55 research outputs found
Transfer of PUFA fatty acid protected and carnitin precursor on the ration of chemical composition of milk dairy goat
The experiment was conducted to investigate
the effect of transfer of PUFA protected and car-
nitin precursor on the ration of chemical com-
position of milk dairy goat. In total, 10 female
dairy goats of 2 - 4 years old Peranakan Etawah
(PE) with body weight of 25 - 45 kg were used in
this experiment. The feed material included a
basal diet (control) based on yellow corn, rice
bran, soya bean meal, coconut meal, tuna fish
oil and lemuru fish oil. The method of the re-
search was experimental in vivo using Ran-
domized Completely Block Design (RCBD).
There were 5 treatments in each experiment and
2 replications. The treatment consisted of P0 =
control ration, P1 = P0 + 200 ppm L-carnitine on
the ration, P2 = P1 + soya bean oil, P3 = P1 + pro-
tected tuna fish oil 5 ml or equal with 4% in the
ration, and P4 = P1 + protected lemuru fish oil 5
ml or equal with 4% in the ration. The measured
variable is chemical composition of milk dairy
goat. The results of variance analysis showed
that the effect of transfer of PUFA fatty acid in
the rations contained 200 ppm L-carnitine sig-
nificantly (P < 0.01) affecting the chemical com-
position of milk dairy goat. This research con-
cluded that the transfer of PUFA fatty acid pro-
tected in the ration containing 200 ppm L-car-
nitine can decrease milk cholesterol from 0.19%
to 0.12%, LDL from 33.34 to 23.13 mg/dl, lipid
from 4.53% to 3.76% then to increase omega-3
fatty acid from 1.00% to 3.94%, omega-6 fatty
acid from 1.46% to 18.80%
The Influence of Different Characteristic Demographics of Beef Cattle Farmers on Adoption of Concentrate and UMMB Technology
This research aimed to find out the influence of different demographic characteristics of beef cattle farmers on adoption of concentrate and UMMB (Urea Mineral Molasses Block) technology. The method employed was a descriptive quantitative with survey technique conducted on beef cattle farmers. The sample was selected using convenience sampling method, with 65 beef cattle farmers as the sample. The primary data was obtained from questionnaire and interview with 65 beef cattle farmers. The secondary data was obtained from Karanganyar Regency’s Central Statistic Agency. The data analysis employed included descriptive analysis, validity, reliability, and Oneway ANOVA tests. The results showed that the different demographic characteristics of beef cattle farmers (age, education, main job, job duration, breeding business status and cattle number owned) influence the adoption of concentrate and UMMB technology. The conclusion of research was that the demographic characteristics of beef cattle farmers showed different effects on the adoption of concentrate and UMMB technology
E-learning adoption in the banking workplace in Indonesia: an empirical study
The main purpose of this study is to determine whether the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) could be
extended to include external variables including computer self-efficacy, prior experience, computer anxiety,
management support and compatibility, to further understand the learners’ perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use of an e-learning system. The study also aims to clarify which factors are more influential in affecting
the decision to use e-learning. Five factors were examined together with the TAM construct using the SEM
(Structural Equation Modeling) technique. The study reveals that management support, prior experience,
computer anxiety and compatibility have predictive power towards behavioral intention to use e-learning
systems. The results gained from this study, which took place in the banking workplace in Indonesia, provide
a conceptual framework for individuals and organizations to better understand the critical factors which
influence e-learning acceptance in developing countries
Why is understanding customer attitude toward 4Ps marketing mix important? The case of the livestock input industry in Indonesia
One of the main issues of agricultural development in Indonesia was marketing of agricultural products.
It was not only due to the weakness of agricultural marketing policy, but also lack of research,
particularly research related to the costumer’s attitude of marketing mix. Understanding of costumer’s
attitude of marketing mix was really important. Many literatures indicated that one of the advantages of
this was to design the marketing mix strategy. The main purposes of this study were, first, to evaluate
the customer’s attitude toward marketing mix among distinct market segments of livestock input
industry, and second, to examine the influence of demographic variables on customer attitude toward
marketing mix. The methodology used in this study was survey method through distribute of
questionnaire to respondents. Respondent of this study was poultry livestock farmer who have used
company feed product and kept livestock in Java Island, Indonesia. The findings of this study revealed
that, first, the three market segments were perceived differently and second, there was no significance
difference among various demographic variables. This finding showed the importance of market
segmentation to determine the appropriate strategy. Eventually, this research provided guidance for
agribusiness managers to investigate deeply the customers understanding, preferences and
Key words: Customer’s attitude, marketing mix, livestock input industry
Identifikasi Jenis Gulma di Perkebunan Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) Pada Umur yang Berbeda
This study aimed to determine the composition, dominance, diversity, richness, and distribution patterns of weeds in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations at different ages. The study was conducted from June to July 2022 in Saripi Village, Paguyaman Sub District, Boalemo Regency. In collecting the data, observations were made by identifying the types and counting the number of weeds in each type. The results showed that the species composition and number of weeds in a 7-year-old rubber plantation, namely 20 species of weeds with a total of 648 and were dominated by weed Ageratum conyzoides L. Furthermore, in a rubber plantation with the age of 9 years, the composition of types and number of weeds obtained was 22 species with a total of 461 and were dominated by weed Parietaria officinalis. On the other hand, a 11-year-old of rubber plantation, there were 18 types of weeds with a total of 435 and were dominated by weed Laportea aestuans L. At last, regarding the composition of the types and number of individual weeds in the rubber plantation aged 13 years, there were 10 types of weeds with a total of 260 which were dominated by Laportea aestuans L. Therefore, the dominance index in rubber plantations at different ages was dominated by several types of weeds. The diversity index in rubber plantations at different ages has moderate criteria. However, the species' richness index in rubber plantations at different ages has a low criterion. Thus, the distribution pattern in rubber plantations at different ages has a clustered distribution pattern
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program Blue Carbon Sebagai Aksi Mitigasi Iklim Guna Membangun Ketahanan Blue Economy Di Masyarakat Pesisir
Indonesia berada pada peringkat 9 dari 10 negara yang paling rentan terhadap ancaman keamanan pangan akibat dampak perubahan iklim. Temuan ilmiah terbaru mengenai dampak perubahan iklim di lautan, seperti pemanasan laut, pengasaman, deoksigenasi, kenaikan permukaan air laut dan meningkatnya aktivitas badai, serta bagaimana dampak ini membuat orang lebih rentan terhadap migrasi dan pemindahan. Upaya program Blue Carbon dan Blue Economy dapat terintegrasi dengan kegiatan pengelolaan lingkungan yang telah dilaksanakan masyarakat di tingkat lokal dengan memperhatikan faktor risiko iklim dan dampak perubahan iklim yang mungkin terjadi. Tempat pelaksanaan KKN Tematik UNG ini di desa Panca Karsa 2 kecamatan Taluditi kabupaten Pohuwato propinsi Gorontalo. Waktu pelaksanaan mulai 3 September 2020 hingga 18 Oktober 2020. Jumlah mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan KKN tematik ini berjumlah 29 mahasiswa dari berbagai program studi yang ada di UNG yang dibawah bimbingan 3 dosen pembimbing lapangan. Bentuk program yang akan dilaksanakan oleh peserta KKN adalah pelatihan dan pembinaan meliputi Program Blue Carbon seperti restorasi dan pelestarian ekosistem mangrove, penanaman dan pelestarian ekosistem lamun sedang Program Blue Economy seperti teknik hidroponik dari sampah plastik dan teknik vertikultur. Hasil yang dicapai dari program KKN Tematik UNG 2020 ini yakni penerapan program Blue Economy dibutuhkan guna peningkatan ketahanan ekonomi masyarakat dengan total keuntungan program sebesar Rp 4.975.000. Program hidroponik dan vertikultur berperan dalam memacu semangat masyarakat dalam mengefektifkan dan mengurangi sampah plastik yang nantinya banyak digunakan untuk teknologi hidroponik dan vertiultur. Terukurnya potensi dan kontribusi masyarakat desa melalui aksi-aksi lokal yang spesifik dalam hal upaya mitigasi iklim
Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) terhadap Persentase Naungan
Pakcoy Plant belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which is in high demand because it contains high protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. All of which are very good for health, high nutritional content and it also has good prospects for becoming a commodity with high economic value. Additionally, shade can increase the production of the pakcoy plant, which is consumed as a vegetable. This study aims to determine the growth response and yield response of the pakcoy plant. This study employs Randomized Block Design (RBD) with one faktor. shade percentage of 55%, 65%, and 75%. This study is conducted at Bulotalangi Timur Village, Bulango Timur Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, from June to July 2022. The finding of this study denotes that the growth and yield of pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) respond to shade percentage, while the provision of shade of 75% provides the best response to pakcoy plant
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Air Kelapa dan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Akar Bambu Terhadap Petumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.)
Nursery is an important factor in cocoa plant cultivation. This current research aims at finding out the effect of providing LOF from coconut water and PGPR from bamboo roots on the growth of cocoa seeds along with its interaction. The research was conducted in Makarti Jaya Village, Taluditi Subdistrict, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province, from February to April 2021. The research employs a factorial randomized block design which comprises two factors. The first factor is LOF from coconut water with three levels of treatment, namely 30 ml/1 lt, 40 ml/1 lt, and 50 ml/1 lt, whereas the second factor is PGPR from bamboo roots with three levels, namely 30 ml/1 lt, 40 ml/1 lt, and 50 ml/1 lt. In this case, each treatment is replicated three times. The parameters observed include plant height, leaf number, root length, and root number. The data analysis uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with an LSD test of 5%. The research finding reveals that the provision of LOF from coconut water and PGPR from bamboo roots has a significant effect on the growth of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) seeds which encompasses plant height, leaf number, root length, and root number. In addition, the dose of 50 ml/lt of coconut water is the best dose among the three doses used
One of the gene sources that can be used to obtain ne superior varieties is to utilize local genotypes (Landrace). This study aims to obtain the yield of local genotypes and three comparative varieties of mung beans (Vigna radiate L) in gorontalo. This research was carried out in Luhu Village, Telaga Sub-district, Gorontalo District for ± 3 months started from October to December 2018. This study applies a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 4 treatments, namely: P1 = Gorontalo local genotype, P2 = Kutilang variety, P3 = Vima variety, and P4 = Vima variety 2. The parameters observed are number of pods/samples, number of seed/samples, and weight of 1,000 dry seeds harvested (gram/plot). Data analysis uses F-test of 5% with continued by DMRT test of 5%. The finding show that the yield of local genotypes of mung bean (Landrace) from Gorontalo District in the form of the number of pods and number of seeds per sample plant is lower than Kutilang varieties, but still higher than varieties Vima 1 and Vima 2 as well as Weight of 1,000 grams of mung bean seeds Local genotipes is lower than Kutilang and Vima 2 varieties.
The Efficiency of Garlic Supply Chain Actors Measured using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Method in Karanganyar, Indonesia
One of the obstacles to the development of agribusiness is related to supply chain management. The availability of supply is the most important factor in influencing supply chain performance. Without a stable and routine supply, supply chain performance will be disrupted. Karanganyar Regency is one of the production centers of horticultural commodities, particularly garlic. This study aimed to analyze the efficiency of each garlic supply chain actor in Karanganyar Regency. The research was conducted from March to April 2019. The efficiency of each supply chain actor in this study was measured using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. Performance measurement was done through the DEA approach and the performance attributes were input and output variables. The respondents observed were 50 farmers and 13 supply chain actors working in institutions. The samples of farmers were taken using purposive sampling technique, while the samples of supply chain actors were obtained using snowball sampling. The results have shown that the most efficient supply chain actors were retailers with an efficiency value of 1 (100%), while inefficient supply chain actors were farmers with an average efficiency value of 0.709. From a total of 50 Decision Making Unit (DMU) of total farmers, 13 DMU (26%) were efficient, while 37 DMU (74%) were inefficient and further need improvements, like using certified seeds and suitable fertilizer recommendations, as well as reducing external labor during the process of maintenance, harvesting and post-harvest. Farmers are expected to have the desire to learn from referral farmers
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