11 research outputs found
Aplikasi Jamur Antagonis Trichoderma Viride terhadap Pengurangan Intensitas Serangan Penyakit Hawar Daun Serta Hasil Tanaman Kentang
The objective of this research was to studi ability of Trichoderma sp. fungal antagonist on reduction leaf blight intensity disease and potato yield. The in vivo experiment was carried out at potato land area located at BALITSA in Cikole Sub District, Lembang District and Bandung Regency. Completely Randomized Design was used with six treatment and five replicates. The treatment tested consist of control (without pathogen fungal and antagonists fungus application too), control (with pathogen fungal application and without antagonist fungal application), chemical fungicide application, antagonist fungal application 2 weeks before planting, application 1 week after planting and both application 2 weeks before and 1 week after planting. Result of the research showed that application of antagonists fungal could decrease disease intensity and tended to improve crop potato yield. Research repeatment with more quantity pouring the antagonist was needed. These antagonist could be used as biological agents initials to control leaf blight disease
Gambaran Sanitasi Tempat Berdagang Warung Penyet Di Kecamatan Tembalang
District Tembalang is one of the sub-district in the city of Semarang with many colleges so that there are many penyet restaurant. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the contamination of Salmonella sp on a vegetables penyet in District Tembalang, Semarang City. This study is observational analytical survey method using cross sectional design. These samples included 40 penyet restaurant observed water and vegetables fresh vegetables supplied to consumers. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution and bivariate with chi square test. The results showed the storage of vegetables vegetables using plastic bags (50%); the basket (27.5%) and sacks (22.5%). Sanitation trade places category is good (57.5%). There is a statistically significant relationship between sanitation trade places (p = 0.006) with Salmonella sp contamination in fresh vegetables. Traders are paying less attention sanitation and personal hygiene as well as a sanitation vegetables can contaminate vegetables in the vegetable vegetables Salmonella sp. Penyet restaurant traders should begin to attention about hygiene and sanitation where trade, personal hygiene when to trade, and improve the way the vegetable washing vegetables to reduce the risk of contamination of Salmonella sp
The Resistance of Potatoes by Application of
Leaf blight disease caused by pathogenic fungus Phytophthora infestans is the major disease in potato that can reduce its production up to 100%. The use of biological agent Trichoderma viride as an inducing potato resistance against leaf blight disease has been considered potential method. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of biological agent Trichoderma viride in inducing potato plant resistance. The parameters observed were the growth of the potato plant and leaf blight intensity. Experimental research with complete randomized design with 6 treatments was applied. The results showed that the application of Trichoderma viride could reduce the intensity of leaf blight disease and increase the growth of the potato plant. Trichoderma viride application could improve the systemic resistance of potato plants
Effects of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Trichoderma SP. on Potato Growth on Medium Plains
The potato is a horticultural commodity with a high economic value and a consistent selling price. Indonesian potato production, however, remains lower than that of other Asian countries. One reason for this is that environmental sustainability has influenced the expansion of potato cultivation on a plateau, so medium plains have become an alternative. Aside from high-quality seeds, using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Trichoderma sp. as an organic fertilizer is a strategic effort to boost potato yields on medium plains. The focus of this research was to examine how PGPR and Trichoderma sp. affect the growth of potatoes on medium plains. This study was carried out in Temanggung and Sawangan, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, at an altitude of 480 m.a.s.l, using the a complete random design with four different treatments: P0 = control, Treatment P1 = PGPR 20 ml/10 liter water, Treatment P2 = PGPR 40 ml/10 liter water, Treatment P3 = Trichoderma 80 gram/10 liter water, Treatment P4 = Trichoderma 150 gram/10 liter water, and Treatment P5 = PGPR 20 ml/10 liter water + Trichoderma 80 gram/10 liter water. The study found that a combination of PGPR and Trichoderma sp. treatment resulted in better growth than a single PGPR treatment.
Keywords: biopesticide, organic fertilizer, PGP
The Resistance of Potatoes by Application of Trichoderma viride Antagonists Fungus
Leaf blight disease caused by pathogenic fungus Phytophthora infestans is the major disease in potato that can reduce its production up to 100%. The use of biological agent Trichoderma viride as an inducing potato resistance against leaf blight disease has been considered potential method. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of biological agent Trichoderma viride in inducing potato plant resistance. The parameters observed were the growth of the potato plant and leaf blight intensity. Experimental research with complete randomized design with 6 treatments was applied. The results showed that the application of Trichoderma viride could reduce the intensity of leaf blight disease and increase the growth of the potato plant. Trichoderma viride application could improve the systemic resistance of potato plants
Produksi Serbuk Jamu Instan dengan Alat Kristalisasi di UMKM Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Kabupaten Semarang
Serbuk jamu merupakan obat tradisional berbentuk serbuk berisi seluruh bahan tanaman yang menjadi penyusun jamu tersebut yang disediakan dan digunakan secara tradisional. Terdapat 2 buah UMKM yaitu UMKM “Tiga Dara” dan UMKM “Berliana” yang produktif secara ekonomis dengan memproduksi berupa serbuk jamu sebagai minuman kesehatan. Serbuk jamu instan yang diproduksi oleh UMKM Tiga Dara dan UMKM Berliana meliputi serbuk instan jahe, kunyit, temulawak, mahkota dewa, kencur, kunir putih, kunir asem, dll. Selama ini proses produksi serbuk jamu instan, dilakukan secara manual dan konvensional sehingga membutuhkan banyak tenaga serta hasil produksinya terbatas. Oleh karenanya perlu adanya mekanisasi khususnya pada pengkristalan serbuk jamu instan tersebut. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas produksi serbuk jamu instan yang tergabung dalam UMKM ”Tiga Dara” dan UMKM ”Berliana” melalui produksi serbuk jamu instan menggunakan alat kristalisasi. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan program adalah pelatihan produksi serbuk jamu instan dengan alat kristalisasi, membuat standar operasional proses (SOP) produksi , membuat SOP sanitasi dan hygiene produksi serbuk jamu instan serta SOP keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah tercapainya keterampilan kedua UMKM dalam mengelola empon-empon menjadi produk serbuk jamu instan, higienis yang sesuai persyaratan BPOM dan telah mempunyai SOP produksi serbuk jamu instan dengan alat kristalisasi, SOP sanitasi dan hygiene produksi serbuk jamu instan serta SOP keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja