12 research outputs found
Pusat Pengembangan Karir (P2K) Universitas Widyagama dibentuk berdasarkan Peraturan Universitas Widyagama Malang Nomor 1 tahun 2013 pasal 42 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kelola. Pusat Pengembangan Karir merupakan lembaga penunjang universitas yang melaksanakan pengembangan aktivitas kemahasiswaan di bidang karir, pembelajaran kompetensi dan softskill dan bursa kerja. Tracer Studi telah menjadi instrumen evaluasi proses pendidikan dan pengembangan Lembaga. Tujuan jangka panjang pelaksanaan Tracer Studi di Universitas Widyagama Malang adalah menyediakan pangkalan data lulusan yang up to date dan dapat diakses oleh unit-unit yang berkepentingan untuk mendapatkan gambaran peta lulusan terhadap dunia kerja, kesenjangan kompetensi lulusan dengan dunia kerja serta gambaran perkembangan karier (penyerapan, proses dan posisi) lulusan pada dunia kerja. Pusat Pengembangan Karir (P2K) yang salah satu tugasnya adalah mengkoordinasi dan melaksanakan Tracer studi. Selain itu P2K juga melaksanakan fungsi sebagai Pembinaan dan pengelolaan pengembangan karir dan bursa kerja dan lain-lain. Jumlah Responden dalam pelacakan tracer studi tahun 2018 sebesar 138 dari Target Populasi sebesar 249 dan Target subyeknya sebesar 205 dari Alumni tahun 2016. Hal ini dapat diketahui bahwa ada peningkatan Gros Response Rate pada pelacakan alumni tahun 2018 yaitu sebesar 55, 42 % dibandingkan dengan pada tahun 2017 sebesar 53.14%, sedangkan pada tahun 2018 untuk Net Response Rate didapatkan sebesar  67.32
Implementasi Sinici Kudo Apps pada Peternakan Kelinci Peci P’Rama di Kabupaten Tulungagung
Broiler rabbits have a very high potential to improve the community's economy. In addition, rabbits can also be a potential source of animal protein as an alternative food for the community. Peci P'Rama (Home Broiler Rabbit Breeder) is a broiler rabbit farming business initiated in October 2017. The problems of Peci P'Rama in running a broiler rabbit farm, among others: have not carried out the codification/identification of broiler rabbits owned according to standards, and the financial management carried out is not well organized and structured. In solving the problems faced by Peci P'Rama partners, the implementing team designs activity methods for problem-solving: Planning, Analysis, Problem Identification, Design, Implementation, Testing and Integration, Training and Mentoring, Maintenance, Evaluation of the Use of Indonesia's Leading Rabbit Farm Information System (SiNiCi Kudo) Mobile Based. Based on the results of the Sinici Kudo application on the Peci P'Rama rabbit farm, it can be concluded that with the implementation of the Sinici Kudo application on the P'Rama rabbit farm, an increase in rabbit productivity and financial management went well and was recorded neatly.ABSTRAKTernak kelinci pedaging memiliki potensi yang sangat tinggi dalam meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Selain itu, ternak kelinci juga dapat sebagai potensi sumber protein hewani alternatif pengan bagi masyarakat. Peci P’Rama (Peternak Kelinci Pedaging Rumahan) merupakan usaha ternak kelinci pedaging yang dirintis sejak Bulan Oktober Tahun 2017. Permasalahan Peci P’Rama dalam menjalankan peternakan kelinci pedaging, antara lain : belum melakukan kodifikasi/pemberian identitas pada kelinci pedaging yang dimiliki sesuai standar, pengelolaan keuangan yang dilakukan belum tertata dan terstruktur baik. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra Peci P’Rama, maka tim pelaksana merancang metode kegiatan untuk penyelesaian permasalahan : Planning, Analisis dan Identifikasi Masalah, Desain, Implementasi, Ujicoba dan Integrasi, Pelatihan dan Pendampingan, Maintanance, Evaluasi Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Peternakan Kelinci Unggulan Indonesia (SiNiCi Kudo) Berbasis Mobile. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi aplikasi sinici kudo pada peternakan kelinci Peci P’Rama, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan implementasi Aplikasi Sinici Kudo pada peternakan kelinci P’Rama didapatkan peningkatan produktifitas ternak kelinci dan pengelolaan keuangan berjalan dengan baik dan tercatat dengan rapi.Kata Kunci : ternak kelinci, Sinici kudo, kodefikasi, Keuanga
The Technology Acceptance of Intelligent Silaturrahmi-based Collaboration Gamification Mechanic (ISb-GM) in Small Medium Enterprise
This study evaluated the technology acceptance level of the proposed collaboration gamification framework based on the cultural principle "Silaturrahmi" and intelligent system (ISb-GM). This study uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) to evaluate user acceptance of the ISb-GM framework by adding four attributes from the collaboration's parameter. 36 hypotheses are formulated with a sample of 293 respondents. Proving the hypothesis resulted in 29 hypotheses being accepted, while seven were rejected. These results suggest that the proposed framework is generally accepted. In comparison, the rejected hypothesis informs that technology needs to be applied more extended and continuously so that users can learn more about it and feel the benefits. This research has two implications. Firstly, SME developers can consider and implement this proposed framework in their communities to improve collaboration performance. Second, gamification technology developers can consider and improvise proposed gamification mechanics to develop collaboration mechanics for various fields
“KOMET TAHES” merupakan inovasi kopi tetapi sebagai bahan dasar nya menggunakan kacang mete yang disangrai dan sebagai aroma kopi kita menggunakan daun kopi, sehingga aman bagi penderita asam lambung karena kandungan kafein pada daun kopi sangat rendah. Dan kacang mete sendiri memiliki segudang manfaat yang baik bagi tubuh. Sejauh yang kami tahu melalui survei di internet masih sedikit sekali yang menciptakan produk kopi dengan kadar kafein yang rendah, oleh karena itu kami menciptakan produk Komet Tahes (kopi mete sehat) dengan bahan dasar utama kacang mete yang kaya manfaat bagi tubuh dengan target pasar yang kami dibidik untuk mengawali bisnis ini yaitu semua masyarakat wilayah Malang raya dan sekitarnya, khusus nya untuk daerah yang memiliki penggemar kopi tinggi.Kunggulan produk kopi yang kami hasilkan rendah kafein karena dibuat dengan bahan dasar kacang mete dan daun kopi yang rendah kafein dan kaya manfaat bagi kesehatan
Performance Comparison Of Collaborative-Filtering Approach With Implicit And Explicit Data
Challenge in developing a collaborative filtering (CF)-based recommendation system is the problem of cold-starting of items that causes the data to sparse and reduces the accuracy of the recommendations. Therefore, to produce high accuracy a match is needed between the types of data and the approach used. Two approaches in CF include user-based and item-based CFs, both of which can process two types of data; implicit and explicit data. This work aims to find a combination of approaches and data types that produce high accuracy. Cosine-similarity is used to measure the similarity between users and also between items. Mean Absolute Error is also measured to discover the accuracy of a recommendation. Testing of three groups of data based on sparseness results in the best accuracy in an explicit data-based approach that has the smallest MAE value. The result is that the average MAE value for user based (implicit data) is 0.1032, user based (explicit data) is 0.2320, item based (implicit data) is 0.3495, and item based (explicit data) is 0.0926. The best accuracy is in the item-based (explicit-data) approach which is the smallest average MAE value
BURUH WANITA PEKERJA “Fresh Vegetables dan Fruits Agribisnis” di PT RODEO MALANG (Studi Mikro Analisis Gender dan Metode Proba untuk Mendukung Pengarustamaan Gender)
Ideologi gender yang disosialisasikan oleh masyarakat merupakan system nilai dan norma yang mempengaruhi posisi maupun hubungan wanita dengan pria atau lingkungan. Ikut sertanya wanita kedalam pasar tenaga kerja membawa konsekwensi kepada peran yang memaksa wanita memperpanjang waktu kerja. Jam kerja panjang, beban kerja berat, terkadang pada malam hari serta mitra kerja kaum pria yang menurut sebagian masyarakat adalah kurang sesuai, apalagi wanita yang sudah keluarga. Metode penelitian dengan metode penelitian berperspektif feminis. Penentuan contoh semua responden pekerja wanita di RODEO, selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskripsi dan gender. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir 100 % responden usia produktif dan hanya ada 1 orang yang berusia diatas 40 tahun inipun bagian yang memasak untuk menyiapkan makanan para pekerja. untuk tingkat pendidikan sebagian besar minimal SLTA. Hasil analisis gender bahwa wanita mencurahkan waktunya untuk kerja produktif dan juga bekerja dimalam hari karena memang jenis pekerjaan harus dilakukan dimalam hari juga sebab pagi mulai jam 03.00 komoditi sayur dan buah harus segera dikirim dibeberapa pulau lewat ekspedisi juga lewat udara /pesawat terbang. Namun pemberi kerja tidak memaksa untuk bekerja malam hari tetapi konsekwensinya harus siap bekerja jika sudah bersedia bekerja di Rodeo
<p>In 2004 – 2007 university graduated
unemployment reach more than 50% compared with Diploma graduated unemployment.
In this situation, unemployment problem will impact negatively to social
stability. This condition is supported by fact that the most of university
graduated unemployment are job seekers than job creators. It is happened
because learning system in universities is focused on how to prepare the
students graduate fast and get job, not
to prepare them as job creator. So, it’s very important for universities to
motivate their students be young entrepreneurs. One effort to overcome and prevent unemployment among
the educated, especially the students, is a need to prepare for entrepreneurial
generation seriously since elementary school. It will create the young generation as job
creators, not job seekers. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Changing students’ mindset from job seeker
to be job creator is not easy. At least there are two ways for changing
students’ mind set, namely developing an entrepreneurship curriculum and
entrepreneurship project. The entrepreneurship curriculum need to ensure
contact/interaction with the real world, balance between knowledge and the
application, have long term orientation and fulfill all relevant stakeholders.
In the other side, entrepreneurship project is an effective way to change
mindset and develop entrepreneurship traits and life skill. It gives students
real and personal entrepreneurship experience, an opportunity to test a
business, training to manage success and failure. </p><p><br></p><p>Wiwin Purnomowati and <strong>Iwan Nugroho</strong>. 2010. <a href="http://widyagama.ac.id/iwan-nugroho/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/349760083-Wiwin-Purnomowati-Iwan-Nugroho-Entrepreneurship-Education-is-a-Must.pdf">Entrepreneurship Education is a must</a>. <a href="http://www.ciel-sbm-itb.com/iicies/2010/index.html" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">The 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2010)</a> “Developing Technopreneurship and Entrepreneurial Small Businesses: A Key to Sustainable Future” Held by Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (CIEL), School of Business and Management (SBM), Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Indonesia. July 11-15, 2010, Serpong, Tangerang, Indonesia <br></p
Tujuan makalah ini adalah menjelaskan sebab akibat antara theory of planned behavior dengan entrepreneurial intentions. Pendekatan ekplanatory dengan populasi dan sampel mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Widyagama Malang sebanyak 220 responden menggunakan teknik random sampling. pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. sedangkan alat analisis menggunakan software Smart-PLS 3. Temuan penelitian pertama menunjukkan bahwa attitude toward entrepreneurship berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap entrepreneurial intentions. Kedua, subjective norms berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap entrepreneurial intentions. Ketiga, subjective norms berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap entrepreneurial intentions
Kata kunci: theory of planned behavior, attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, entrepreneurial intentions
The purpose of this paper is to explain the causation between the theory of planned behavior and entrepreneurial intentions. The explanatory approach with the population and sample of students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyagama University of Malang as many as 220 respondents used random sampling techniques. data collection using questionnaires. while the analysis tool uses Smart-PLS 3 software. The findings of the first study show that attitude towards entrepreneurship has a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Second, subjective norms have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Third, subjective norms have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions
Keywords: theory of planned behavior, attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, entrepreneurial intention
Entrepreneurship Ability On Ecotourism Services Of Local People In Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia
<p><i>Entrepreneurship</i><i> is the key word for the
local population able to run
ecotourism services. Ecotourism services as an
economic approach, to optimize the benefits from
the social aspects and ecology. Ecotourism should
be interpreted as farming that could
provide jobs, and
generate revenue.</i></p>
<p><i>The study aims to measure an entrepreneurial capacity
of local people in economic activities. </i><i>The survey has been conducted on the
Ngadas and Ranu Pane village, under the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
(BTSNP) area authority. Ecotourism products
and services in BTSNP is
diverse, ranging from ocean sand scenery
and the crater of
Bromo, Semeru ascent, flora and fauna, to the
culture of Kasodo
and Karo.</i></p>
<p><i>In</i><i> Ngadas and Ranu Pane village,
local people of the Tengger or Javanese tribes able to play a role in transportation
service, lodging, food and beverage stalls
or packaging of
traditional cultural attractions. Ecotourism business is
run with simple management. </i></p>
<p><i>The analysis
method of farming option (farm or ecotourism) used a binary logistic
regression. Results showed that variables of facilities, experiences and and
entrepreneurship score showed a positive relationship significantly to effect
tendency of the mixed farming, each with a coefficient of 1.1522, 1.6928 and
0.15599. The three variables become a source of inspiration for local people
into the entrepreneurial learning process and forming productive behavior in
the ecotourism development. </i></p><p><i><br></i></p><p>Purnomowati, W., <strong>I. Nugroho</strong> dan P. D. Negara. 2012. <a href="http://www.essex.ac.uk/conferences/ief/11th/3-ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Entrepreneurship Ability On Ecotourism Services Of Local People In Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia</a> . <a href="http://www.essex.ac.uk/conferences/ief/11th/index.html" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">11th International Entrepreneurship Forum (11th IEF) Conference Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: From Lifestyles to Innovative Enterprises in Creative and Sustainable Environments</a>, <a href="http://www.essex.ac.uk/conferences/ief/11th/title page.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Volume 2, ISSN: 2222-7318</a>. 3-6 September 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 458-473<i><br></i></p>
<p> </p