103 research outputs found
The role of interactions, tunneling and harmonic confinement on the adiabatic loading of bosons in an optical lattice
We calculate entropy-temperature curves for interacting bosons in unit filled
optical lattices for both homogeneous and harmonically trapped situations, and
use them to understand how adiabatic changes in the lattice depth affect the
temperature of the system. In a translationally invariant lattice, the zero
tunneling limit facilitates a rather detailed analytic description. Unlike the
non-interacting bosonic system which is always cooled upon adiabatic loading
for low enough initial temperature, the change in the excitation spectrum
induced by interactions can lead to heating. Finite tunneling helps to reduce
this heating. Finally, we study the spatially inhomogeneous system confined in
a parabolic potential and show that the presence of the trap can significantly
reduce the final available temperature, due to the non-vanishing superfluid
component at the edge of the cloud which is present in trapped systems.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figures. Two typos in Sec.IIIA were corrected and some
references were update
Tuneable defect interactions and supersolidity in dipolar quantum gases on a lattice potential
Point defects in self-assembled crystals, such as vacancies and
interstitials, attract each other and form stable clusters. This leads to a
phase separation between perfect crystalline structures and defect
conglomerates at low temperatures. We propose a method that allows one to tune
the effective interactions between point defects from attractive to repulsive
by means of external periodic fields. In the quantum regime, this allows one to
engineer strongly-correlated many-body phases. We exemplify the microscopic
mechanism by considering dipolar quantum gases of ground state polar molecules
and weakly bound molecules of strongly magnetic atoms trapped in a weak optical
lattice in a two-dimensional configuration. By tuning the lattice depth, defect
interactions turn repulsive, which allows us to deterministically design a
novel supersolid phase in the continuum limit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Transmissive optomechanical platforms with engineered spatial defects
We investigate the optomechanical photon-phonon coupling of a single light
mode propagating through an array of vibrating mechanical elements. As recently
shown for the particular case of a periodic array of membranes embedded in a
high-finesse optical cavity [A. Xuereb, C. Genes and A. Dantan, Phys. Rev.
Lett., \textbf{109}, 223601, (2012)], the intracavity linear optomechanical
coupling can be considerably enhanced over the single element value in the
so-called \textit{transmissive regime}, where for motionless membranes the
whole system is transparent to light. Here, we extend these investigations to
quasi-periodic arrays in the presence of engineered spatial defects in the
membrane positions. In particular we show that the localization of light modes
induced by the defect combined with the access of the transmissive regime
window can lead to additional enhancement of the strength of both linear and
quadratic optomechanical couplings
Bragg spectroscopy of trapped one dimensional strongly interacting bosons in optical lattices: Probing the cake-structure
We study Bragg spectroscopy of strongly interacting one dimensional bosons
loaded in an optical lattice plus an additional parabolic potential. We
calculate the dynamic structure factor by using Monte Carlo simulations for the
Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, exact diagonalizations and the results of a recently
introduced effective fermionization (EF) model. We find that, due to the
system's inhomogeneity, the excitation spectrum exhibits a multi-branched
structure, whose origin is related to the presence of superfluid regions with
different densities in the atomic distribution. We thus suggest that Bragg
spectroscopy in the linear regime can be used as an experimental tool to unveil
the shell structure of alternating Mott insulator and superfluid phases
characteristic of trapped bosons.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
Long-range Ising and Kitaev Models: Phases, Correlations and Edge Modes
We analyze the quantum phases, correlation functions and edge modes for a
class of spin-1/2 and fermionic models related to the 1D Ising chain in the
presence of a transverse field. These models are the Ising chain with
anti-ferromagnetic long-range interactions that decay with distance as
, as well as a related class of fermionic Hamiltonians that
generalise the Kitaev chain, where both the hopping and pairing terms are
long-range and their relative strength can be varied. For these models, we
provide the phase diagram for all exponents , based on an analysis of
the entanglement entropy, the decay of correlation functions, and the edge
modes in the case of open chains. We demonstrate that violations of the area
law can occur for , while connected correlation functions can
decay with a hybrid exponential and power-law behaviour, with a power that is
-dependent. Interestingly, for the fermionic models we provide an exact
analytical derivation for the decay of the correlation functions at every
. Along the critical lines, for all models breaking of conformal
symmetry is argued at low enough . For the fermionic models we show
that the edge modes, massless for , can acquire a mass for
. The mass of these modes can be tuned by varying the relative
strength of the kinetic and pairing terms in the Hamiltonian. Interestingly,
for the Ising chain a similar edge localization appears for the first and
second excited states on the paramagnetic side of the phase diagram, where edge
modes are not expected. We argue that, at least for the fermionic chains, these
massive states correspond to the appearance of new phases, notably approached
via quantum phase transitions without mass gap closure. Finally, we discuss the
possibility to detect some of these effects in experiments with cold trapped
ions.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure
Hybrid cavity mechanics with doped systems
We investigate the dynamics of a mechanical resonator in which is embedded an
ensemble of two-level systems interacting with an optical cavity field. We show
that this hybrid approach to optomechanics allows for enhanced effective
interactions between the mechanics and the cavity field, leading for instance
to ground state cooling of the mechanics, even in regimes, like the unresolved
sideband regime, in which standard radiation pressure cooling would be
inefficient.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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