1,966 research outputs found
Implementation of analytical Hartree-Fock gradients for periodic systems
We describe the implementation of analytical Hartree-Fock gradients for
periodic systems in the code CRYSTAL, emphasizing the technical aspects of this
task. The code is now capable of calculating analytical derivatives with
respect to nuclear coordinates for systems periodic in 0, 1, 2 and 3 dimensions
(i.e. molecules, polymers, slabs and solids). Both closed-shell restricted and
unrestricted Hartree-Fock gradients have been implemented. A comparison with
numerical derivatives shows that the forces are highly accurate.Comment: accepted by Comp. Phys. Com
Does countersâ responsibility end at the margin of the marginal utility? : Reflection on âThe Marginal Utilities and Marginal Costs of Having Childrenâ by PĂ©ter MihĂĄlyi
In his article published in the 2019/4 issue of the Public Finance Quarterly, PĂ©ter MihĂĄlyi argues that in Hungary, population reduction and aging cannot be significantly reduced within national frameworks, no matter how large the amount of money by which the state tries to reduce the individual costs of childbearing is. In contrast, on the one hand, this article points out that there are realistic options for reducing the gap between the number of children desired and the number of children actually delivered, and thereby significantly increasing the fertility rate. On the other hand, the article outlines a number of factors (emigration, high rates of childlessness) that should be taken into account when designing a model for the individual utility of childbearing, and thus give families additional aspects to consider when making decisions in terms of childbearing
Measuring the Macroeconomic Performance of Public Finance Management
In international practice, the performance of public finance management is usually assessed on the basis of quality indicators of the subsystems of the public finance system. The experts of the State Audit Office of Hungary have developed an evaluation system capable of measuring the performance of public finance management on the basis of quantitative indicators and quantifying the contribution of the factors that determine performance most. This article describes this system. It also shows how the assessment system was used to analyse the risks to the ongoing reduction of Hungarian public debt
Heat potential evaluation of effluent and used thermal waters in Budapest, Hungary
Europeâs largest thermal water system can be found in the capital of Hungary. The springs and wells that supply the famous baths of Budapest discharge mainly from a regional Triassic carbonate rock aquifer system. The springs have mostly been substituted by wells; only a few natural springs are known today, most of which are drained unused into the Danube.
In this study, first the heat potential of these unutilized spring waters in the three natural discharge areas was assessed. Secondly, the heat potential of used thermal waters of three baths was calculated. At the springs discharge and temperature measurements were carried out. In the case of the baths, water management data were evaluated. At the BoltĂv Spring at the foot of RĂłzsadomb, the heat potential calculation shows that cooling the spring water to 5 °C would provide 6 MWth thermal capacity, providing a stable energy source for heat pumps. From the overflowing water of the springs of Rudas Bath at the foot of GellĂ©rt Hill, a total of 107 kWth heat could be utilized when cooling it to 5 °C, possibly by heat pump system. However, the heat potential of the BrĂŒndl Spring is not sufficient for geothermal utilization, mainly due to lack of end users in the vicinity of the spring. Together with the wastewater of the thermal baths, the effluent springs and wastewaters of pools carry a total of 25 MWth waste heat, which is a considerable amount compared to the needs of a public institution. The importance of this study is in the assessment of such potential heat sources (unused lukewarm and thermal springs, wastewater of spa pools) which are present either naturally or artificially, and do not require further thermal water production for heating purposes
Real Space Approach to Electronic-Structure Calculations
We have applied the Finite Element Method to the self-consistent electronic
structure calculations of molecules and solids for the first time. In this
approach all the calculations are performed in "real space" and the use of
non-uniform mesh is made possible, thus enabling us to deal with localized
systems with ease. To illustrate the utility of this method, we perform an
all-electron calculation of hydrogen molecule in a supercell with LDA
approximation. Our method is also applicable to mesoscopic systems.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures available on request from
[email protected]
Finding the optimum activation energy in DNA breathing dynamics: A Simulated Annealing approach
We demonstrate how the stochastic global optimization scheme of Simulated
Annealing can be used to evaluate optimum parameters in the problem of DNA
breathing dynamics. The breathing dynamics is followed in accordance with the
stochastic Gillespie scheme with the denaturation zones in double stranded DNA
studied as a single molecule time series. Simulated Annealing is used to find
the optimum value of the activation energy for which the equilibrium bubble
size distribution matches with a given value. It is demonstrated that the
method overcomes even large noise in the input surrogate data.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, iop article package include
Multiple solutions of coupled-cluster equations for PPP model of [10]annulene
Multiple (real) solutions of the CC equations (corresponding to the CCD, ACP
and ACPQ methods) are studied for the PPP model of [10]annulene, C_{10}H_{10}.
The long-range electrostatic interactions are represented either by the
Mataga--Nishimoto potential, or Pople's R^{-1} potential. The multiple
solutions are obtained in a quasi-random manner, by generating a pool of
starting amplitudes and applying a standard CC iterative procedure combined
with Pulay's DIIS method. Several unexpected features of these solutions are
uncovered, including the switching between two CCD solutions when moving
between the weakly and strongly correlated regime of the PPP model with Pople's
potential.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX
Az etnikai hovatartozĂĄs szĂĄmbavĂ©teli lehetĆsĂ©gei Ă©s szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ©ge
Keveset tudunk arrĂłl, hogy a jĂłlĂ©ti Ă©s a szegĂ©nysĂ©g elleni intĂ©zkedĂ©sek, vagy akĂĄr a nevesĂtett âromaprogramokâ milyen valĂłdi hatĂĄst gyakorolnak a cigĂĄnysĂĄg Ă©lethelyzetĂ©nek javĂtĂĄsĂĄra. MegfelelĆ felmĂ©rĂ©sek, nyilvĂĄntartĂĄsok hĂjĂĄn nem ĂĄllapĂthatĂł meg kellĆ pontossĂĄggal, hogy az intĂ©zkedĂ©sek, programok kedvezmĂ©nyezettjei között mekkora a romĂĄk arĂĄnya. A cikk kifejti azokat a cĂ©lszerƱsĂ©gi, jogi Ă©s politikai Ă©rveket, amelyek az etnikai jellegƱ adatok jogilag Ă©s szakmailag megfelelĆ szĂĄmbavĂ©tele mellett szĂłlnak. A szerzĆ rĂĄmutat, hogy e programok cĂ©lzottsĂĄgĂĄnak Ă©s eredmĂ©nyessĂ©gĂ©nek vizsgĂĄlatĂĄhoz ĂĄltalĂĄban elegendĆ a romĂĄk arĂĄnyĂĄnak megĂĄllapĂtĂĄsa a programok kĂŒlönbözĆ szakaszaiban, azaz nem szĂŒksĂ©ges szemĂ©lyenkĂ©nt nyilvĂĄntartani, hogy ki a roma nemzetisĂ©gƱ. A cikk bemutatja, milyen lehetĆsĂ©gei vannak az etnikumhoz tartozĂĄs szĂĄmbavĂ©telĂ©nek az ĂĄltalĂĄnos jĂłlĂ©ti intĂ©zkedĂ©sek, illetve a cĂ©lzott szegĂ©nysĂ©g elleni programok esetĂ©ben
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