946 research outputs found
Output-Sensitive Enumeration of Potential Maximal Cliques in Polynomial Space
A set of vertices in a graph forms a potential maximal clique if there exists
a minimal chordal completion in which it is a maximal clique. Potential maximal
cliques were first introduced as a key tool to obtain an efficient, though
exponential-time algorithm to compute the treewidth of a graph. As a byproduct,
this allowed to compute the treewidth of various graph classes in polynomial
In recent years, the concept of potential maximal cliques regained interest
as it proved to be useful for a handful of graph algorithmic problems. In
particular, it turned out to be a key tool to obtain a polynomial time
algorithm for computing maximum weight independent sets in -free and
-free graphs (Lokshtanov et al., SODA `14 and Grzeskik et al., SODA `19.
In most of their applications, obtaining all the potential maximal cliques
constitutes an algorithmic bottleneck, thus motivating the question of how to
efficiently enumerate all the potential maximal cliques in a graph .
The state-of-the-art algorithm by Bouchitt\'e \& Todinca can enumerate
potential maximal cliques in output-polynomial time by using exponential space,
a significant limitation for the size of feasible instances. In this paper, we
revisit this algorithm and design an enumeration algorithm that preserves an
output-polynomial time complexity while only requiring polynomial space
Hide and mine in strings: Hardness, algorithms, and experiments
Data sanitization and frequent pattern mining are two well-studied topics in data mining. Our work initiates a study on the fundamental relation between data sanitization and frequent pattern mining in the context of sequential (string) data. Current methods for string sanitization hide confidential patterns. This, however, may lead to spurious patterns that harm the utility of frequent pattern mining. The main computational problem is to minimize this harm. Our contribution here is as follows. First, we present several hardness results, for different variants of this problem, essentially showing that these variants cannot be solved or even be approximated in polynomial time. Second, we propose integer linear programming formulations for these variants and algorithms to solve them, which work in polynomial time under realistic assumptions on the input parameters. We complement the integer linear programming algorithms with a greedy heuristic. Third, we present an extensive experimental study, using both synthetic and real-world datasets, that demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our methods. Beyond sanitization, the process of missing value replacement may also lead to spurious patterns. Interestingly, our results apply in this context as well
Demonstration of track reconstruction with FPGAs on live data at LHCb
The LHCb experiment is currently taking data with a completely renewed DAQ system, capable for the first time of performing a full real-time reconstruction of all collision events occurring at LHC point 8. The Collaboration is now pursuing a further upgrade (“LHCb Upgrade-II”), to enable the experiment to retain the same capability at luminosities an order of magnitude larger than the maximum planned for the current Run3. To this purpose, a vigorous R&D program is ongoing to boost the real-time processing capability of LHCb, needed to cope both with the luminosity increase and the adoption of correspondingly more granular and complex detectors. New heterogeneous computing solutions are being explored, with the aim of moving reconstruction and data reduction to the earliest possible stages of processing. In this talk, we describe the results obtained from a realistic demonstrator for a high-throughput reconstruction of tracking detectors, operating parasitically on real LHCb data from Run3 in a purposely-built testbed facility. This demonstrator is based on a extremely parallel, “Artificial Retina” architecture, implemented in commercial, PCIe-hosted FPGA cards interconnected by fast optical links, and encompasses a sizeable fraction of the LHCb VELO pixel detector. The implications of the results in view of potential applications in HEP are discussed
Morphology of the toe flexor muscles in older people with toe deformities
Objective: Despite suggestions that atrophied, or weak toe flexor muscles are associated with the formation of toe deformities, there has been little evidence to support this theory. This study aimed to determine whether the size of the toe flexor muscles differed in older people with and without toe deformities.
Methods: Forty-four older adults (>60 years) were recruited for the study. Each participant
had their feet assessed for the presence of hallux valgus or lesser toe deformities. Intrinsic and extrinsic toe flexor muscles were imaged with an ultrasound system using a standardised protocol. Assessor blinded muscle thickness and cross-sectional area was measured using Image J software.
Results: Participants with lesser toe deformities (n=20) were found to have significantly smaller quadratus plantae (p=0.003), flexor digitorum brevis (p=0.013), abductor halluces (p=0.004) and flexor halluces brevis (p=0.005) muscles than the participants without any toe deformities (n=19). Female participants with hallux valgus (n=10) were found to have significantly smaller abductor hallucis (p=0.048) and flexor halluces brevis (p=0.013) muscles than the female participants without any toe deformities (n=10; p<0.05).
Conclusion: This is the first study to use ultrasound to investigate the size of the toe flexor muscles in older people with hallux valgus and lesser toe deformities compared to otherwise healthy older adults. The size of the abductor hallucis and flexor hallucis brevis muscles were decreased in participants with hallux valgus whereas the quadratus plantae, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis and flexor halluces brevis muscles were smaller in those participants with lesser toe deformities
Combined search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to a bb pair using the full CDF data set
We combine the results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson based
on the full CDF Run II data set obtained from sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV p-pbar
collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron corresponding to an integrated luminosity
of 9.45/fb. The searches are conducted for Higgs bosons that are produced in
association with a W or Z boson, have masses in the range 90-150 GeV/c^2, and
decay into bb pairs. An excess of data is present that is inconsistent with the
background prediction at the level of 2.5 standard deviations (the most
significant local excess is 2.7 standard deviations).Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett (v2 contains minor updates based
on comments from PRL
Precise measurements of the properties of the B-1(5721)(0,+) and B-2*(5747)(0,+) states and observation of B-+,B-0 pi(-,+) mass structures
Invariant mass distributions of B+π− and B0π+ combinations are investigated in order to study excited B mesons. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to 3.0 fb−1 of pp collision data, recorded by the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. Precise measurements of the masses and widths of the B1(5721)0,+ and B2(5747)0,+ states are reported. Clear enhancements, particularly prominent at high pion transverse momentum, are seen over background in the mass range 5850-6000 MeV in both B+π− and B0π+ combinations. The structures are consistent with the presence of four excited B mesons, labelled BJ (5840)0,+ and BJ (5960)0,+, whose masses and widths are obtained under different hypotheses for their quantum numbers
Regional food trade and policy in West Africa in relation to structural adjustment
Drell-Yan lepton pairs are produced in the process through an intermediate boson. The lepton angular distributions are used to provide information on the electroweak-mixing parameter via its observable effective-leptonic , or . A new method to infer , or equivalently, the W-boson mass M_W, is developed and tested using a previous CDF Run II measurement of angular distributions from electron pairs in a sample corresponding to 2.1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity from collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV. The value of is found to be 0.2328 +- 0.0011. Within a specified context of the standard model, this results in = 0.2246 +- 0.0011 which corresponds to a W-boson mass of 80.297 +- 0.055 GeV/c^2, in agreement with previous determinations in electron-position collisions and at the Tevatron collider
Les droits disciplinaires des fonctions publiques : « unification », « harmonisation » ou « distanciation ». A propos de la loi du 26 avril 2016 relative à la déontologie et aux droits et obligations des fonctionnaires
The production of tt‾ , W+bb‾ and W+cc‾ is studied in the forward region of proton–proton collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.98±0.02 fb−1 . The W bosons are reconstructed in the decays W→ℓν , where ℓ denotes muon or electron, while the b and c quarks are reconstructed as jets. All measured cross-sections are in agreement with next-to-leading-order Standard Model predictions.The production of , and is studied in the forward region of proton-proton collisions collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.98 0.02 \mbox{fb}^{-1}. The bosons are reconstructed in the decays , where denotes muon or electron, while the and quarks are reconstructed as jets. All measured cross-sections are in agreement with next-to-leading-order Standard Model predictions
Multidifferential study of identified charged hadron distributions in -tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
Jet fragmentation functions are measured for the first time in proton-proton
collisions for charged pions, kaons, and protons within jets recoiling against
a boson. The charged-hadron distributions are studied longitudinally and
transversely to the jet direction for jets with transverse momentum 20 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range . The
data sample was collected with the LHCb experiment at a center-of-mass energy
of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.64 fb. Triple
differential distributions as a function of the hadron longitudinal momentum
fraction, hadron transverse momentum, and jet transverse momentum are also
measured for the first time. This helps constrain transverse-momentum-dependent
fragmentation functions. Differences in the shapes and magnitudes of the
measured distributions for the different hadron species provide insights into
the hadronization process for jets predominantly initiated by light quarks.Comment: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any
supplementary material and additional information, are available at
https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-013.html (LHCb
public pages
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