4,112 research outputs found

    Spectral Evolution Models for the Next Decade

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    Spectral evolution models are a widely used tool for determining the stellar content of galaxies. I provide a review of the latest developments in stellar atmosphere and evolution models, with an emphasis on massive stars. In contrast to the situation for low- and intermediate mass stars, the current main challenge for spectral synthesis models are the uncertainties and rapid revision of current stellar evolution models. Spectral libraries, in particular those drawn from theoretical model atmospheres for hot stars, are relatively mature and can complement empirical templates for larger parameter space coverage. I introduce a new ultraviolet spectral library based on theoretical radiation-hydrodynamic atmospheres for hot massive stars. Application of this library to star-forming galaxies at high redshift, i.e., Lyman-break galaxies, will provide new insights into the abundances, initial mass function and ages of stars in the very early universe.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in IAU Symp. 262, Stellar Populations - Planning for the Next Decade, eds. G. Bruzual & S. Charlo

    Graphs of bounded degree and the pp-harmonic boundary

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    Let pp be a real number greater than one and let GG be a connected graph of bounded degree. In this paper we introduce the pp-harmonic boundary of GG. We use this boundary to characterize the graphs GG for which the constant functions are the only pp-harmonic functions on GG. It is shown that any continuous function on the pp-harmonic boundary of GG can be extended to a function that is pp-harmonic on GG. Some properties of this boundary that are preserved under rough-isometries are also given. Now let Γ\Gamma be a finitely generated group. As an application of our results we characterize the vanishing of the first reduced ℓp\ell^p-cohomology of Γ\Gamma in terms of the cardinality of its pp-harmonic boundary. We also study the relationship between translation invariant linear functionals on a certain difference space of functions on Γ\Gamma, the pp-harmonic boundary of Γ\Gamma with the first reduced ℓp\ell^p-cohomology of Γ\Gamma.Comment: Give a new proof for theorem 4.7. Change the style of the text in the first two section

    The first LpL^p-cohomology of some finitely generated groups and pp-harmonic functions

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    Let GG be a finitely generated infinite group and let p>1p > 1. In this paper we make a connection between the first LpL^p-cohomology space of GG and pp-harmonic functions on GG. We also describe the elements in the first LpL^p-cohomology space of groups with polynomial growth, and we give an inclusion result for nonamenable groups
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