vacuum.
Since the original work of Casimir a number of works have appeared in extending
the result to the case of more general topological and dynamical configurations
of the boundary condition and to the circumstances at finite temperature and
gravity. In the studies of the Casimir effects it is common to assume the free
electromagnetic field in the bounded region. It may be interesting to extend
our arguments for fields other than the electromagnetic field. The Casimir
effect due to the free fermionic fields has been investigated by several
authors and has been found to result in an attractive force under the suitable
physical boundary conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, REVTe