60 research outputs found
Cooling Caged Laying Hens in High-rise House by Fogging Inlet Air
Cost effective and easy-to-retrofit cooling systems are needed for heat stress relief of laying hens in the Midwest of the United States. This field study evaluates the efficacy of cooling ventilation air by high-pressure (6,893 kPa or 1,000 psi) foggers installed along the eave air inlets of a commercial high-rise layer house (100,000 Hy-Line W-98 hens). Fogging was controlled to operate when the house temperature exceeded 30°C with a concomitant relative humidity (RH) of \u3c76%. The system was able to lower the inside air temperature by up to 7°C as compared to the outside temperature, depending on outside RH. The one-year (1999) test results showed that the system has good potential to be a viable alternative cooling system for the region. Further testing of the system, particularly its longevity and maintenance requirements, is warranted
Modelo de formación basado en el enfoque humanista para fortalecer la responsabilidad social en profesionales egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la UNTRM Amazonas - 2016
La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de proponer un “MODELO DE
permita fortalecer la responsabilidad y el compromiso social de los profesionales
egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la salud de la UNTRM, Provincia de
Chachapoyas, región Amazonas.
La metodología que se empleó para el desarrollo de la investigación fue descriptiva
y propositiva, utilizando el Test para medir el nivel de responsabilidad social de los
futuros egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la salud de la UNTRM, cuyos
resultados muestran que sólo el 62.8% perciben bajo nivel de responsabilidad
social, el 25.7% refieren un nivel medio; y sólo el 11.5% mantiene un alto nivel de
responsabilidad social;
Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, la débil responsabilidad y compromiso social
se propone implementar el modelo antes citado para fortalecer el compromiso
social de los profesionales egresados de la facultad de ciencias de la salu
La neurociencia y el repensar neurofilosófico en la solución del problema cuerpo-mente
The relationship between the body and the mind has been and still is a persistent dilemma that continues today after centuries of continuous discussions. Both, philosophers, and doctors have advocated diverse theories, with a myriad of questions, and various schools of thought that seek to answer the problem. This review is based on the following question: If we understand the origins of the relationship between body and mind, would the solutions be found in the fields of neuroscience and neurophilosophy? The etymology of the terms, mainly the prefixes “neuros”’ and “psyche”, is studied to delve into the Cartesian conception of the res cogitans and the res extensive. Based on the seven steps of philosophical research, this essay attempts to elucidate the essence of this scientific and philosophical problem contrasting dualism and monism, considering the material and spiritual levels, and embracing the concept that the mind is a product of the brain.La relación entre el cuerpo y la mente ha sido y es un dilema que persiste hasta hoy tras siglos de continua discusión. Tanto los filósofos como los médicos han expuesto y defendido diversas teorías sobre este tema, planteando infinidad de interrogantes y varias escuelas de pensamiento que buscan dar respuesta al problema. Esta investigación se basa en la pregunta: Si entendemos los orígenes de la relación entre cuerpo y mente, ¿encontraríamos las soluciones en la neurociencia y la neurofilosofía?. Se estudia la etimología de los términos, principalmente los prefijos “neuros” y “psique”, para ahondar en la concepción cartesiana de la res cogitans y la res extensa. A partir de los siete pasos de la investigación filosófica, el presente ensayo propone dilucidar la esencia de este problema científico y filosófico, contrastando el dualismo y el monismo, considerando los niveles material y espiritual, y endosando el concepto de que la mente es un producto del cerebro
Calidad del servicio en la asistencia legal a las víctimas de violencia en la defensa pública de Lima, 2021
El propósito de la investigación es determinar la influencia de la calidad del
servicio en la asistencia legal a las víctimas de violencia en la Defensa Pública de
Lima, 2021. Se realizó una investigación básica, con diseño no experimental de
nivel correlacional, y se empleó como método el “Hipotético-Deductivo”. Se
consideró una muestra de 92 miembros entre usuarios y trabajadores de la Defensa
Pública de Lima. Para obtener los datos se usó la técnica de la encuesta y su
herramienta cuestionario tipo Likert para valorar la calidad de servicio, la cual
cuenta con α = 0,90 y el cuestionario sobre la asistencia legal a las víctimas α =0,90.
La prueba de hipótesis nos indicó la influencia positiva de 10,8% de la
variable independiente luego de aplicar la regresión logística ordinal. Se llegó a
determinar que la influencia de la calidad de servicio en la asistencia legal a las
víctimas en la Defensa Pública de Lima, se presentó en el nivel eficiente
El Consentimiento informado en las emergencias neuroquirúrgicas : la indicación de no reanimar y limitar el esfuerzo terapéutico
Ningún ser humano está exento enfermar en algún momento de su vida o de estar expuesto a accidentes, llevándolos a situaciones indeseables, con respuestas diferentes de acuerdo a su naturaleza, agravado por el hecho frecuente de no estar preparados para afrontar tales contingencias. Frente a estos problemas del final de la vida realizamos un estudio denominado “El Consentimiento Informado en las Emergencias Neuroquirúrgicas: La Indicación de No Reanimar y de Limitar el Esfuerzo terapéutico”. El estudio fue descriptivo prospectivo y transversal, mediante una encuesta anónima sobre la toma de decisión en una situación de opinión anticipada en el rol de enfermo y en el rol de quien lo subroga, en 251 personas mayores de edad de ambos sexos, de diferente estado civil, religión y ocupación, que asistieron a algunos hospitales de nuestra capital. Mediante un audio-video, se orientó a los entrevistados sobre el manejo en emergencias neuroquirúrgicas de enfermos en mal estado general, en coma, con alteración del patrón respiratorio, inestabilidad de las funciones vitales, de mal pronóstico por lesiones neurológicamente irreversibles confirmadas por imágenes que habiendo recibido tratamiento médico y quirúrgico, no existía posibilidades de recuperarlos. Las personas encuestadas respondieron la primera sección, relacionada a la situación presentada, la segunda, fue la parte relacionada a la propuesta del consentimiento informado y la tercera, sobre sus opiniones de la encuesta.--- No human being is exempt sick at some point in their life or being exposed to accidents, leading to undesirable situations, with different responses according to their nature, often compounded by the fact of not being prepared for such contingencies. Faced with these problems at the end of life conducted a study called "Informed Consent in Neurosurgical Emergencies: The indication Do Not Resuscitate, and limit therapeutic efforts." The prospective descriptive study was cross, through an anonymous survey on decision making in a situation of opinion early in the sick role and the role of the user subrogated in 251 elderly men and women, of different state civil religion and occupation, attending some hospitals in our capital. Using an audio-video, was directed to respondents on emergency neurosurgical management of patients in poor general condition, in a coma, with altered breathing pattern, instability of vital functions, poor prognosis neurologically irreversible injury confirmed by images having received medical and surgical treatment, there was no chance of recovery. Respondents answered the first section, related to the situation presented, the second was the proposal related to informed consent and the third, on their views of the survey.Tesi
An Instrumentation System for Studying Feeding and Drinking Behavior of Individual Poultry
This article describes an instrumentation system that was developed to study the dynamic feeding and drinking behavior of individual birds. The system, consisting of 24 feeding and drinking stations interfaced via an RS 485 communication network to a central PC, provides continuous recording of feeding and drinking events. Each feeding/drinking station includes a precision electronic balance (1210–g capacity and 0.1–g resolution) for the feeder and a temperature–controlled drinking water reservoir (1500–mL capacity and 1000– to 1500–mL operating range) whose height and thus volume was sensed with a differential pressure transducer (0 – 2.5 VDC output). The system was tested using growing broiler chickens subjected to constant or cyclic thermal conditions. Sample data are presented to demonstrate how researchers can use the system to examine and understand the effects of environmental modification on feeding and drinking behavior of individual birds. A series of subsequent studies have been planned that will use the system to investigate the interactive effects of environmental and dietary nutrition manipulations on ingestion behavior and poultry performance.total P
Heat and Moisture Production of Poultry and Their Housing Systems: Pullets and Layers
Heat and moisture production rates (HP, MP) of modern pullets and laying hens were measured using large-scale indirect calorimeters that mimic commercial production settings. The experimental birds were Hy-Line W-36 strain at 1-5, 10, 21, 37, and 64 weeks of age and Hy-Line W-98 strain at 1-5 weeks of age. Total HP (THP) was partitioned into latent and sensible HP (LHP, SHP) at bird level (excluding moisture evaporation from feces) or room level (including fecal moisture evaporation from feces). The W-98 and W-36 pullets reached their metabolic peak at about 10 and 14 days of age, respectively. The W-98 pullet showed higher THP than the W- 36 counterpart. Modern pullets have significantly higher THP (12% to 37%; P \u3c 0.05) than pullets of 20 to 50 years ago. At the initial stage of egg production, the W-36 layers showed 12% higher THP than that predicted by the CIGR (1999) model, and the difference diminished with time. Evaporation of fecal moisture elevated room LHP by 8% to 38% (average 14%) during light period and by 21% to 79% (average 43%) during dark period but reduced room SHP by 4% to 17% (average 11%) during light period and by 14% to 33% (average 22%) during dark period with reference to bird LHP or SHP. All HP responses in the dark were significantly (P\u3c0.05) reduced to various degrees (e.g., 23% to 34% for THP) as compared with those during light period. Diurnal bird and room LHP amounted to, respectively, 17% to 87% (average 47%) and 33% to 99% (average 62%) of THP for pullets and, respectively, 29% to 50% (average 39%) and 29% to 55% (average 45%) of THP for laying hens. Respiratory quotient (RQ) ranged from 0.77 to 1.18 (average 0.94) for pullets and from 0.68 to 1.02 (average 0.91) for laying hens. Regression functions that relate daily mean THP, LHP, and SHP of the bird or room to bird body mass were established. Results of this study provide an updated thermal load database for design and operation of poultry housing ventilation systems, as well as the latest bioenergetics of modern pullets and hens
Effects of Fluctuating Temperatures on Isowean Pigs
This study quantifies responses of isowean pigs (10 to 12 days of age, PIC breed) to potential in-transit temperature fluctuations for 54 h, followed by a 14-day growth period under thermoneutrality. The 54-h temperature regimens included a constant air temperature of 26.7°C (as control) and three cyclic air temperatures of 26.7 ± 2.8°C, 26.7 ± 5.6°C and 26.7 ± 8.3°C, all using woodshavings bedding atop rigid board insulation. The pigs received an average dosage of 0.91 kg/pig water replacement supply during the 54-h treatment period, and ad-libitum feeding and watering during the growth period. Pigs in all three treatments and the control had similar growth performance, physiological, and energetic responses during both treatment and growth periods. At the end of the treatment period, the pigs had elevated concentrations of hematocrit, plasma protein, blood urea nitrogen, sodium and chloride, but declined concentration of glucose (P \u3c 0.05). Potassium and bicarbonate levels remained relatively constant (P \u3e 0.05). Concentrations of the blood constituents returned to normal during the growth period. The results suggest that the isowean pigs respond well to air temperature fluctuations of up to ±8.3°C around the thermoneutral condition of 26.7°C air temperature coupled with woodshavings bedding
2,3-Diarylxanthones as potential inhibitors of Arachidonic acid metabolic pathways
In response to an inflammatory stimulus, arachidonic acid (AA), the main polyunsaturated fatty acid present in the phospholipid layer of cell membranes, is released and metabolized to a series of eicosanoids. These bioactive lipid mediators of inflammation arise physiologically through the action of the enzymes 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and cyclooxygenases (constitutive COX-1 and inducible COX-2). It is believed that dual inhibition of 5-LOX and COXs may have a higher beneficial impact in the treatment of inflammatory disorders rather than the inhibition of each enzyme. With this demand for new dual-acting anti-inflammatory agents, a range of 2,3-diarylxanthones were tested through their ability to interact in the AA metabolism. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated through the inhibition of 5-LOX-catalyzed leukotriene B4 (LTB4) formation in human neutrophils and inhibition of COX-1- and COX-2-catalyzed prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) formation in human whole blood. The results showed that some of the studied arylxanthones were able to prevent LTB4 production in human neutrophils, in a concentration-dependent manner. The xanthone with a 2-catechol was the most active one (IC50 ∼ 9 μM). The more effective arylxanthones in preventing COX-1-catalyzed PGE2 production presented IC50 values from 1 to 7 μM, exhibiting a structural feature with at least one non-substituted aryl group. All the studied arylxanthones were ineffective to prevent the formation of PGE2 catalyzed by COX-2, up to the maximum concentration of 100 μM. The ability of the tested 2,3-diarylxanthones to interact with both 5-LOX and COX-1 pathways constitutes an important step in the research of novel dual-acting anti-inflammatory drugs.Sincere thanks are expressed to Faculdade de
Farmácia da Universidade do Porto, Universidade de
Aveiro, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Fundação para
a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal), Ministério da
Educação e Ciência, European Union, FEDER, PT 2020,
[(PT2020 UID/MULTI/04378/2013 - POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007728), (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000024),
and (PTDC/QEQ-QAN/1742/2014 – POCI-01-0145-
FEDER-016530)] and QOPNA (FCT UID/QUI/00062/2013) Research Units and also to the Portuguese National
NMR Network (RNRMN). We gratefully acknowledge
Graça Porto and the nursing staff of the Centro Hospitalar
do Porto - Hospital de Santo António blood bank for the
collaboration in the recruitment of blood donors involved
in the present work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Ozone membrane contactor to intensify gas/liquid mass transfer and contaminants of emerging concern oxidation
A tubular porous borosilicate membrane contactor was investigated for ozone gas/water mass transfer and the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in water. Ozone gas/water contact occurs on the membrane shell-side, which is coated with a photocatalyst (TiO2-P25), as the ozone gas stream is fed from the lumen side and permeates through the pores generating micro-sized ozone bubbles uniformly delivered to the annular reaction zone where the contaminated water to be treated flows. Under continuous flow, water pH at 3.0 and temperature at 20 ºC, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KLa) ranged from 3.5 to 9.0 min−1 and improved with the increase of gas flow rate (QG, 1.5-fold from 0.15 to 1.0 Ndm3 min−1) and liquid flow rate (QL, 2.0-fold from 20 to 50 L h−1), due to enhanced turbulence on the membrane shell-side and annular zone. The mass transfer efficiency was more pronounced as the QG decreased and the QL increased, which is advantageous for large-scale applications. The main resistances to ozone transfer were in the water phase boundary layer (53–76%) and in the membrane (24–47%; kM = (1.14 ± 0.01) × 10−4 m s−1). For an ozone dose of 12 g m−3 and residence time of 3.9 s, removals ≥ 80% were achieved for 13 of 19 CECs spiked in demineralized water (each 10 µg L−1), demonstrating the applicability of this membrane contactor for ozonation treatment. Photocatalytic ozonation (O3/UVC/TiO2) did not significantly improve the treatment performance due to the low residence time inside the contactor.This work was financially supported by (i) Project NOR-WATER funded by INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal cooperation programme, Cross-Border North Portugal/Galizia Spain Cooperation Program (POCTEP), ref. 0725_NOR_WATER_1_P; (ii) National funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), under the project PTDC/EAM-AMB/4702/2020 (OZONE4WATER); (iii) Project “Healthy Waters – Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications”, with reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000069, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); and (iv) LA/P/0045/2020 (ALiCE), UIDB/50020/2020 and UIDP/50020/2020 (LSRE-LCM), and also UIDB/00511/2020 and UIDP/00511/2020 (LEPABE), funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). P. H. Presumido acknowledges FCT for his scholarship (SFRH/BD/138756/2018). Vítor J.P. Vilar acknowledges the FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2017 (CEECIND/01317/2017). The researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela would also like to acknowledge funding provided by Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2021/06), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación –MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (ref. PID2020-117686RB-C32) and Banco Santander and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela for the sponsorship of “outstanding researcher contract” of R. Montes.S
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